Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

· Bygillian flaccus, associated press

PORTLAND, Ore. — Aug 13, 2019, 5:59 PM ET

The rally is being organized by a member of the Proud Boys, who have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Others expected include members of the American Guard, the Three Percenters, the Oathkeepers and the Daily Stormers. American Guard is a white nationalist group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, while the Three Percenters and the Oathkeepers are extremist anti-government militias. The Daily Stormers are neo-Nazis, according to the center.

Portland's fraught history with hate groups adds to the complex dynamic.

Many of today's anti-fascists trace their activist heritage to a group that battled with neo-Nazis in Portland's streets decades ago, and they feel this is the same struggle in a new era, said Randy Blazak, the leading expert on the history of hate groups in Oregon.

White supremacists murdered an Ethiopian man, Mulugeta Seraw, in Portland in 1988. And by the 1990s, Portland was known as Skinhead City because it was the home base of Volksfront, at the time one of the most active neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. As recently as 2007, neo-Nazis attempted to gather in Portland for a three-day skinhead festival.

Portland, Oregon, braces for far-right rally, counterprotest
The alt right at it again.

The “Southern Poverty Law Center” is a hate group.

I'm sure you think so.
So the official function of the Potland PD has been reduced to being security guards for antifa.

I get it.

No the alt right.

The Portland Police defending the alt right? They don't even defend the conservatives or the moderates. They've been letting Antifa beat peoples' asses in the street around this city for a year plus, now. Do your homework before you say dumb shit.

If the PPD had been defending ANYBODY from these radical communist jackasses, the right wingers probably wouldn't feel the need to show up for an armed rally. Allowing left wing radicals to run wild is creating right wing radicals. Congrats, dipshits.
The Portland PD is on stand down orders when Antifa thugs go around beating and harassing people.
When the FBI called the Portland mayor to request protection from Antifa assault of their offices they
were told to get lost. Same with ICE.

The nasty little vermin in Antifa are protected by the mayor of Portland.
This is how Germany sees groups like the Proud Boys:

“Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.” This is the clear mandate in Article 1 of the German Basic Law, in which Germany acknowledges “inviolable and inalienable human rights” as “the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world”.

Germany doesn't allow these pond scum to hold rallies. They don't arrest them, either, for being pond scum, but they don't allow them to voice their opinions PUBLICLY. Have a barbecue in your backyard and say what you like to your friends. Rant and rave in front of your tv.

I like it that respect for human dignity comes before the extreme exercise of an individual right.

That's just me.

Wow, Germany punishing fascists by being fascist.
Strange how when students peacefully assemble they get out the riot gas. But when worthless Nazis show up they protect them. Tells you all you need to know about cops.
Strange how when students peacefully assemble they get out the riot gas. But when worthless Nazis show up they protect them. Tells you all you need to know about cops.
The cops will (try to) protect everyone. If Antifa folks start violence, though, they deserve to get arrested. Lawful protest does NOT include hurting anyone.
This is how Germany sees groups like the Proud Boys:

“Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.” This is the clear mandate in Article 1 of the German Basic Law, in which Germany acknowledges “inviolable and inalienable human rights” as “the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world”.

Germany doesn't allow these pond scum to hold rallies. They don't arrest them, either, for being pond scum, but they don't allow them to voice their opinions PUBLICLY. Have a barbecue in your backyard and say what you like to your friends. Rant and rave in front of your tv.

I like it that respect for human dignity comes before the extreme exercise of an individual right.

That's just me.

Wow, Germany punishing fascists by being fascist.
Wow. Germany prioritizing human dignity for ALL its citizens. Sounds just like Hitler to me. LOL
This is how Germany sees groups like the Proud Boys:

“Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.” This is the clear mandate in Article 1 of the German Basic Law, in which Germany acknowledges “inviolable and inalienable human rights” as “the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world”.

Germany doesn't allow these pond scum to hold rallies. They don't arrest them, either, for being pond scum, but they don't allow them to voice their opinions PUBLICLY. Have a barbecue in your backyard and say what you like to your friends. Rant and rave in front of your tv.

I like it that respect for human dignity comes before the extreme exercise of an individual right.

That's just me.

