Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

· Bygillian flaccus, associated press

PORTLAND, Ore. — Aug 13, 2019, 5:59 PM ET

The rally is being organized by a member of the Proud Boys, who have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Others expected include members of the American Guard, the Three Percenters, the Oathkeepers and the Daily Stormers. American Guard is a white nationalist group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, while the Three Percenters and the Oathkeepers are extremist anti-government militias. The Daily Stormers are neo-Nazis, according to the center.

Portland's fraught history with hate groups adds to the complex dynamic.

Many of today's anti-fascists trace their activist heritage to a group that battled with neo-Nazis in Portland's streets decades ago, and they feel this is the same struggle in a new era, said Randy Blazak, the leading expert on the history of hate groups in Oregon.

White supremacists murdered an Ethiopian man, Mulugeta Seraw, in Portland in 1988. And by the 1990s, Portland was known as Skinhead City because it was the home base of Volksfront, at the time one of the most active neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. As recently as 2007, neo-Nazis attempted to gather in Portland for a three-day skinhead festival.

Portland, Oregon, braces for far-right rally, counterprotest
The alt right at it again.

Yeah ANTIFA is busy out that way. I hope someone drops a cinder block on an ANTIFA fags head from the roof of some building.
So the official function of the Potland PD has been reduced to being security guards for antifa.

I get it.
If you're going to talk like a retard, I'm not wasting my time on you.

Wow, a WOKE LIBERAL using the term “RETARD”?

How very progressive of you.

It’s so funny to see hw often lefties use slurs that they accuse the right of exclusively using.

Either you are a hypocrite, or you are really a neo con.

The left hates retards. They believe they should be exterminated, along with the unborn children.
The best thing is to document the people there, and make sure they get recognized by employers, clergy, parents, etc. Whatever it takes to make them no longer viable members of society.
You mean like the guy whose picture got taken at the Charlottesville protests, spread on the front page of every news site in the country, and then complained afterward that he lost his job? I guess we all need to take responsibility for what we stand for. In their masks, it seems Antifa isn't willing to do that, though. I believe that is because some of them (maybe most of them) are anarchists with a much more malevolent agenda than out shouting the Proud Boys. Protests seem to go pretty well until the black masks show up. Then the valid protesters get smeared as fascists, etc., when it wasn't their doing.

In my book, anyone who kills nazis is a friend of this country. It's sad to say that, but nazis are not a party to the social compact, and in fact are enemies to it. As such, they deserve none of its protections.

They are not fucking nazi's.

Yep, it's the old "anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney is a Nazi" excuse.

Romney was just a Pinochetist. These people are using the same tactics, especially the street violence. The good and decent people of this country have no duty to retreat from them.

Lol, Anti-fa starts the fights. Stop lying you wanna be warrior hack.
The cops will (try to) protect everyone. If Antifa folks start violence, though, they deserve to get arrested. Lawful protest does NOT include hurting anyone.

The best thing is to document the people there, and make sure they get recognized by employers, clergy, parents, etc. Whatever it takes to make them no longer viable members of society.
You mean like the guy whose picture got taken at the Charlottesville protests, spread on the front page of every news site in the country, and then complained afterward that he lost his job? I guess we all need to take responsibility for what we stand for. In their masks, it seems Antifa isn't willing to do that, though. I believe that is because some of them (maybe most of them) are anarchists with a much more malevolent agenda than out shouting the Proud Boys. Protests seem to go pretty well until the black masks show up. Then the valid protesters get smeared as fascists, etc., when it wasn't their doing.

In my book, anyone who kills nazis is a friend of this country. It's sad to say that, but nazis are not a party to the social compact, and in fact are enemies to it. As such, they deserve none of its protections.

Wow, nice job trying to punish ThoughtCrime with death.

There is no thought-crime in the State of Nature. There is only the necessity of removing that which is noxious to humanity.

What a useless statement, from a useless poster.
You mean like the guy whose picture got taken at the Charlottesville protests, spread on the front page of every news site in the country, and then complained afterward that he lost his job? I guess we all need to take responsibility for what we stand for. In their masks, it seems Antifa isn't willing to do that, though. I believe that is because some of them (maybe most of them) are anarchists with a much more malevolent agenda than out shouting the Proud Boys. Protests seem to go pretty well until the black masks show up. Then the valid protesters get smeared as fascists, etc., when it wasn't their doing.

In my book, anyone who kills nazis is a friend of this country. It's sad to say that, but nazis are not a party to the social compact, and in fact are enemies to it. As such, they deserve none of its protections.

They are not fucking nazi's.

Yep, it's the old "anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney is a Nazi" excuse.

Romney was just a Pinochetist. These people are using the same tactics, especially the street violence. The good and decent people of this country have no duty to retreat from them.

Lol, Anti-fa starts the fights. Stop lying you wanna be warrior hack.

English proficiency much?
In my book, anyone who kills nazis is a friend of this country. It's sad to say that, but nazis are not a party to the social compact, and in fact are enemies to it. As such, they deserve none of its protections.

They are not fucking nazi's.

Yep, it's the old "anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney is a Nazi" excuse.

Romney was just a Pinochetist. These people are using the same tactics, especially the street violence. The good and decent people of this country have no duty to retreat from them.

Lol, Anti-fa starts the fights. Stop lying you wanna be warrior hack.

English proficiency much?

actual reply much?

Go back to your mom's basement.
They are not fucking nazi's.

Yep, it's the old "anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney is a Nazi" excuse.

Romney was just a Pinochetist. These people are using the same tactics, especially the street violence. The good and decent people of this country have no duty to retreat from them.

