Rise of the Right, Fall of the Left in Europe


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
The tide throughout most of Europe is the diminishing of the power of left-wing parties and the ascension of anti-immigrant and the far right. Leaving Brexit and Trump aside, the eastern and central vanguard of Europe have elected parties opposed to immigration and in France and Germany, the right holds substantial influence where the left has all but vanished. Forgive the author for the last comment below, couldn't help herself.

"Czechs this weekend elected a new prime minister who heaps scorn on the European Union and says his country shouldn't have to accept a single refugee. Germany just sent a radical far-right party to parliament for the first time since the days of Adolf Hitler. And Austrians last weekend gave the anti-immigrant Freedom Party their biggest share of the vote since 1999.

Those three elections in the past month are just the latest to upend the European political order by elevating anti-establishment populists. Nationalist parties now have a toehold everywhere from Italy to Finland, raising fears the continent is backpedaling toward the kinds of policies that led to catastrophe in the first half of the last century."

Anti-immigrant forces gain ground in Europe
If White people want a high standard of living, they must keep the colored people away
All European countries have a unique culture and history. Their citizens have a right to fight to preserve what is uniquely France, England, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden etc. Muslim no go zones, Sharia law, Drive over killings, bombings are not European culture.
Either Europa will be run by Far Rights or it became a Caliphate within few decades.Unfortunately there are not any other options due to sky high stupidity of current and former european 'rulers'.. Fascism or Caliphate, nothing else.

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