RIP, Pete Seeger

He changed things. And he didn't just talk the talk, he lived the life.

R.I.P. Pete. Another old friend I never met.
The only music I remember playing in my house when I was young was my mother's personal "big three" - Woody, Pete and Harry (Belafonte).

I had the honor and pleasure of meeting Mr. Seeger a few years ago, while I was working in lefty politics in New York City and we got him to tape an ad for us.

This is a sad day - as much as I understand human biology, I never really thought that Pete would ever die.

I do believe I am jealous.

Pete Seeger:

I usually do a little meditation and prayer every night before I go to sleep - Just part of the routine. Last night, I decided to go visit Pete Seeger for a while, just to spend a little time together, it was around 9 PM. So I was sitting in my home in Florida, having a lovely chat with Pete, who was in a hospital in New York City. That's the great thing about thoughts and prayers- You can go or be anywhere.

I simply wanted him to know that I loved him dearly, like a father in some ways, a mentor in others and just as a dear friend a lot of the time. I'd grown up that way - loving the Seegers - Pete & Toshi and all their family.

I let him know I was having trouble writing his obituary (as I'd been asked) but it seemed just so silly and I couldn't think of anything that didn't sound trite or plain stupid. "They'll say something appropriate in the news," we agreed. We laughed, we talked, and I took my leave about 9:30 last night.

"Arlo" he said, sounding just like the man I've known all of my life, "I guess I'll see ya later." I've always loved the rising and falling inflections in his voice. "Pete," I said. "I guess we will."

I turned off the light and closed my eyes and fell asleep until very early this morning, about 3 AM when the texts and phone calls started coming in from friends telling me Pete had passed away.

"Well, of course he passed away!" I'm telling everyone this morning. "But that doesn't mean he's gone."

Pete Seeger was a true rabble rouser. He'll be missed dearly, but never be forgotten.
"In 1936, at the age of 17, Pete Seeger joined the Young Communist League (YCL), then at the height of its popularity and influence. In 1942 he became a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) itself. He eventually "drifted away" (his words) from the Party in the late 1940s and 1950s."

Be interesting to see how many conservatives do the RIP thing ignorant of who he was.

Thats the nice thing about music. Even if there is a message within that doesn't resonate with you politically, you can still enjoy the beauty in the way it is delivered.

Not so shockingly, it would figure a toolbag would turn the death of one of folks most influential players and nice guys death into to politics. Someone had to do it, right? You might as well have been the asshole for the job.

A great loss. I enjoy performing his music. I had just done so for my son's class 2nd grade, "If I had a Hammer"

Supposedly, when I was a boy he had come to hear me play. I do not know how true that is, I really did not know who he was or could appreciate who he was at the time. Nevertheless, it is part of the lore of my life and I have grown to appreciate the man, his values and perspectives.

Always loved his music.

R.I.P. Pete Seeger....:(
A true leader of the liberal cause, and my hero. Happy trails my brother. Peace, love and brotherhood forever.
Love the new avatar, Pogo.

TheDoctor did it first; I'm a copycat. Pete Seeger put Bertrand Russell on the bench, how awesome is that.

Although I have used Woody's "this machine kills fascists" in the past...

From the first day I learned to play guitar and banjo, I was playing his songs. It was a given....
Love the new avatar, Pogo.

TheDoctor did it first; I'm a copycat. Pete Seeger put Bertrand Russell on the bench, how awesome is that.

Although I have used Woody's "this machine kills fascists" in the past...

From the first day I learned to play guitar and banjo, I was playing his songs. It was a given....

On your first day I'd wager they sounded nothing like the versions Pete put forth.

Pete is now playing in the PEARLY GATES band...and if he didn't make it through the gates, there's no hope for me.
The mere fact that Pete Seeger's death has generated 1,256 comments in the Yahoo report, only 12 hours later, is testament to his stature. I agreed with some of Pete's political convictions (probably most of them), but agreeing or not, he had some major positive attributes that simply can't be dismissed, and shouldn't be overlooked. He was a World War II veteran, having served in the south Pacific. He never divorced, and maintained a marriage for 70 years. He was a fine musician. He had a happy, positive spirit that was happily infectious, even to depressed people. And he was an inspiration to everyone to get off their butts and speak out against injustice wherever you see it, and do something about it. All things considered, Pete Seeger was a credit to his country.

For me personally, Pete was an inspiration in the ways as I stated, but also musically, he was my first inspiration to becoming a musician, which I now have been since 1961, when I first started playing the banjo, the guitar, and harmonica. My instrument rack now contains a banjo, along with my 6 guitars, and mandolin and fiddle hanging on the wall.
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Maybe the good Lord just wanted a little pickin' too.

"If there's a rock and roll heaven then you know they have a hell of a band." I'll bet Jimi and Janet are jammin' to folk music today.
Aside from all his work with the Weavers and individual folkies too numerous to mention and his committed activism, Pete was responsible for a major development of one side of the banjo, creating a longer-necked version of the ancient African instrument suitable for playing in a more melodic strumming style than had been used in the 'clawhammer' more accompanying traditional style of Appalachia. So when you buy a banjo today there's another type that wasn't there before Pete Seeger, nor was the style of playing it.

And of course his instructional record got many a banjoist started. I was another one.


"To everything there is a season". We are blessed to have shared Pete's.
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Maybe the good Lord just wanted a little pickin' too.

"If there's a rock and roll heaven then you know they have a hell of a band." I'll bet Jimi and Janet are jammin' to folk music today.

"Janet" ? Janet who ?
Pete's testimony to HUAC: House Un-American Activities Committee, August 18, 1955

MR. SEEGER: I am not going to answer any questions as to my association, my philosophical or religious beliefs or my political beliefs, or how I voted in any election, or any of these private affairs. I think these are very improper questions for any American to be asked, especially under such compulsion as this. I would be very glad to tell you my life if you want to hear of it.

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