Rising anti-Semitism? One in eight Americans think Jews use Holocaust to get sympathy

one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

99% of RWnuts think liberals have too much power in the media. That's some sort of bigotry? lol

The Ideological Left IS the old Media. That's not even a debatable point Gilligan.

The Left controls the three 'Broadcast' networks, and the cable news channels. Fox News is a trojan horse, controlled by the British Progs... Yet you're so convoluted, that you believe Fox is not just "Right Wing", but the mythical EXTREME Right Wing... and that ONE channel, you feel somehow this 'proves' that "The Left doesn't have too much power in the media".

But my favorite part, was how you demonstrated intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from yout self, by claiming that another is a bigot.

ROFLMNAO! You are helpless, Gilligan.

Intolerance of idiocy is not bigotry, it's common sense.

ANOTHER demonstration of bigotry?


As a Jew I am always sickened by the bullshit I see being constantly labeled as anti-Semitism. Surveys like this are pathetic and racist, because the prevailing belief it's always that if something isn't pro Jew it's anti Jew.

The truth is that many Jews really do use the holocaust for sympathy. But what's even worse is that more often than not Jews weaponize that and any other form of sympathy our consideration, as a means of manipulation. I've seen it time and again. I've even had times when I've been told by other Jews that I effectively have an obligation to do the same things myself.

There is nothing anti-Semitic about not being pro Jew.

An atheist Jew... Which is to say a traitor to his people, their heritage and traditions and of course to God himself... speaking for Jews... .

ROFLMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up!

But it never gets old..., this evil. It's as consistent as the physical darkness.
The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
Having only one citizenship is hardly "throwing caution to the wind".

If these so called "liberal" Jews are really pro muslim they would denounce their israeli citizenship and stay loyal to their Western country.

I won't reply again.
The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
Having only one citizenship is hardly "throwing caution to the wind".

If these so called "liberal" Jews are really pro muslim they would denounce their israeli citizenship and stay loyal to their Western country.

I won't reply again.

Most of these Liberal Jews are Americans without Israeli citizenship.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.

Liberals can't even tell you what a human right IS... so what would Liberal Jews be throwing caution to the wind FOR?
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The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.
Having only one citizenship is hardly "throwing caution to the wind".

If these so called "liberal" Jews are really pro muslim they would denounce their israeli citizenship and stay loyal to their Western country.

I won't reply again.

Most of these Liberal Jews are Americans without Israeli citizenship.

There are no Liberal Americans.

Ya see scamp... Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis. It simply can't be done.
Gee, I wonder if Blacks use slavery to gain sympathy.

Yeah they gotten their own land from that sympathy. Wait, no they didn't...the only thing blacks for from that "sympathy" is that we've been granted the right to be treated like humans. Wow, such sympathy!
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.

Liberals can't even tell you what a human right IS... so what would Liberal Jews be throwing caution to the wind FOR?

Must be frustrating being you.

No... Life's fairly easy for me. But such is the case for most Americans. This being so due to our recognition of, respect for and adherence to the laws of nature that govern human behavior... and upon which America, rests.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.

Liberals can't even tell you what a human right IS... so what would Liberal Jews be throwing caution to the wind FOR?

Must be frustrating being you.

No... Life's fairly easy for me. But such is the case for most Americans. This being so due to our recognition of, respect for and adherence to the laws of nature that govern human behavior... and upon which America, rests.

And that's why you tune in Rush..because everything's so great!
An atheist Jew... Which is to say a traitor to his people, their heritage and traditions and of course to God himself... speaking for Jews...


The fuck?

1 - There are many "atheist Jews."
2 - I'm not one I'd them.
3 - I never said I was speaking for anyone other than myself.
4 - :slap:

The Cartoon is Correct states US Historian Norman G. Finkelstein

"Ten years ago this past month my book The Holocaust Industry was published. It evoked outrage from the Jewish-Holocaust-Israel establishment and marked the beginning of the end of my academic career. I lost my job at Hunter College right after its publication and Depaul University cited it as grounds for denying me tenure in 2007. Much of the outrage was directed at the chapter entitled The Double Shakedown, in which I documented the Holocaust industry's blackmail of European governments in the name of "needy Holocaust victims" and then the shakedown of Holocaust victims by the Jewish organizations that pocketed the "Holocaust compensation" monies."
Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.






Here we go with the bullshit and misrepresentations. Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist. Israel is a vibrant democracy, and just like the US where you have democrats and republicans criticizing various policies, you have the same in Israel. But they aren't wishing the end of the Jewish state just as much as Dems and Repubs don't want the end of America.

As Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently said, "when people say antizionism, they mean antisemitism."
The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.

Jews are not excluded from being delusional throughout their history. There were German Jews who also thought that supported Hitler and thought he had no ill will towards Jews.
The far left is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic and pro-Muslim. We see that plainly and clearly among the liberals on this board.

My wife's Liberal Jewish connections on Facebook are exceedingly in favor of Muslims.
Token in favour of muslims. Not exceeding.

Exceedingly irrational.
When it comes to human rights, Liberal Jews throw caution to the wind to lend a helping hand.

Jews are not excluded from being delusional throughout their history. There were German Jews who also thought that supported Hitler and thought he had no ill will towards Jews.

You can't imagine the idiot Liberals I'm conversing with on Facebook.
Well, maybe you can.
Nearly half of Americans hold anti-Semitic views, a survey has revealed. It also found that one in eight US citizens surveyed (13 percent) thought Jews used talking about the Holocaust to get sympathy.

A "Gallup" asked 3,411 US adults about their attitudes toward USA Jewish citizens. It found that 45 percent polled believed at least one anti-Semitic view presented to them was “definitely or probably true.”

Many found clichés and stereotypes about Jews to be true. One in four believed Jewish people “chase money more than others,” while one in six people felt Jews thought they were better than other people and had too much power in the media.

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA), which commissioned the study, said America was at a“tipping point” in its Annual Anti-Semitism Barometer report.

Around 6,768,855 Jewish people live in the USA, or 2.2 percent of the American population, according to CAA.

The survey also found that one in 10 people (11 percent) claimed Jews were not as honest in business as other people, while one in five believed their loyalty to Israel made US Jewish citizens less loyal to the US, and 10 percent of all surveyed said they would be unhappy if a relative married a Jewish person.

Last year, police recorded a record number of anti-Semitic attacks.






Here we go with the bullshit and misrepresentations. Jews aren't criticizing "Zionism" which is whether or not the Jewish state has a right to exist. Israel is a vibrant democracy, and just like the US where you have democrats and republicans criticizing various policies, you have the same in Israel. But they aren't wishing the end of the Jewish state just as much as Dems and Repubs don't want the end of America.

As Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently said, "when people say antizionism, they mean antisemitism."




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