Wow, Germany punishing fascists by being fascist.
Wow. Germany prioritizing human dignity for ALL its citizens. Sounds just like Hitler to me. LOL

How is forcing someone to hide their viewpoint "human dignity"?

Sorry, but in the real world your feeewings aren't a protected right.
This is how Germany sees groups like the Proud Boys:

“Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.” This is the clear mandate in Article 1 of the German Basic Law, in which Germany acknowledges “inviolable and inalienable human rights” as “the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world”.

Germany doesn't allow these pond scum to hold rallies. They don't arrest them, either, for being pond scum, but they don't allow them to voice their opinions PUBLICLY. Have a barbecue in your backyard and say what you like to your friends. Rant and rave in front of your tv.

I like it that respect for human dignity comes before the extreme exercise of an individual right.

That's just me.

Wow, Germany punishing fascists by being fascist.
Wow. Germany prioritizing human dignity for ALL its citizens. Sounds just like Hitler to me. LOL

How is forcing someone to hide their viewpoint "human dignity"?

Sorry, but in the real world your feeewings aren't a protected right.
There is nothing "dignified" about hate speech. It has nothing to do with "feelings." It stereotypes massive numbers of people into a "group" based on superficial factors like skin color or religion, and then it strips them of their dignity. That is ignorant. We all need to be accepted as individuals, not as some cartoon figure cooked up by people who think they're superior.
Let the mouth-breathers do their little rally, chant a few ignorant chants, and go home. Ignore them.

Counter-protestors don't have to show up. If violence happens, and might well be on them, too.

I've been trying to pound it into the heads of Rose City Antifa here, that they are being baited by the pro-gun, flag, etc people.
Each time they hold a rally, Antifa shows up, gets violent, and gives the other side all kinds of free publicity.

Just stay away and let the rally goers have their gathering, and their would be little attention.

But no, Rose City Antifa, calls it the "battle for Portland", and they'll show up, get violent and turn this into a national story.

They've just about ruined all downtown businesses, as more and more people stay away.

We are hoping wearing masks are outlawed here. If so, these chicken-shit Antifa pieces of shit will turn into cowards who are afraid to show their faces.
This is how Germany sees groups like the Proud Boys:

“Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.” This is the clear mandate in Article 1 of the German Basic Law, in which Germany acknowledges “inviolable and inalienable human rights” as “the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world”.

Germany doesn't allow these pond scum to hold rallies. They don't arrest them, either, for being pond scum, but they don't allow them to voice their opinions PUBLICLY. Have a barbecue in your backyard and say what you like to your friends. Rant and rave in front of your tv.

I like it that respect for human dignity comes before the extreme exercise of an individual right.

That's just me.

Wow, Germany punishing fascists by being fascist.
Wow. Germany prioritizing human dignity for ALL its citizens. Sounds just like Hitler to me. LOL

How is forcing someone to hide their viewpoint "human dignity"?

Sorry, but in the real world your feeewings aren't a protected right.
There is nothing "dignified" about hate speech. It has nothing to do with "feelings." It stereotypes massive numbers of people into a "group" based on superficial factors like skin color or religion, and then it strips them of their dignity. That is ignorant. We all need to be accepted as individuals, not as some cartoon figure cooked up by people who think they're superior.

There is nothing dignified about the government getting to decide which speech is proper, and which speech isn't.

Sorry, but I would rather have to listen to the rantings of some neo-nazi asshole, or some soy-boy/girl hybrid genderbender then let government get to decide who can speak, and who can't.
Let the mouth-breathers do their little rally, chant a few ignorant chants, and go home. Ignore them.

Counter-protestors don't have to show up. If violence happens, and might well be on them, too.

I've been trying to pound it into the heads of Rose City Antifa here, that they are being baited by the pro-gun, flag, etc people.
Each time they hold a rally, Antifa shows up, gets violent, and gives the other side all kinds of free publicity.

Just stay away and let the rally goers have their gathering, and their would be little attention.

But no, Rose City Antifa, calls it the "battle for Portland", and they'll show up, get violent and turn this into a national story.

They've just about ruined all downtown businesses, as more and more people stay away.

