Ritter (D) Rhymes with Quitter... CO Gov. to Avoid Buttkicking this Fall

Trailing by upwards of 10 and Rittered with Scandal that the Media was Trying VERY Hard to Ignore...

Colorado had an Affair with the DemocRATS... It's Over.

We got a Shot for the Clap and we will Recover.


9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | Colorado Governor Bill Ritter not running for re-election

^Don't let the Door hit ya, where the Good Lord Split ya!...

The Purple State will be Red again After November.

And I am Certain this will be a "Spend More Time with Family" or a "Health Issues" Reason.



Yesssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!! The liberal dems are dropping out like flies, they know there is not a snow balls chance in hell of being re-elected. I am waiting to see what Democrat Senator Bennet is going to do. He's toast and has got to be shaking in his boots to see all the retirements and won't run agains in the country. I can't wait to pull the lever for former Lt Governor Gail Norton to fill that seat, she is a conservative. :clap2::clap2:
Where are all of the Liberal Douchebags who have Attacked Sarah for Months now for Quitting as Governor?...


9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | Colorado Governor Bill Ritter not running for re-election

^Don't let the Door hit ya, where the Good Lord Split ya!...

The Purple State will be Red again After November.

And I am Certain this will be a "Spend More Time with Family" or a "Health Issues" Reason.



Yesssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!! The liberal dems are dropping out like flies, they know there is not a snow balls chance in hell of being re-elected. I am waiting to see what Democrat Senator Bennet is going to do. He's toast and has got to be shaking in his boots to see all the retirements and won't run agains in the country. I can't wait to pull the lever for former Lt Governor Gail Norton to fill that seat, she is a conservative. :clap2::clap2:

Out of the governor's race? Whatever. A couple of years ago Ohio ousted the Republicans and in this election, a Democrat is going to take Voinovich's seat. Looks like Repubs are dropping like flies, eh?

You all are going to be in for some heartbreak come November if you continue foolhardy predictions such as this.
Trailing by upwards of 10 and Rittered with Scandal that the Media was Trying VERY Hard to Ignore...

Colorado had an Affair with the DemocRATS... It's Over.

We got a Shot for the Clap and we will Recover.



That affair with the democrats is over, Coloradoans do pay attention to what is going on in the country, the only county that consistently is liberal is the independent Republic of Boulder. The rest of us make fun of Boulder. El Paso County is a conservative strong hold and I think when Ritter finally read his e-mails and listened to his voice messaging he got the message, no one is going to vote for him.

Senator Bennet who voted for the health care bill in the senate is now complaining about the deal Ben Nelson of Nebraska got, " The Cornhusker Kick Back," he knew about that deal before he voted for it. Now he is attempting to spin it, he must have finally listened to his voice mail and read his e-mails over Christmas break. He's toast and I would not be at all surprised if Obama talks him out of running again so they can throw up a new democrat who does not have the baggage. That won't work out here in the real country, we are not that stupid. It's gonna be Gail Norton, a conservative, that fills that seat.
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Where are all of the Liberal Douchebags who have Attacked Sarah for Months now for Quitting as Governor?...



No where to be seen. :lol::lol::lol:

In Nov 2010 you will see this country go Red from sea to shining sea. We have had enough.:clap2::clap2:
9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | Colorado Governor Bill Ritter not running for re-election

^Don't let the Door hit ya, where the Good Lord Split ya!...

The Purple State will be Red again After November.

And I am Certain this will be a "Spend More Time with Family" or a "Health Issues" Reason.



Yesssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!! The liberal dems are dropping out like flies, they know there is not a snow balls chance in hell of being re-elected. I am waiting to see what Democrat Senator Bennet is going to do. He's toast and has got to be shaking in his boots to see all the retirements and won't run agains in the country. I can't wait to pull the lever for former Lt Governor Gail Norton to fill that seat, she is a conservative. :clap2::clap2:

Out of the governor's race? Whatever. A couple of years ago Ohio ousted the Republicans and in this election, a Democrat is going to take Voinovich's seat. Looks like Repubs are dropping like flies, eh?

You all are going to be in for some heartbreak come November if you continue foolhardy predictions such as this.

