RIP Journalist-Icon Barbara Walters, who has interviewed many presidents including Trump before he came into office, once told Khomeini he's a nutjob

You misconstrue. You do that a lot.

She did other interviews but you cited only 3 Trump interviews. Your obsession betrays what you’re really all about.
i cited Trump, Obama, and Letterman, you only talked about Trump, clearly showing who is obssessed and who is not
I responded after I saw your obsessive post numero uno, you hack.
obsessive? it was meant as a sweet tribute. i just randomly picked Trump 1st because he's the most relevant person she's ever interviewed. if you think i intended something malicious with it, you're sick!
obsessive? it was meant as a sweet tribute. i just randomly picked Trump 1st because he's the most relevant person she's ever interviewed. if you think i intended something malicious with it, you're sick!
Your obsession belies your subsequent words. Your original words belie your subsequent words.

I’m sure there’s a reason you can’t keep your stories straight. Hmmm. I wonder what that reason might be? :itsok:
Your obsession belies your subsequent words. Your original words belie your subsequent words.

I’m sure there’s a reason you can’t keep your stories straight. Hmmm. I wonder what that reason might be? :itsok:
wow, what a sicko
Your obsession belies your subsequent words. Your original words belie your subsequent words.

I’m sure there’s a reason you can’t keep your stories straight. Hmmm. I wonder what that reason might be? :itsok:
i did not say a single bad word about Trump on this thread. maybe you should read it again? why so butthurt, i wonder what the reason might be?
Typical far leftist bleeding heart liberal Jew
It seems Harry Reasoner was right about her. The View in which Waters produced is an example of Prog women being cackling hens. Hens that are dangerous empowered tools of globalism. Shallow beyond their extremist feminist drivel. I admired her many years ago for breaking into a male dominated profession. Now we know most of the female reporters if you could call them that are Prog socialist feminist hacks. A dime a dozen and not worth listening to for the truth.

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