Rising anti-Semitism? One in eight Americans think Jews use Holocaust to get sympathy

Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.






Here we go with the bullshit and misrepresentations. Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist. Israel is a vibrant democracy, and just like the US where you have democrats and republicans criticizing various policies, you have the same in Israel. But they aren't wishing the end of the Jewish state just as much as Dems and Repubs don't want the end of America.

As Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently said, "when people say antizionism, they mean antisemitism."




And what do think are "anti-Zionists" against?! :cuckoo:

"Martin Luther King Jr. is also attributed with having said, "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism," in response to a student who had attacked Zionism during a dinner event with Dr. King in 1968."

Actually... using the term "Zionism" as a pejorative... IS a literal demonstration of Anti-Semitism.

Any by literally....you mean according to your made up definitions? You're the poor hapless soul that told us that the 'homo' of 'homophobia' meant 'self', after all. So you citing you clearly isn't a rock solid source.
Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.






Here we go with the bullshit and misrepresentations. Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist. Israel is a vibrant democracy, and just like the US where you have democrats and republicans criticizing various policies, you have the same in Israel. But they aren't wishing the end of the Jewish state just as much as Dems and Repubs don't want the end of America.

As Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently said, "when people say antizionism, they mean antisemitism."




Sigh.....why is it that the utility and insight of a post are so often inversely proportionate to the side of the font?
The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
Having only one citizenship is hardly "throwing caution to the wind".

If these so called "liberal" Jews are really pro muslim they would denounce their israeli citizenship and stay loyal to their Western country.

I won't reply again.

Why is that necessary?
The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

That's questionable. I think you can find folks on the fringe left that take opposition to Israel to anti-semetic extremes. But I doubt those same people would be 'pro-Muslim'.

Where as rabid anti-Muslim bigotry is pretty mainstream among republicans. Shutting down mosques and making Muslims 'register' themselves are policy position of the GOP front runner.
Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.






Here we go with the bullshit and misrepresentations. Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist. Israel is a vibrant democracy, and just like the US where you have democrats and republicans criticizing various policies, you have the same in Israel. But they aren't wishing the end of the Jewish state just as much as Dems and Repubs don't want the end of America.

As Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently said, "when people say antizionism, they mean antisemitism."




And what do think are "anti-Zionists" against?! :cuckoo:

"Martin Luther King Jr. is also attributed with having said, "When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism," in response to a student who had attacked Zionism during a dinner event with Dr. King in 1968."

Then criticism of Obama is racism? I certainly don't think so....but your logic seems to demand that conclusion.
Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist.

That is not the definition. However, it is all the evidence one needs to illustrate how you have no credibility on this subject.
The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
Having only one citizenship is hardly "throwing caution to the wind".

If these so called "liberal" Jews are really pro muslim they would denounce their israeli citizenship and stay loyal to their Western country.

I won't reply again.

Why is that necessary?
It's necessary if you want the original inabitants to have homes and a life again.
Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist.

That is not the definition. However, it is all the evidence one needs to illustrate how you have no credibility on this subject.

I think Israel has every right to exist. What I (and international law) aren't simpatico with is Israel occupying territory that isn't its own. And then colonizing it.

Either annex the territory or leave. But colonizing the territory is a war crime. And utterly inconsistent with the legal basis of Israel's right to exist.
Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist.

That is not the definition. However, it is all the evidence one needs to illustrate how you have no credibility on this subject.

Existence is credibility.
There is barely a nation on earth at this moment whose existence is not being contested by someone.
One "someone" is ISIS, who is contesting anything not ISIS.
Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist.

That is not the definition, ignoramus. However, it is all the evidence one needs to illustrate how you have no credibility on this subject.
That is exactly the definition of Zionism. Anti-Zionism is disguised antisemitism. Although these days there isn't much disguising going on either.

Zionism | nationalistic movement

Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”
Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist.

That is not the definition. However, it is all the evidence one needs to illustrate how you have no credibility on this subject.

I think Israel has every right to exist. What I (and international law) aren't simpatico with is Israel occupying territory that isn't its own. And then colonizing it.