Lol, Anti-fa starts the fights. Stop lying you wanna be warrior hack.

English proficiency much?

actual reply much?

Go back to your mom's basement.

I've said my piece, and I stand by it. Go back to your Internet Research Agency cubicle.
Yep, it's the old "anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney is a Nazi" excuse.

Romney was just a Pinochetist. These people are using the same tactics, especially the street violence. The good and decent people of this country have no duty to retreat from them.

Lol, Anti-fa starts the fights. Stop lying you wanna be warrior hack.

English proficiency much?

actual reply much?

Go back to your mom's basement.

I've said my piece, and I stand by it. Go back to your Internet Research Agency cubicle.

Oh, shut the fuck up. Have you read Street Juice's newest? You have Snouter on ignore or something? These people are real and they are haters and if there are a dozen or so here (that I can think of), how many of them are there really? Not everyone who hates is on the internet, you know. There is plenty of support for these asswipes.
Counter suggestion: Why don't you shut the fuck up?
Yes. There are Nazis behind every rock and tree...just like there are little Antifa vermin and their supporters everywhere.

Nazis are repudiated by everyone but Nazis themselves and their enablers ( a scant group despite what your paranoia insists).

They are only able to stick their heads above ground at all
without getting them kicked in because they form the only counter to progressive Communist/ anarchist scum that have proliferated in the last few years like mold on an old piece of bread.
Why, it's almost as if someone is backing these two groups hoping it will inflame the entire nation. Sounds like you've bought into the game.

Nazis only have the power you give them by paying attention to them and peeing in your big granny panties over the thought of them. Who gave you the authority to declare you can kill the people you don't like? That's anti democratic fascism pure
and simple. Go take a nap.
Last edited:
Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

· Bygillian flaccus, associated press

PORTLAND, Ore. — Aug 13, 2019, 5:59 PM ET

The rally is being organized by a member of the Proud Boys, who have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Others expected include members of the American Guard, the Three Percenters, the Oathkeepers and the Daily Stormers. American Guard is a white nationalist group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, while the Three Percenters and the Oathkeepers are extremist anti-government militias. The Daily Stormers are neo-Nazis, according to the center.

Portland's fraught history with hate groups adds to the complex dynamic.

Many of today's anti-fascists trace their activist heritage to a group that battled with neo-Nazis in Portland's streets decades ago, and they feel this is the same struggle in a new era, said Randy Blazak, the leading expert on the history of hate groups in Oregon.

White supremacists murdered an Ethiopian man, Mulugeta Seraw, in Portland in 1988. And by the 1990s, Portland was known as Skinhead City because it was the home base of Volksfront, at the time one of the most active neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. As recently as 2007, neo-Nazis attempted to gather in Portland for a three-day skinhead festival.

Portland, Oregon, braces for far-right rally, counterprotest
The alt right at it again.

It will be interesting to hear Clyde Lewis' report on this from Ground Zero Media. Mr. Lewis is a sharp analyst who gets to the bottom of this kind of event and he's right there is Portland.
Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

· Bygillian flaccus, associated press

PORTLAND, Ore. — Aug 13, 2019, 5:59 PM ET

The rally is being organized by a member of the Proud Boys, who have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Others expected include members of the American Guard, the Three Percenters, the Oathkeepers and the Daily Stormers. American Guard is a white nationalist group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, while the Three Percenters and the Oathkeepers are extremist anti-government militias. The Daily Stormers are neo-Nazis, according to the center.

Portland's fraught history with hate groups adds to the complex dynamic.

Many of today's anti-fascists trace their activist heritage to a group that battled with neo-Nazis in Portland's streets decades ago, and they feel this is the same struggle in a new era, said Randy Blazak, the leading expert on the history of hate groups in Oregon.

White supremacists murdered an Ethiopian man, Mulugeta Seraw, in Portland in 1988. And by the 1990s, Portland was known as Skinhead City because it was the home base of Volksfront, at the time one of the most active neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. As recently as 2007, neo-Nazis attempted to gather in Portland for a three-day skinhead festival.

Portland, Oregon, braces for far-right rally, counterprotest
The alt right at it again.
Two fascist groupes meeting head-on I don't give a damn
You wouldn't believe the amount of media in town tonight !!
They are absolutely expecting riots. This is getting so fucking out of hand, god knows what it's going to be like around here by this time tomorrow.

I'm hoping this ends up being the biggest dud this town has ever seen.
Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

· Bygillian flaccus, associated press

PORTLAND, Ore. — Aug 13, 2019, 5:59 PM ET

The rally is being organized by a member of the Proud Boys, who have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Others expected include members of the American Guard, the Three Percenters, the Oathkeepers and the Daily Stormers. American Guard is a white nationalist group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, while the Three Percenters and the Oathkeepers are extremist anti-government militias. The Daily Stormers are neo-Nazis, according to the center.

Portland's fraught history with hate groups adds to the complex dynamic.

Many of today's anti-fascists trace their activist heritage to a group that battled with neo-Nazis in Portland's streets decades ago, and they feel this is the same struggle in a new era, said Randy Blazak, the leading expert on the history of hate groups in Oregon.

White supremacists murdered an Ethiopian man, Mulugeta Seraw, in Portland in 1988. And by the 1990s, Portland was known as Skinhead City because it was the home base of Volksfront, at the time one of the most active neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. As recently as 2007, neo-Nazis attempted to gather in Portland for a three-day skinhead festival.

Portland, Oregon, braces for far-right rally, counterprotest
The alt right at it again.

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