"Robber Barons" were the heroes of the Industrial Revolution and unions were the villains.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.
Lol I suppose you think you’d be a baron instead of getting black lung in a cave and barey being able to feed your family
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.
Lol I suppose you think you’d be a baron instead of getting black lung in a cave and barey being able to feed your family

Or I might simply be a hard working individual who obtains gainful employment in the company of a "robber baron". You have to stop seeing everyone as either an oppressor or an oppressed victim.
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.
Lol I suppose you think you’d be a baron instead of getting black lung in a cave and barey being able to feed your family

Or I might simply be a hard working individual who obtains gainful employment in the company of a "robber baron". You have to stop seeing everyone as either an oppressor or an oppressed victim.
You’d have been impoverished and miserable like everybody else
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.

Yeah, and those robber barons who you are trying to hold up as heroes are the reason that unions were formed in the first place.

Wanna know why the garment industry became unionized? Do some research on the Triangle Shirtwaist fire sometime. Those robber baron heroes you are lauding had decided that people were taking too many breaks, so they locked them in the work room to keep them productive. Then, one day, a fire broke out in the building, and a lot of people died because they couldn't get the doors open in time.
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.
Lol I suppose you think you’d be a baron instead of getting black lung in a cave and barey being able to feed your family

Or I might simply be a hard working individual who obtains gainful employment in the company of a "robber baron". You have to stop seeing everyone as either an oppressor or an oppressed victim.
You’d have been impoverished and miserable like everybody else
Less impoverished and miserable than prior to the so-called "robber barons." Do you imagine life was paradise in the 18th Century?
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.

Yeah, and those robber barons who you are trying to hold up as heroes are the reason that unions were formed in the first place.

Yep, they are the only thing that made it possible for unions to exist. Prior to them, everyone lived in some hovel in the countryside and starved to death when the crops were bad.

Wanna know why the garment industry became unionized?

Marxist propaganda.

Do some research on the Triangle Shirtwaist fire sometime. Those robber baron heroes you are lauding had decided that people were taking too many breaks, so they locked them in the work room to keep them productive. Then, one day, a fire broke out in the building, and a lot of people died because they couldn't get the doors open in time.

Those commies never made a mistake that got people killed . . . . . er, no, that's not right. There's Chernobyl, of course, and then there were these . . . . . .

Why didn't they have unions in Communist countries?

In July 1967 a freight train loaded with fuel crashed into a passenger train and exploded in Langenweddingen, Sachsen-Anhalt.

It was the worst train accident in East German history, killing 94 people, 44 of whom were children.
Firemen, eye-witnesses and survivors testified to the filmmakers about their personal experiences of that tragedy and others - and for many the memory was still vivid.

“The feeling of helplessness remains”, said one man whose mother died in a 1972 plane crash near Berlin.

The thin official report released at the time failed to explain why a fire broke out in the plane, causing the death of 160 people.

High Soviet Toll in Mines
November 21, 1988 | From Reuters
Mining is the worst area for industrial accidents in the Soviet Union, with a total of 876 miners killed in accidents last year, figures published in the Soviet weekly Economic Gazette said.
At Least 30 Coal Miners Killed by Fire in Ukraine; Blaze 'Rages On' : Soviet Union: Many are rescued, one is still missing. Strikers have protested conditions.
In one of the worst Soviet coal mining disasters in recent years, more than 30 miners died Sunday when fire raged through a Ukrainian coal shaft, the official Tass news agency and other media reported. "The fire rages on," Konstantin I. Masik, the Ukraine's deputy prime minister, said in a television interview Sunday night. "Unfortunately, we have failed to localize the fire."
The world's worst train disasters

Ufa train disaster, Russia
The Ufa train disaster, which occurred in June 1989 near the city of Ufa in Soviet Union, resulted in a death toll of 575 people and remains to be the deadliest railway disaster in Russian and Soviet history.

The disaster occurred due to a highly flammable cloud created by the liquefied gas spill from a burst pipeline near the railway line, where two passenger trains were passing each other between Ufa and Asha. The trains were carrying a total of approximately 1,300 passengers on the Adler-Novosibirsk route at the time of the accident.