Either annex the territory or leave. But colonizing the territory is a war crime. And utterly inconsistent with the legal basis of Israel's right to exist.
The annexing of the West Bank (which Israel has every right to) is inevitable however it will take time, we are talking about decades.
My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
Having only one citizenship is hardly "throwing caution to the wind".

If these so called "liberal" Jews are really pro muslim they would denounce their israeli citizenship and stay loyal to their Western country.

I won't reply again.

Why is that necessary?
It's necessary if you want the original inabitants to have homes and a life again.
Original inhabitants. LOL. The land was Ottoman territory for the last 700 years and then fell under the control of the British, after WWI. It hasn't been Arab land for about 800 years.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
Having only one citizenship is hardly "throwing caution to the wind".

If these so called "liberal" Jews are really pro muslim they would denounce their israeli citizenship and stay loyal to their Western country.

I won't reply again.

Why is that necessary?
It's necessary if you want the original inabitants to have homes and a life again.
Original inhabitants. LOL. The land was Ottoman territory for the last 700 years and then fell under the control of the British, after WWI. It hasn't been Arab land for about 800 years.

my country has been in the control of the British for 200 years but we are not the ORIGINAL INHABITANTS.

Do you really get this emotional about it or are you deliberately being a jerk?
Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
Having only one citizenship is hardly "throwing caution to the wind".

If these so called "liberal" Jews are really pro muslim they would denounce their israeli citizenship and stay loyal to their Western country.

I won't reply again.

Why is that necessary?
It's necessary if you want the original inabitants to have homes and a life again.
Original inhabitants. LOL. The land was Ottoman territory for the last 700 years and then fell under the control of the British, after WWI. It hasn't been Arab land for about 800 years.

my country has been in the control of the British for 200 years but we are not the ORIGINAL INHABITANTS.

Do you really get this emotional about it or are you deliberately being a jerk?
Arabs aren't the original inhabitants of ancient Israel. Arabs = People from the Arabian peninsula who invaded and conquered lands and forced Islam upon the inhabitants. The land has been Jewish holy land for the last 4,000 years. But, let us know when America has been handed back to the native Americans. LOL
Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.


What's the difference in Jews using the holocaust and blacks using slavery?
Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.


What's the difference in Jews using the holocaust and blacks using slavery?
The only ones bringing up and using the holocaust are antisemites like you.
Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist.

That is not the definition. However, it is all the evidence one needs to illustrate how you have no credibility on this subject.

I think Israel has every right to exist. What I (and international law) aren't simpatico with is Israel occupying territory that isn't its own. And then colonizing it.

Either annex the territory or leave. But colonizing the territory is a war crime. And utterly inconsistent with the legal basis of Israel's right to exist.
The annexing of the West Bank (which Israel has every right to) is inevitable however it will take time, we are talking about decades.

Why? And of course, its a war crime to transfer your civilian population to territory you occupy. So the only delay seems to be to allow Israel to continue to commit this war crime.

If international law is our basis, then Israel has every right to exist. If this is just a battle royale in which international law does not apply.....then why are we involved? Either international law affirms BOTH Israel's right to exist and the criminality of civilian settlements in the occupied territories. Or it affirms neither.

I argue it affirms both. With the upholding of international law being a valid reason for the US to be involved. And a a valid reason to condemn Israeli action in colonizing the west bank.
Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.


What's the difference in Jews using the holocaust and blacks using slavery?
The only ones bringing up and using the holocaust are antisemites like you.

Did you not read the title of this thread?

"Rising anti-Semitism? One in eight Americans think Jews use Holocaust to get sympathy"

Seems I'm not the one who brought up the holocaust, MORON!!!
Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.


What's the difference in Jews using the holocaust and blacks using slavery?
The only ones bringing up and using the holocaust are antisemites like you.

Did you not read the title of this thread?

"Rising anti-Semitism? One in eight Americans think Jews use Holocaust to get sympathy"

Seems I'm not the one who brought up the holocaust, MORON!!!

Trivial detail. Hardly worth mentioning.

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