Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

And Simpson had a court verdict saying he didn't kill anyone...

It wasn't an affirmative defense by OJ. Rittenhouse convinced a jury he acted in self defense, which is a huge thing in a civil wrongful death case, because it shows the deaths were not wrongful.

Nicole and waiter were wrongfully killed, the two Anti-fuh idiots were not.
It wasn't an affirmative defense by OJ. Rittenhouse convinced a jury he acted in self defense, which is a huge thing in a civil wrongful death case, because it shows the deaths were not wrongful.

Nicole and waiter were wrongfully killed, the two Anti-fuh idiots were not.

And Simpson convinced a jury he had nothing to do with the murders.

It's fascinating to me that the similarities are being missed...
It wasn't an affirmative defense by OJ. Rittenhouse convinced a jury he acted in self defense, which is a huge thing in a civil wrongful death case, because it shows the deaths were not wrongful.

He would still have to convince the civil court jury he acted in self defense.
Why would they settle, they both can use the Carlson/Maddow defense. It seems to be failproof.
Depends on how much they want to stay entrenched with the entire matter, and for how many years. I myself was wronged when I was in my 50s, the “wronging party” made me a moderate offer not to sue, and I decided to just take it and get on with my life. (It wasn’t a fortune, but enough for me to retire a year ahead of schedule.)
And Simpson convinced a jury he had nothing to do with the murders.

It's fascinating to me that the similarities are being missed...

Again, his defense was able to say he didn't do it, the deaths were still wrongful. someone killed them illegally.

Rittenhouse has a jury verdict saying he lawfully killed the two, and lawfully wounded the 3rd. And that is admissible in civil court.
Judging by his life to this point, he has a strong penchant for serving others.

I'd lay odds that he'll take a fair portion of any money he gets, and either build a foundation or use it to support existing service organizations.
Yes, that’s the way he might go. It will be interesting to see what he does with the money he gets.
He would still have to convince the civil court jury he acted in self defense.

He has a criminal jury saying he did, and they had to do it with a higher burden of proof.

Even if the families of the idiots got a sympathetic jury it would be overturned on appeal.
Depends on how much they want to stay entrenched with the entire matter, and for how many years. I myself was wronged when I was in my 50s, the “wronging party” made me a moderate offer not to sue, and I decided to just take it and get on with my life. (It wasn’t a fortune, but enough for me to retire a year ahead of schedule.)

It is a quick and easy and so far 100% effective defense. I think it will be all the rage now in all of these sorts of suits.
He has a criminal jury saying he did, and they had to do it with a higher burden of proof.

Even if the families of the idiots got a sympathetic jury it would be overturned on appeal.

The state had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt it was not self defense. That will not exist in the civil suit. He will have to show that it was self defense and that his actions did not lead to the situation.
And Simpson convinced a jury he had nothing to do with the murders.

It's fascinating to me that the similarities are being missed...
Simpson’s lawyers created doubt about one specific piece of evidence and a biased jury used that as an excuse to suggest reasonable doubt for the entire case.
Completely different scenario.
OJ’s acquittal is more comparable to Biden’s election.
We need a civil suit against Biden’s election theft.
Will be laughed out of court without as much as a hearing.

What will happen is Rittenhouse being sued for wrongful death, and those families have a solid case.
Except they don’t. As I understand Wisconsin law, they can’t even file a suit. They have no standing since their family members were involved in assaults at the time of their death. Of course, that’s just attorneys opinion.
Simpson’s lawyers created doubt about one specific piece of evidence and a biased jury used that as an excuse to suggest reasonable doubt for the entire case.
Completely different scenario.
OJ’s acquittal is more comparable to Biden’s election.
We need a civil suit against Biden’s election theft.

Simpson’s lawyers created doubt about one specific piece of evidence and a biased jury used that as an excuse to suggest reasonable doubt for the entire case.
Completely different scenario.
OJ’s acquittal is more comparable to Biden’s election.
We need a civil suit against Biden’s election theft.

Again, his defense was able to say he didn't do it, the deaths were still wrongful. someone killed them illegally.

Rittenhouse has a jury verdict saying he lawfully killed the two, and lawfully wounded the 3rd. And that is admissible in civil court.

Well, I guess we'll find out...
OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder in a court of law. As far as the law was concerned, he didn't do it. He was innocent. It was as though he was never even there.
Still, Simpson was ordered to pay Ron Goldman's family over $33 million dollars after losing a civil suit against him.

Rittenhouse can very easily lose a civil trial...

The two cases are apples and oranges.

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