Rittenhouse hit by another Lawsuit

All right MAGA gofunders, break pit your check books. He is going to need it.
I imagine the third shootees relatives will sue too.
They could sue claiming Rittenhouse was looking for trouble, however any idiot that was there was looking for trouble.
You're mad at something. Usually, with white wingers, it's anger at the rest of the world for their own failure.
I'm happy as a clam son. I don't know where you get these ideas.

I'd hate to be a young man right now.

I don't think we're on a good trajectory.

But I don't expect that to affect me at this point...and my kids are pretty well set up for themselves.

Plus...I repaired my furnace yesterday and likely saved myself $500.

So that has me feeling pretty good.

How bout you.

Why are you so mad all the time?
He was in a crowd.

Its a civil suit. Discovery probably hasn',t started.
We have a lawyer in the badlands, I was doing some cursory probing, and asked her advice on this.

IMO? The thrust of this, will mostly be on the police department. They were the ones responsible for calling in folks to help, and letting vigilante types, and militia types assist with crowd control, and not doing anything to intervene, if, anything does come of this.. . .

The MSM, is using Kyle's being named in the suit, mostly, and most probably, as click bait. He will, more than likely, be a minor player in the suit. If at all.

I might have the wrong link, but it appears, to just be click bait.


"Wow, thanks.

"Plaintiff Gaige Grosskreutz, by and through his attorneys, Kimberley Cy. Motley of
Motley Legal Services and E. Milo Schwab of Ascend Counsel, LLC, respectfully alleges for his
Complaint and Jury Trial Demand as follows:"

When I looked it up? It seems these news organizations are including Kyle's name in the suit, and he isn't even named. . . unless I am missing something?

It seems they are including it, just to get readers. . . Click bait?



We have a lawyer in the badlands, I was doing some cursory probing, and asked her advice on this.

IMO? The thrust of this, will mostly be on the police department. They were the ones responsible for calling in folks to help, and letting vigilante types, and militia types assist with crowd control, and not doing anything to intervene, if, anything does come of this.. . .

The MSM, is using Kyle's being named in the suit, mostly, and most probably, as click bait. He will, more than likely, be a minor player in the suit. If at all.

I might have the wrong link, but it appears, to just be click bait.
View attachment 759908
View attachment 759909

"Wow, thanks.

"Plaintiff Gaige Grosskreutz, by and through his attorneys, Kimberley Cy. Motley of
Motley Legal Services and E. Milo Schwab of Ascend Counsel, LLC, respectfully alleges for his
Complaint and Jury Trial Demand as follows:"

When I looked it up? It seems these news organizations are including Kyle's name in the suit, and he isn't even named. . . unless I am missing something?

It seems they are including it, just to get readers. . . Click bait?



Someone posted the Amended lawsuit.

He is, indeed named.


Yes mass shooters do that. In texas he would have been dropped.

Yes, you support his murder.

I have to ask, though, have you ever had a job? I mean a real job and not living off your parents or working for the government. Did your parents have jobs? How about your friends if you have any -- have they ever had jobs?

The reason I ask is that your hero, here, travelled to Kenosha for the purpose of DEPRIVING people of their jobs. I realize you have great difficulty understanding much of anything at all, but when your hero is successful in burning down a business, not only the business owner, but the employees are deprived of their livelihood, and for what? They had nothing to do with the action that prompted the terrorism you support. The are completely innocent, yet you support destroying their ability to earn a living simply because you are too stupid to figure out that taking out vengeance on a person totally unrelated to your gripe is not an act of "social justice". It is quite the opposite in fact, as it represents a social INJUSTICE.

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