Robert Bates, Volunteer Deputy Who Killed Eric Harris, Speaks Out


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Oh, isn't it special, he's feeling sorry and says and I quote :"I thought to myself after reading several cases, 'I don't understand how this can happen,'" Bates said. "You must believe me, it can happen to anyone.". unquote.......tasering a guy on the ground with a his head pressed to the concrete, needed to be limp for easy lifting I murdering fkkks all make me sick.....kill a nigga, then apologize. And to add insult to injury, while gaging for air, telling these murderers he can't breathe, these mf's got the nerve to say, they didn't hear the guy....I hope his family gets so damned rich suing these mf's down to their draws.
I feel bad for the pretend cop as I don't believe that he he did it on purpose . That being said , the dead guys family should get very rich , probably from the city and the old mans family . Old guy might go to prison if he had anything to do with falsifying records of training , same for the trainers and that's fair imo !!
You mean he wanted to taser the dude accidentally?
The most salient point is that it's all about him. "...the second worst thing that has ever happened to me", referring to his cancer surgery a few years ago before he shot a man to death last week.

He's wallowing in self pity. He references everything through his narcissism. Somebody ought to tell this asshole to shut up. He's only making himself look ridiculous.
The police departments in this country need to corral themselves and do the hard work to fix this internal problem. Lazy bastards.
'it could happen to anybody'

No. Its a long way from your chest to your hip and you should have been able to tell the difference.

He bought his way onto a police force, he should have been at home ranting at the Muslim who controls what he sees on Fox, and now he shows no remorse for murder.

He's an impotent wannabe, no better than george zimmerman.
[QUOTE="pismoe, post: 11214622, member: 49074"]I feel bad for the pretend cop as I don't believe that he he did it on purpose . That being said , the dead guys family should get very rich , probably from the city and the old mans family . Old guy might go to prison if he had anything to do with falsifying records of training , same for the trainers and that's fair imo !![/QUOTE]

[QUOTE="cnm, post: 11214706, member: 45544"]You mean he wanted to taser the dude accidentally?[/QUOTE]

There was a case just like this out of NY a few years ago, black guy pinned on the ground
You mean he wanted to taser the dude accidentally?

A few years ago a young black guy was accidently tasered to death....dude was reaching for his taser and low and behold, the gun appears.....thus far two dead black men, gone because of mistakes....But here's the deal....both men, are on the ground with not one, not two, but several officers pinning them down all these soon to die men want is to BREATH...THAT'S ALL. These cops are not feeling enough empathy for these black men, who by the way, both had non aggressive crimes...the young blood in the NY substation, mouthed off to a rent a cop and the black 50 year old, non payment of child support....both just wanted to breath, so clearly, they're being aggressive in their movements trying to get air with 3 fukkn cops on their face and backs....makes a cop want to use a taser to limp them into submission, not realizing AIR would do the trick nicely.
look ,'tred' my opinion is that this old guy , cop screwed up , he and the city , department should pay . Got nothing to do with my race or the cops race or the dead guys race .
The old timer made a mistake and someone will pay. With that said if Harris hadn't been involved in a crime and ran he'd still be alive today. For that reason cut any award in half
look ,'tred' my opinion is that this old guy , cop screwed up , he and the city , department should pay . Got nothing to do with my race or the cops race or the dead guys race .

Here's the real deal, pal, when this happens often to white people, then lets discuss this non race shttt....until then, black men are treated like animals, non human and that is just fact when it comes to dealing with the law.
Funny how a tragedy brings the bigots out of the closet and they use the "N" word to try to make a political point. Bates isn't the problem. Sheriffs who take money from civilians and then issue them a badge and a gun and put them in a situation they are not only untrained for but possibly mentally unequipped for are the problem. It's clear that Bates is not a racist but he is now a target for idiots. The Sheriff should be brought up on charges for putting this guy on the street and the Sheriff's association needs to address the problem of using untrained people.
look ,'tred' my opinion is that this old guy , cop screwed up , he and the city , department should pay . Got nothing to do with my race or the cops race or the dead guys race .

Here's the real deal, pal, when this happens often to white people, then lets discuss this non race shttt....until then, black men are treated like animals, non human and that is just fact when it comes to dealing with the law.
When people act like animals, they get treated like them. That's why Brown and Martin are dead.

Harris apparently was no great shakes either.
look ,'tred' my opinion is that this old guy , cop screwed up , he and the city , department should pay . Got nothing to do with my race or the cops race or the dead guys race .

Here's the real deal, pal, when this happens often to white people, then lets discuss this non race shttt....until then, black men are treated like animals, non human and that is just fact when it comes to dealing with the law.
When people act like animals, they get treated like them. That's why Brown and Martin are dead.

Harris apparently was no great shakes either.

So what fuck are the courts for....white motherfuckers them animals McVeigh and don't get me started, fool!!
Funny how a tragedy brings the bigots out of the closet and they use the "N" word to try to make a political point. Bates isn't the problem. Sheriffs who take money from civilians and then issue them a badge and a gun and put them in a situation they are not only untrained for but possibly mentally unequipped for are the problem. It's clear that Bates is not a racist but he is now a target for idiots. The Sheriff should be brought up on charges for putting this guy on the street and the Sheriff's association needs to address the problem of using untrained people.

Lets get something clear once and for all.....when cops, rent a cops, want to be cops start popin off white people accidently as the rate of our young black men are dying, then lets all set down and discuss this...until then people like you and others here have no fight in these battles, sorry. I feel for the old guy, I really do, but black men are dying because of these so called mistakes white law officers keep making and we're tired of it. We want our black trash murdered the old fashion drive bys and thugs!!
The old timer made a mistake and someone will pay. With that said if Harris hadn't been involved in a crime and ran he'd still be alive today. For that reason cut any award in half
It could reasonably be argued that he knew exactly what he was running from.

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