"Robber Barons" were the heroes of the Industrial Revolution and unions were the villains.

Jesus Christ. They weren't called Robber Barons for nothing but what a surprise that a stupid Trumper would idolize the very assholes that would crush most of us in the middle class as soon as look at us

It's no different than the tendency of those on the left to idolize or seek to rehabilitate the image of violent revolutionaries like Che Guevara or say that "real Communism" hasn't been tried yet.
Unions are notoriously involved with organi
We should all miss the days when you worked six and one half days a week twelve hours a day and barely made enough to survive.

I work seven days a week between 12 and 16 hours a day, including holidays, and I like it. I get to sell all of my vacation back to the company.
Unions are notoriously involved with organi
We should all miss the days when you worked six and one half days a week twelve hours a day and barely made enough to survive.

I work seven days a week between 12 and 16 hours a day, including holidays, and I like it. I get to sell all of my vacation back to the company.
I used to and I wish I had all that time I wasted working back..
I always thought of robber barons as the enemies of competing entrepreneurs through the creation of barriers to the free market.
I always thought of robber barons as the enemies of competing entrepreneurs through the creation of barriers to the free market.
Took them a hundred years but the monopolies have fought their way back.
Let's start with the fact that labor unions HAVE done good in this country. Their fight for and work on behalf of worker safety and reasonable lengths for work weeks cannot be understated.

I'm no fan of Unions. In fact, they should be barred from government jobs, mostly because of the corruption of both unions and politicians.

However, the OP is really just full of shit. Companies WILL take advantage of workers. I'll be the first to say that if a company sucks, or is treating their labor force badly, then there is the ultimate answer to that.

Simply don't work for them.

The problem with that is that those around you are often chicken shits who fear not having a paycheck each and every payday. Why? Cause they're too fucking stupid to manage their money wisely. That is on THEM, not the company.

I could write a book on this, but I don't waste that kind of effort on the likes of a place like this.
Let's start with the fact that labor unions HAVE done good in this country. Their fight for and work on behalf of worker safety and reasonable lengths for work weeks cannot be understated.

I'm no fan of Unions. In fact, they should be barred from government jobs, mostly because of the corruption of both unions and politicians.

However, the OP is really just full of shit. Companies WILL take advantage of workers. I'll be the first to say that if a company sucks, or is treating their labor force badly, then there is the ultimate answer to that.

Simply don't work for them.

The problem with that is that those around you are often chicken shits who fear not having a paycheck each and every payday. Why? Cause they're too fucking stupid to manage their money wisely. That is on THEM, not the company.

I could write a book on this, but I don't waste that kind of effort on the likes of a place like this.

My experience as a former Teamster is that labor unions suck. They shield slackers and breed discontent. Companies will take advantage of workers in the same way that workers will take advantage of a company. People are negotiating for the best deal. Labor unions and government backed "prevailing wage" have driven many jobs overseas.
The hard working entrepreneurs of the Industrial Revolution spurred innovation and productivity on a scale never before seen. America became more prosperous during that time, not less. It wasn't until a whiny bunch of malcontents and political activists insisted on disrupting progress that we felt the need to over-regulate things and tax the population into equality, destroying incentive and making America more appealing to freeloaders, rather than hard working individuals. Once government became more involved, they had to raise taxes in order to fund their influence. Government subsidies wouldn't exist if the government had no money to pay for them or power to implement them. We do not need government picking winners and losers. The free market itself takes care of that. It should be about survival of the fittest, not the most politically connected.

Rather than holding the entrepreneurs up as shining examples of hard work, ingenuity, and productivity, we are taught to malign them as greedy, immoral oppressors. They actually provide opportunities to the working man. They can only succeed by innovation and providing products that consumers want to purchase with their hard earned money. Every transaction is voluntary. You volunteer to trade a day of work for a day of pay. You then voluntarily trade some of your earnings for products that you wish to purchase. This puts money back into the economy. The voluntary nature of each transaction is not present when it comes to taxation and government mandates.

