RNC corruption shows that both parties don't deserve power.


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B39W91O-rUg]RNC Sham 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

It just backs up what I have been saying all along, a vote for an R or a D is a vote for stupid...
Sorry to say that the grass root people are finding out that they were screwed over by the same people who held back Obama in the senate. They are so corrupt is sickens me.

BTW I don't see any democrats in this crowd, so leave them out of it.
Sorry to say that the grass root people are finding out that they were screwed over by the same people who held back Obama in the senate. They are so corrupt is sickens me.

BTW I don't see any democrats in this crowd, so leave them out of it.

Nah...they are just as bad. R wants tyranny through social restriction and D wants tyranny through financial restriction. Only L wants freedom on all ends.
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Sorry to say that the grass root people are finding out that they were screwed over by the same people who held back Obama in the senate. They are so corrupt is sickens me.

BTW I don't see any democrats in this crowd, so leave them out of it.

Nah...they are just as bad. R wants tyranny through social restriction and D wants tyranny through financial restriction. Only L wants freedom on all ends.

So I heard that Ron Paul wants to do all he can now to make sure the Romney ticket is going to loose, did you hear that?
RNC Sham 2012 - YouTube

It just backs up what I have been saying all along, a vote for an R or a D is a vote for stupid...

yeah only the american sheople think there is a difference between the two parties and deny reality that both parties are corrupt.the establishment does not care if romeny gets elected or Obama is reelected because they are both CFR members and both funded by the zionists and goldman sachs and neither believe in the constitution.RNC members of romneys camp sued him but the lawsuit was thrown out of court by our corrupt judicial system.
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Sorry to say that the grass root people are finding out that they were screwed over by the same people who held back Obama in the senate. They are so corrupt is sickens me.

BTW I don't see any democrats in this crowd, so leave them out of it.

Nah...they are just as bad. R wants tyranny through social restriction and D wants tyranny through financial restriction. Only L wants freedom on all ends.

So I heard that Ron Paul wants to do all he can now to make sure the Romney ticket is going to loose, did you hear that?

Paul doesn't have to do anything for that. Romney needed the Paul support. He and the RNC alienated that vote base and they will not just tow the line. Alll Paul has to do is nothing at all. He's essentially a retired dude that can rest easy.
Sorry to say that the grass root people are finding out that they were screwed over by the same people who held back Obama in the senate. They are so corrupt is sickens me.

BTW I don't see any democrats in this crowd, so leave them out of it.

Nah...they are just as bad. R wants tyranny through social restriction and D wants tyranny through financial restriction. Only L wants freedom on all ends.

So I heard that Ron Paul wants to do all he can now to make sure the Romney ticket is going to loose, did you hear that?

No, but that sounds good to me.
Sorry to say that the grass root people are finding out that they were screwed over by the same people who held back Obama in the senate. They are so corrupt is sickens me.

BTW I don't see any democrats in this crowd, so leave them out of it.

Nah...they are just as bad. R wants tyranny through social restriction and D wants tyranny through financial restriction. Only L wants freedom on all ends.

Obama and Romney are both funded by the zionists and goldman sachs and neither believe in the constitution and are both for a new world order.

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they sure want it to die Liberty.Looks like I will have to post some points from my romney.obama thread to keep it alive.hee hee.
RNC Sham 2012 - YouTube

It just backs up what I have been saying all along, a vote for an R or a D is a vote for stupid...

I vehemently disagree. Obama has been doing a great jobs of fixing what Bush broke. Created 5 million jobs in four years. Ending the unpaid for unnecessary wars. Repairing foreign relationships. Doing so by spending less than any president since Eisenhower. Deported more illegal aliens ever and made the border more secure. Got ObamaCare passed that took 50 years to do. And there is more;

And Obama is paying for Bush's fuck ups.

when are we going to stop blaming Bush? When we are all thrust into outer space.
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uh obviously you are not aware that Obama has lied about everything he said he would do once he got into office.He said he would abolish the UNPATRIOT ACT which is what it NEEDS to be called since it allows the government to illegally spy on and arrest and detain citizens without trial illegally. He gets in office and he votes to reinstate it.

oh and also in just his first two years in office he launched more drone attacks against civilians and murdered more women and children in pakistan and afghanistan than Bush did in his entire 8 years in office.thats just for starters.yep thats doing a great job of fixing what Bush got started alright.:lol::lol::lmao:

and its funny that you say when are they going to stop blaming Bush when he made it PERFECTLY clear that BOTH parties are corrupt as well.:rolleyes:
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LilOlLady clearly likes Obama dropping bombs on six countries...i think she just hates brown people honestly.

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