Rob Reiner JFK conspiracy theory


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

Actor and film director Rob Reiner has claimed there were four shooters involved in the murder of President John F Kennedy and insists the reason the first bullet missed is key to his theory.
Kennedy was shot as his open-top motorcade rolled through Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 and he was pronounced dead after arriving at the Parkland Memorial Hospital.
Official investigations concluded that he was assassinated by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald from a sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.
But Reiner claims there were more people involved in the fatal shooting of Kennedy who he names in his 10-episode podcast titled 'Who Killed JFK?' recorded with journalist Soledad O’Brien.
He questioned reports that Oswald was solely responsible for the murder and believes the pair have finally solved the puzzle.

The four shooters are Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and the master mind was Donald Trump.

Actor and film director Rob Reiner has claimed there were four shooters involved in the murder of President John F Kennedy and insists the reason the first bullet missed is key to his theory.
Kennedy was shot as his open-top motorcade rolled through Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 and he was pronounced dead after arriving at the Parkland Memorial Hospital.
Official investigations concluded that he was assassinated by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald from a sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.
But Reiner claims there were more people involved in the fatal shooting of Kennedy who he names in his 10-episode podcast titled 'Who Killed JFK?' recorded with journalist Soledad O’Brien.
He questioned reports that Oswald was solely responsible for the murder and believes the pair have finally solved the puzzle.

The four shooters are Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and the master mind was Donald Trump.
Meathead is at it again huh? Four shooters and none of them or their handlers talked about or leaked the details after all of these years? Come on maaaan.. It is far more likely and more secure to have one shooter rather than even two. Four is absurd risk..

Actor and film director Rob Reiner has claimed there were four shooters involved in the murder of President John F Kennedy and insists the reason the first bullet missed is key to his theory.
Kennedy was shot as his open-top motorcade rolled through Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 and he was pronounced dead after arriving at the Parkland Memorial Hospital.
Official investigations concluded that he was assassinated by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald from a sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.
But Reiner claims there were more people involved in the fatal shooting of Kennedy who he names in his 10-episode podcast titled 'Who Killed JFK?' recorded with journalist Soledad O’Brien.
He questioned reports that Oswald was solely responsible for the murder and believes the pair have finally solved the puzzle.

The four shooters are Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and the master mind was Donald Trump.
:auiqs.jpg:Funny! I didn't even know "Meathead" was still alive.

I remember that day, as I was a 3rd grader, Mrs. Reeves came back into the classroom, told us school was being dismissed, busses were coming, walkers and bicycle rider, we were released now if we called from the office and confirmed someone was home, President Kennedy has been shot and killed in Dallas. We were instructed to go straight home, making no stops if walking or biking. She was visibly upset. It was a little unnerving, as this was the same school, where only two years earlier, we had been taught to do fire drill like movements (on alarm) to the basement hallway, sit against the walls, head between our knees if the Russians shot a nuclear bomb from Cuba. If there was a flash before alarms sounded, we practice getting under our desks. For all we knew at that moment, it could have been the first move in what might be a Russian attack. I did go straight home 1/10th of a mile, as fast as I could peddle. Getting there, I found mom crying. It was the only thing on TV that day and really for days. When dad got home, he was upset, but calm. There was no attack. I heard dad and mom talking about whether VP Johnson was behind it, and was it a coup. Oswald was caught, like really quick. Two days later, Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby while in police custody, right in the basement of Dallas police station, live on TV. Dad thought it was a coup and not knowing what would happen next, he considered moving us to granddad's farm he grew up on and helped build, but did not. I remember Walter Conkrite on TV, and of course Chet Huntley, as we lived only 5 miles from WPSD channel 6 NBC.

Here we are 60 years later and still don't know the whole story. Conspiracy, only more likely (and likely our own government in my mind) as President after President does not declassify and release all details the government investigation revealed. Who knows, 1, shooter, 2 shooters, 3? A "magic" bullet? Who or who all was behind it? Our government, the Russians, organized crime? Rob Reiner can joke, but it is no joke, especially if you lived through and remember that time, that event, those reports, the funeral, the investigation(s) what was released at the time and since. If government or organized crime involved, was Robert Kennedy assassination related?

I suspect the story might not be known, while the older generation, I am a part of, remains. For people my age, this isn't history, not something study and related in books. We remember, as we lived during those strange events in that time.
Without doubt there was more than one shooter .
But who is counting ?

Much prefer the incredibly detailed Miles Mathis report that Gay JFK faked his death or was given that option by the CIA .
Two questions:

Who was the fat man in the bar with Oswald?


Who put the bullet on the gurney?
Of course I don't know sure but after reviewing the facts I think there is at least a possibility there were two shooters.

The first of course was Oswald. However, he didn't deliver the fatal shot to the head.

There is significant evidence that the second "shooter" was a Secret Service agent in the trailing vehicle that had an accidental discharge of his newly acquired AR-15.

Mortal Error - Wikipedia

... two crippling problems with the government's claim that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shot that hit Kennedy in the head: 1) the apparent trajectory of the bullet did not seem to match the location of Oswald's sniper's nest, and 2) the type of bullet fired was totally at odds with the rounds that Oswald was known to have used. (p. 56)

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