We have also been misled regarding labor unions. Labor unions are not the benefactors of the working man. They promote complacency and artificial equality, often protecting slackers, rather than encouraging rugged individualism and exceptional performance. I was in a union for five years and have seen this firsthand.
Revisionist history is neat!
"Robber Baron" is really an anti-White slur. Imagine for a moment if Einstein who plagiarized Jules Henri Poincaré was called a "Scam Artist" instead of genius. Well that would be true but the point is there was collusion and manipulation of markets, but that is reality. It happens in day to day relationships. If anyone can get a hold of the American Chemical Industry: A History by William Haynes, it is amazing what the White man did in regards to scientific discover, building factories and pushing things to the next level. Whites should really get reparations for creating the modern world with their brilliance and their labor (low IQ folks (democrats of today) could maybe pick a little cotton and tomatoes, and fuck, shit, sleep, steal shit, or whatever but that was about it).
There are corrupted unions that have obscene work rules and put a stranglehold on projects for expense. There are privileged unions and those who are not so privileged. My father was in the Clothing Workers Union back when we made clothes. They were not privileged. He would call government unions and others that were privileged, "sweetheart unions". No matter what, an employee should be treated fairly and with respect. That is not to hard to ask.
Yea...imagine people thinking they deserved to get paid decent wages and work in a safe environment huh?
It was funny how those Robber Barrons would hire thugs to beat up people trying to organize
They hired security to keep union thugs off of their property. Unions beat up people every single day, moron. You are obviously totally ignorant about union violence.
Oh dear Fod! Please come to Homestead, PA on my Emergency and learn a thing or two!
Isn't that where a bunch of union thugs refused to leave private property and started a riot?

Homestead strike - Wikipedia

The AA struck the steel plant again on July 1, 1889, when negotiations for a new three-year collective bargaining agreement failed. The strikers seized the town and once again made common cause with various immigrant groups. Backed by 2,000 townspeople, the strikers drove off a trainload of strikebreakers on July 10. When the sheriff returned with 125 newly deputized agents two days later, the strikers rallied 5,000 townspeople to their cause. Although victorious, the union agreed to significant wage cuts that left tonnage rates less than half those at the nearby Jones and Laughlin works, where technological improvements had not been made.[9]

When the strikers "seized the town" they took possession of private property. They broke the law. When the "drove off a trainload of strikebreakers" they prevented a property owner from using his property- another crime. When they "rallied 5,000 townspeople to their cause," they enlisted other people to participate in their crimes.

Even though the Wiki entry tries to spin it to make it look like the strikers were some kind of noble crusaders, the actual facts of the episode demonstrate that they nothing more than a gang of thugs.
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Jesus Christ. They weren't called Robber Barons for nothing but what a surprise that a stupid Trumper would idolize the very assholes that would crush most of us in the middle class as soon as look at us
The are called robber barons because of Marxist propaganda. The guy who wrote the book "the Octopus" was a Marxist, idiot.
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It was funny how those Robber Barrons would hire thugs to beat up people trying to organize
They hired security to keep union thugs off of their property. Unions beat up people every single day, moron. You are obviously totally ignorant about union violence.
They hired armies of thugs and the local police to beat down organized labor
Jesus Christ. They weren't called Robber Barons for nothing but what a surprise that a stupid Trumper would idolize the very assholes that would crush most of us in the middle class as soon as look at us
The are called robber barons because of Marxist propaganda. They guy who wrote the book "the Octopus" was a Marxist, idiot.

Ohh right. Child labor, and 12 hour work days and Triangle Shirtwaist was just "Marxist propaganda"...


Well now we know what the "Again" part of MAGA means.

They want to take us back to THAT horror
It was funny how those Robber Barrons would hire thugs to beat up people trying to organize
They hired security to keep union thugs off of their property. Unions beat up people every single day, moron. You are obviously totally ignorant about union violence.
They hired armies of thugs and the local police to beat down organized labor
You mean they used private security and local police to defend their property. The Wiki entry admits the union thugs "seized the town." They also seized the steel mill. They were thugs. Carnegie had a right to use force against them.

Do you actually believe that thugs have a right to seize private property? Do they have a right to use violence against people who are simply trying to go to work?
Jesus Christ. They weren't called Robber Barons for nothing but what a surprise that a stupid Trumper would idolize the very assholes that would crush most of us in the middle class as soon as look at us
The are called robber barons because of Marxist propaganda. They guy who wrote the book "the Octopus" was a Marxist, idiot.

Ohh right. Child labor, and 12 hour work days and Triangle Shirtwaist was just "Marxist propaganda"...


Well now we know what the "Again" part of MAGA means.

They want to take us back to THAT horror
How they are portrayed by morons like you is Marxist propaganda.

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