I will love to read your posts when you see what is about to happen, the people are angry, about the no-stimulus stimulus bill, 787 billion dollars that has not created any jobs. BTW no one read the bill before they signed on. Unemployment still around 10% with the real number around 17% when he stated that unemployment would not go above 8% should this bill be passed. The 410 billon dollar Omnibus bill with 9,000 earmarks that the President stated he would not sign but did. The next Omnibus bill he had no trouble signing with 5,000 earmarks. Cap and Trade another Job killer passed in the house. The health care bill being debated behind closed doors when Obama campaigned that all debate would be seen on C-Span. The corruption and Chicago politics going on with health care by senators selling their votes for this monstrosity. The weak on terror ,with Fort Hood first, then the recent attempted attack on one of our airliners, then it took Obama 3 days to respond and when he did he did it in a golf shirt. The civilian trails for the master mind of 9-11 which will cost the city of New York 750 million for additional security at a minimum------ and you think that this is good for your party???????????????? Keep drinking your koolaid. Obama is toast for a 2nd term.:lol:
Where are all of the Liberal Douchebags who have Attacked Sarah for Months now for Quitting as Governor?...



No where to be seen. :lol::lol::lol:

In Nov 2010 you will see this country go Red from sea to shining sea. We have had enough.:clap2::clap2:

Even Michael Steel said on Hannity the Republicans aren't winning this year... :lol:

Would you care to provide the link for that statement because I have not yet heard or seen that statement from Michael Steele. He has made it very clear that Republicans need to get back to their conservative base or be prepared to see a 3rd party of fiscal conservatives challenge them. But Rasmussen reports, which I know you will state is right leaning but did report the Obama win with less than a 1% percent margin of error states this.

RasmussenReports Juice External Link

Republican candidates start the year by opening a nine-point lead over Democrats, the GOP's biggest in several years, in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.

The new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% would vote for their district's Republican congressional candidate while 35% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.

All congressional members are up for re-election in 2010, the dems are going to have trouble when 56% of the country is against the massive takeover of healthcare and the more people find out about it and the more they see corruption, the madder and madder they get. What do you think is going to happen??? It ain't gonna be no walk in the park for them, that's for sure. LOLOLOLOLOLO

That's why you are starting to see the no wanna runs again now. They know it and more will follow their lead. No one likes being trounced and trounced is just what they are gonna get for not representing their constituents.
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Oh and thanks but no thanks to your Rasmussen polling.
Where are all of the Liberal Douchebags who have Attacked Sarah for Months now for Quitting as Governor?...



No where to be seen. :lol::lol::lol:

In Nov 2010 you will see this country go Red from sea to shining sea. We have had enough.:clap2::clap2:

Even Michael Steel said on Hannity the Republicans aren't winning this year... :lol:

Selective Respect for Selective Statements of the GOP's Current Mouthpiece?... Come on, Sarah... ;)


No where to be seen. :lol::lol::lol:

In Nov 2010 you will see this country go Red from sea to shining sea. We have had enough.:clap2::clap2:

Even Michael Steel said on Hannity the Republicans aren't winning this year... :lol:

Selective Respect for Selective Statements of the GOP's Current Mouthpiece?... Come on, Sarah... ;)



Come on yourself, he's always saying dumb stuff like that. Trouble is, I tend to agree with him this time. Yeah, let's put a little Michael Steele into your reality..
Even Michael Steel said on Hannity the Republicans aren't winning this year... :lol:

Selective Respect for Selective Statements of the GOP's Current Mouthpiece?... Come on, Sarah... ;)



Come on yourself, he's always saying dumb stuff like that. Trouble is, I tend to agree with him this time. Yeah, let's put a little Michael Steele into your reality..

And Howard Dean's a Loon... So?


Michael Steele: GOP won't win House - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

He also questioned that if they win anything, will they be ready to govern.. Boy, you guys sure can pick 'em.

I disagree and think he is wrong. All seats are up for re-election in the house, if this health care plan is passed without the public's approval and without one Republican vote, it will end the democratic party as you know it.

:eusa_shhh: Nobody cares what Republicans think anymore. Fear mongering won't win you any of those seats you so covet.
Michael Steele: GOP won't win House - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

He also questioned that if they win anything, will they be ready to govern.. Boy, you guys sure can pick 'em.

I disagree and think he is wrong. All seats are up for re-election in the house, if this health care plan is passed without the public's approval and without one Republican vote, it will end the democratic party as you know it.

:eusa_shhh: Nobody cares what Republicans think anymore. Fear mongering won't win you any of those seats you so covet.


Seriously, Sarah?...



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