LOL! Antifa Terrorists Smash Up Portland Democrat Party Office

Gateway Pundit with yet another bogus headline. We don't know who these vandals were. Cut it with the AntiFa garbage until we know who those arrested are. My guess is Anarchists, Proud Boys or Boogaloo Boys. "Fuck Biden" graffiti on wall? Cool, at least we know they weren't fans of Biden. Your team most likely.

Funny, isn't it even California press and local networks are reporting the terrorist action of Antifa. Your claims and accusations against the right are duly noted and found to be the lie perpetrated by the ideologically comprimised Commie Left.

Gateway Pundit with yet another bogus headline. We don't know who these vandals were. Cut it with the AntiFa garbage until we know who those arrested are. My guess is Anarchists, Proud Boys or Boogaloo Boys. "Fuck Biden" graffiti on wall? Cool, at least we know they weren't fans of Biden. Your team most likely.
This is hysterical. Now we can add “boogaloo boys” (whoever they are” and the proud boys to the leftists list of bogey men. I wonder how all the “white supremacists” will feel not getting credit for all the violence anymore?
The proud boys rioting... lol. You’ve go to be kidding me.
I get it, you’re a liberal. We don’t agree in policy. But for gods sake, get a grip on reality. The people rioting are the same leftist assholes who have been rioting all year. Antifa, anarchists, etc.
Boogaloo bots and the proud boys.... ahhhhh man.

Beefy Boy is a know-nothing assclown, but we've known that for eons! ;-)

Not one of the articles you posted refer to the Oregon Democrat Party office being attacked by Antifa.
This is hysterical. Now we can add “boogaloo boys” (whoever they are” and the proud boys to the leftists list of bogey men. I wonder how all the “white supremacists” will feel not getting credit for all the violence anymore?
The proud boys rioting... lol. You’ve go to be kidding me.
I get it, you’re a liberal. We don’t agree in policy. But for gods sake, get a grip on reality. The people rioting are the same leftist assholes who have been rioting all year. Antifa, anarchists, etc.
Boogaloo bots and the proud boys.... ahhhhh man.

Either that or the Bernie Bros made good on their pledge to be extremely pissed if Joe Biden wins.
I mean Senator Sanders threw his hat in with Joe Biden, but the Bernie Bros were still pissed that the Democrats decided to pick the wrong old white dude.

The democrat party must of cut their funding. Now they will see how looney they are.
I hear you're some pest from NZ living in Australia

Any reason Americans should listen to you? Other than you think so?

Go away, you have no standing here

Had Rump won, I indeed might have moved to Australia or New Zealand. Beautiful countries!
Don't talk to me about "no standing" honey. You've fallen on your face around here too many times to go there. ;-)
Blaming vandalism on the Proud Boys is preposterous. :cuckoo:

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