Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder in a court of law. As far as the law was concerned, he didn't do it. He was innocent. It was as though he was never even there.
Still, Simpson was ordered to pay Ron Goldman's family over $33 million dollars after losing a civil suit against him.

Rittenhouse can very easily lose a civil trial...
The reason OJ lost the civil trial is the actual evidence was overwhelming against him. The evidence in the Rittenhouse trial was overwhelmingly FOR him.
You have no fucking idea what he wants....You're barely sentient enough to have a vague idea of what's rattling around your own empty cranium, let alone be a mind reader of someone else.

Look at the contraditions.. He's admires Trump, supports BLM, drinks with Proud Boys and attacks QAnon.
LOLOL.....Off toplc sorry

I've been calling you a fucking ass hole for durn near 20 yrs now Spews

Only difference is you are 20 times the stupid you used to be......................I think you're ready for the glue factory son.
spews is lock step inline with his evil communist overlords . even with video evidence showing the kid being chased and assaulted the he will side with what his party spouts ! the stupidity of their voting base is the democrat parties greatest strength .
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He doesn't have to wait, that was established in the Clinton and Trump presidencies. A sitting president can be sued for actions taken prior to being elected.

How many depositions did Trump give as the sitting president?
He would still have to convince the civil court jury he acted in self defense.
No, that’s already been established. It’s now a legal fact. OJ never claimed self defense, he claimed he didn’t murder two people. The evidence proved that he did and he could no longer afford his dream team of lawyers to baffle the jury with bullshit that had nothing to do with the evidence or the crime.
The idea that the deaths being "wrongful" preclude civil suit is laughable.

Again, OJ Simpson was ordered to pay $33,000,000 to the family of the man he was acquitted of murdering...
unlike the oj trial there is video proving Rittenhouse defending himself ! if it werent for said video evidence the kid would have been sol with the lying and slander from people that vote dem !
Simpson’s lawyers created doubt about one specific piece of evidence and a biased jury used that as an excuse to suggest reasonable doubt for the entire case.
Completely different scenario.
OJ’s acquittal is more comparable to Biden’s election.
We need a civil suit against Biden’s election theft.
“If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit”. Does that sound familiar to our anti-Kyle posters? Letting OJ put on the glove was one of Judge Lance Ito’s many mistakes in that trial. The glove had been wet and leather gloves shrink when they have been wet. Ito let the defense get away with murder in the criminal trial.
“If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit”. Does that sound familiar to our anti-Kyle posters? Letting OJ put on the glove was one of Judge Lance Ito’s many mistakes in that trial. The glove had been wet and leather gloves shrink when they have been wet. Ito let the defense get away with murder in the criminal trial.

I am not anti-Kyle, I agreed with the verdict. Just pointing out there is precedent for civil trials to not go the way of criminal ones.

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