We are hoping wearing masks are outlawed here. If so, these chicken-shit Antifa pieces of shit will turn into cowards who are afraid to show their faces.
I don't know what in the world they think they're accomplishing.

Maybe they like the idea of making things even worse, who knows.
This is how Germany sees groups like the Proud Boys:

“Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.” This is the clear mandate in Article 1 of the German Basic Law, in which Germany acknowledges “inviolable and inalienable human rights” as “the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world”.

Germany doesn't allow these pond scum to hold rallies. They don't arrest them, either, for being pond scum, but they don't allow them to voice their opinions PUBLICLY. Have a barbecue in your backyard and say what you like to your friends. Rant and rave in front of your tv.

I like it that respect for human dignity comes before the extreme exercise of an individual right.

That's just me.

Wow, Germany punishing fascists by being fascist.
Wow. Germany prioritizing human dignity for ALL its citizens. Sounds just like Hitler to me. LOL

How is forcing someone to hide their viewpoint "human dignity"?

Sorry, but in the real world your feeewings aren't a protected right.
There is nothing "dignified" about hate speech. It has nothing to do with "feelings." It stereotypes massive numbers of people into a "group" based on superficial factors like skin color or religion, and then it strips them of their dignity. That is ignorant. We all need to be accepted as individuals, not as some cartoon figure cooked up by people who think they're superior.

There is no such thing as hate speech. It's a Democrat construct meant to ward off criticism. Nothing more.
Strange how when students peacefully assemble they get out the riot gas. But when worthless Nazis show up they protect them. Tells you all you need to know about cops.
The cops will (try to) protect everyone. If Antifa folks start violence, though, they deserve to get arrested. Lawful protest does NOT include hurting anyone.

The best thing is to document the people there, and make sure they get recognized by employers, clergy, parents, etc. Whatever it takes to make them no longer viable members of society.
Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

· Bygillian flaccus, associated press

PORTLAND, Ore. — Aug 13, 2019, 5:59 PM ET

The rally is being organized by a member of the Proud Boys, who have been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Others expected include members of the American Guard, the Three Percenters, the Oathkeepers and the Daily Stormers. American Guard is a white nationalist group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, while the Three Percenters and the Oathkeepers are extremist anti-government militias. The Daily Stormers are neo-Nazis, according to the center.

Portland's fraught history with hate groups adds to the complex dynamic.

Many of today's anti-fascists trace their activist heritage to a group that battled with neo-Nazis in Portland's streets decades ago, and they feel this is the same struggle in a new era, said Randy Blazak, the leading expert on the history of hate groups in Oregon.

White supremacists murdered an Ethiopian man, Mulugeta Seraw, in Portland in 1988. And by the 1990s, Portland was known as Skinhead City because it was the home base of Volksfront, at the time one of the most active neo-Nazi groups in the U.S. As recently as 2007, neo-Nazis attempted to gather in Portland for a three-day skinhead festival.

Portland, Oregon, braces for far-right rally, counterprotest
The alt right at it again.
At it again? One guy was killed in Portland 31 years ago. Did that happen again in 2019?
This is how Germany sees groups like the Proud Boys:

“Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.” This is the clear mandate in Article 1 of the German Basic Law, in which Germany acknowledges “inviolable and inalienable human rights” as “the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world”.

Germany doesn't allow these pond scum to hold rallies. They don't arrest them, either, for being pond scum, but they don't allow them to voice their opinions PUBLICLY. Have a barbecue in your backyard and say what you like to your friends. Rant and rave in front of your tv.

I like it that respect for human dignity comes before the extreme exercise of an individual right.

That's just me.

Wow, Germany punishing fascists by being fascist.
Wow. Germany prioritizing human dignity for ALL its citizens. Sounds just like Hitler to me. LOL

How is forcing someone to hide their viewpoint "human dignity"?

Sorry, but in the real world your feeewings aren't a protected right.
There is nothing "dignified" about hate speech. It has nothing to do with "feelings." It stereotypes massive numbers of people into a "group" based on superficial factors like skin color or religion, and then it strips them of their dignity. That is ignorant. We all need to be accepted as individuals, not as some cartoon figure cooked up by people who think they're superior.

Tell the label loving Democrat Party this!

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