RIP Der kaiser

Much of it is down to culture from a young age, i was brought up with football from about five, can remember the Christmas day presents of new footballs and football boots,followed my local team all my life through good and bad, in the US you probably have the same with your home sports, to me American football is boring, short bursts of action players dressed up like starship troopers, same with baseball, when i was a kid a game called rounders was played by schoolgirls, baseball looks like an adult version, basketball is ok to watch, we played the sport at school, having said that about those sports as an Englishman i don't like cricket i find it boring.
Its 100% culture. What you are brought up with. But I like baseball/rounders.
In Wales the split is football/rugby. i went to a football school. The whole area was football. But I still enjiy rugby,.
Its 100% culture. What you are brought up with. But I like baseball/rounders.
In Wales the split is football/rugby. i went to a football school. The whole area was football. But I still enjiy rugby,.
Rugby is a good sport but dangerous at times, wonder how those American footballers would go on with Rugby?
Rugby is a good sport but dangerous at times, wonder how those American footballers would go on with Rugby?
I think they would be ok.. But it would be interesting. Why is China shit at football ? And India ? Billions of people but they cant get a decent team.

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