The force of huge explosion, which was estimated to be 10kt TNT equivalent, fully burnt seven carriages, and destroyed 37 train cars and two locomotives. The accident caused injuries to more than 800 people
Utter bullshit. I can guarantee all those people living in "Hoovervilles" had no love whatsoever for the people who sucked every last dollar out of the economy.
How did anyone eat if the robber barons "sucked every last dollar out of the economy?" The government caused the Great Depression, dumbass, not the so-called "robber barons."

Everything you know is a slogan, and it's wrong.
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.
Lol I suppose you think you’d be a baron instead of getting black lung in a cave and barey being able to feed your family

No one was holding a gun to to anyone's head forcing them into the mines...
It was funny how those Robber Barrons would hire thugs to beat up people trying to organize
Unions we're necessary to prevent the so called entrepreneurs from taking advantage of workers which they gleefully did. Poor working conditions and child labor practices permitted were pathetic immoral practices. Shameful and disgusting.
Imagine a worker getting a break....can't have that. Fortunately today's companies have a massive pool of hard working skilled workers to choose from. Finding workers has never been easier. If a company struggles to find workers today there is no doubt something very bad about it
It was funny how those Robber Barrons would hire thugs to beat up people trying to organize
They hired security to keep union thugs off of their property. Unions beat up people every single day, moron. You are obviously totally ignorant about union violence.
The fact is they paid squat and expected a worker to work in squalor conditions...talk about taking advantage of labor.
That's an interesting take. Capitalism did my grandparents and great uncles well and provided them money to live a great life through hard work. Unfortunately the place they worked at left tons of pollution and destroyed a lake. I like capitalism but oversight and rules are needed to avoid scenarious like that. There is no perfect system. The real argument is over what regulations are right or overreaching.
It was funny how those Robber Barrons would hire thugs to beat up people trying to organize

Imagine a worker getting a break....can't have that. Fortunately today's companies have a massive pool of hard working skilled workers to choose from. Finding workers has never been easier. If a company struggles to find workers today there is no doubt something very bad about it

It was funny how those Robber Barrons would hire thugs to beat up people trying to organize
They hired security to keep union thugs off of their property. Unions beat up people every single day, moron. You are obviously totally ignorant about union violence.

That's an interesting take. Capitalism did my grandparents and great uncles well and provided them money to live a great life through hard work. Unfortunately the place they worked at left tons of pollution and destroyed a lake. I like capitalism but oversight and rules are needed to avoid scenarious like that. There is no perfect system. The real argument is over what regulations are right or overreaching.

Interesting take by the Left, isn't it! The most prosperous country the world has ever seen, and of course they must point at things that were not nice. Funny thing is, we were better, are better, and more powerful than any other country on the face of the earth; of course, they NO LIKA DAT SH**!

Why are they the way they are?

BECAUSE THEY ARE VICTIMS! They blame everyone else for their problems, whine when things go wrong, think they deserve free stuff just because they are entitled, and of course...…….they want US to pay for it!

An interesting question was posed recently-----------------> could America today win WWII?

ANSWER---------> Hell no, these people can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag without whining, and claiming some bigot is probably trying to water board them. If a Nazi got ahold of them, looking at them cross eyed, they would give up all the cookies! They are so WEAK, instead of finding a MAGA HAT person to fight, they CREATE phony MAGA HAT people that did fight them, lol. One of the heroes of the Left, good ole Jusse.

They are a bunch of phony-e-baloneys, keyboard warriors, and they are in the minority without illegals. They need safe spaces, 1/2 of them don't want to work, need free college because they refuse to do anything for themselves, and have to use the government to confiscate your money; because they know if they try and rob you, you will look at them cross eyed and they will shrivel up like the cowards they are. Hell, I bet they went to their safe spaces when they were supposed to be playing dodge ball in phys ed!

These type of people do not need free stuff, they need a good swift kick in their a**es! If their parents would swift kick them out of their basements and take away their Fritos and Chips, they would be doing the country a great service, lol!
Jesus Christ. They weren't called Robber Barons for nothing but what a surprise that a stupid Trumper would idolize the very assholes that would crush most of us in the middle class as soon as look at us
We should all miss the days when you worked six and one half days a week twelve hours a day and barely made enough to survive.

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