RNC Chairman Priebus: thank the GOP for the jobs report



RNC Chair Reince Priebus was just on TV thanking the GOP for the jobs report.

I spewed.

I looked around. It hasn't made it yet to the Internet, but when it does, you guys won't believe it.

The party of "let's keep anyone from doing anything" is taking credit for the jobs numbers?

The last time I saw them take credit this misguided was when they insisted it was either Bush or Romney that took out Bin Laden and Obama had nothing to do with it.
February jobs report: Stronger than expected - CBS News

February jobs report

-- Jobs created: +236K (Revisions from Jan and Dec: -15K)

-- Private jobs created: +246K

-- Government jobs lost: -10K

-- Unemployment rate: 7.7 percent (from 7.9 percent)

-- Broad unemployment rate: 14.3 percent (includes the official rate plus "marginally attached workers," those who are neither working nor looking for work, but say they want a job and have looked for work recently; and people who are employed part-time for economic reasons, meaning they want full-time work but took a part-time schedule instead because that's all they could find)

-- Total unemployed: 12 million (down from 12.2)

-- Long-term unemployed: 4.8 million, 40.2 percent of the total unemployed

-- Participation rate: 63.5 (below the 66 to 67 percent rate that was normal over the last 20 years; 2/3 of recent decline is due to demographics)

-- Average work week: 34.5

-- Hourly earnings: $23.82 (over last 12 months, up 2.1 percent)

-- Professional and Business services: +73K

-- Health services: +32K

-- Construction: +48K

-- Retail: +24K


If the Government was the size it was under Bush, the rate might be a point or two lower and the economy would be in a much better position.

Gotta stop listening to those fucking Republicans. All they know how to create are disasters and fiascoes. Hmm, fiasco, sounds like a party.
So the Stimulus finally kicked in? 5 year delayed reaction?

You're a little late. How do you explain the following?

Do a search using, "over 100 republicans take credit for stimulus" and pick your source.


Alabama Republicans Jo Bonner and Robert Aderholt took to the U.S. House floor in July, denouncing the Obama administration's stimulus plan for failing to boost employment. "Where are the jobs?" each of them asked.

Over the next three months, Bonner and Aderholt tried at least five times to steer stimulus-funded transportation grants to Alabama on grounds that the projects would help create thousands of jobs.

They joined more than 100 congressional Republicans and several Democrats who, after voting against the stimulus bill, wrote Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood seeking money from $1.5 billion the plan set aside for local road, bridge, rail and transit grants. The $862 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act passed last year with no Republican votes in the House and three in the Senate.

The Washington Monthly
I thought the Tea Party was running Washington?

How many different stories will Obamaroids tell?
I thought the Tea Party was running Washington?

How many different stories will Obamaroids tell?

You thought?


Then it turns out, you didn't.

They aren't "running", they are blocking. Something entirely different, but very "conservative".

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