Robert E Lee & The Confederate Solider statue removed in Dallas

That asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans and take away their arms and burn down their cities. May he rot in Hell.

Davis raised his regiments to defend againt the invasion. God bless him.
That asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans and take away their arms and burn down their cities. May he rot in Hell.

Davis raised his regiments to defend againt the invasion. God bless him.
Davis was a traitor
That asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans and take away their arms and burn down their cities. May he rot in Hell.

Davis raised his regiments to defend againt the invasion. God bless him.

The Daughters of the Confederacy sure did a number on you. :lol:
That asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans and take away their arms and burn down their cities. May he rot in Hell.

Davis raised his regiments to defend againt the invasion. God bless him.
Davis was a traitor
They were all traitors – including Lee, who authorized the capture and enslavement of free blacks.

Lee and all the ‘confederate’ generals and leaders were reprehensible criminals, deserving of contempt and condemnation.

And just as wrong and reprehensible are conservatives who attempt to deify and make heroes of these criminals and traitors.
I give Lee credit for being an amazing tactical commander and a generally honorable man.

But he was fighting against his own country to preserve slavery. That can not and should not be forgotten
There is nothing ‘nostalgic’ or ‘romantic’ or ‘honorable’ about the heinous aberration that was the ‘confederacy.’

The cowards, criminals, and traitors who betrayed their country and fought to preserve the evil institution of slavery are in no manner deserving of commemoration.

And apologists for the ‘confederacy’ can save the nonsense about the common ‘confederate’ soldier fighting to defend his land, state, or ‘way of life’ – as that is in fact a lie.
seems you're pushing around some details to lie.

the graveyard as i'm understanding it was a FU but it was to keep them from trying to get the land back that the gov took w/o due process. their initial bid of $26k was around $5k short of fair value. later the gov lost their court case and had to pay $150k.

"He was. Both sides agreed on a price of $150,000, the property's fair market value. Congress quickly appropriated the funds. Lee signed papers conveying the title on March 31, 1883, which placed federal ownership of Arlington beyond dispute. The man who formally accepted title to the property for the government was none other than Robert Todd Lincoln, secretary of war and son of the president so often bedeviled by Custis Lee's father. If the sons of such adversaries could bury past arguments, perhaps there was hope for national reunion.

or is the smithsonian lying about it, and several other sites i read this am?

your desire to get your own FUCK YOUs in leads you to say some really ignorant shit.

You are going into details to avoid the obvious. The government took Lee's land and then used it to bury union dead.

That they paid Custis Lee later is besides the point.

Ideal world, we'd have hung Lee from a tree as a traitor and his son would have to change his name out of eternal fucking shame.

Taking his shit to honor the guys who fought for the right side was a fuck you, but a mild one.

Time to give a much bigger Fuck You to the racist traitors. Tear down every statue and villify them in the history books.
So you knowingly lied.

Got it.
Because they stand as a lesson to future generations as a reminder of the Democrats' untoward history of oppression and barbarism, which they seek to repeat on a wider scale by placing all Americans in slavery to The State.

I think your doctor needs to adjust your medication, buddy.

1. He fought for his state. The "country" was a "Union of States". The US was much more localized back in 1860. They fought for States' Rights, not just slavery. Slavery was the norm back then, they didn't know what political correctness was. Cheap manual labor was necessary to succeed in farming. There was no real farm machinery. Your idealistic view of the 1860 world is laughable.

The only "State Right" they were fighting over was slavery... You can't start a country on the premise of "All Men are Created Equal" and then have people owning other people.

2. Show me after his dad died when he was 11 where he owned a plantation. They were essentially beggars living with family.

The point is, he was living with other well-off relatives who had the influence to get him into West Point. He wasn't out there with a cardboard sign that read, "Will Betray my Country for Food".

3. Who is ashamed of annexing Texas? Not most of us.

You mean other than we invaded another country, tried to impose our laws on it, and started a war with them when they didn't.

So by your logic, now that the Southwest is being overrun with Mexicans, they can impose their laws on us now, right?

4. If you were drafted to fight in VN what would you do? The power of the "state" has demands.

Hard to say... I know as a young man, I joined the Army and I was in for 11 years as active duty and reserves... but now I really am very cynical about how we use our military. Vietnam was before my time, though.

I'd be all for a draft, as long as we put the children of the rich and politicians in an elite airborne unit that is the first deployed to any war zone.

Yes and No JoeB131
If you look at the PERCENTAGES of people who actually owned slaves,
this isn't proportional to the severity and escalation of the war.
Sure it was about economics and slavery was depended on.

It was more symbolic and on PRINCIPLE -- SIMILAR to the
political escalation over "freedom of choice" that is LESS
about abortion and MORE about GOVT intervening intrusively.

The political escalation over "Gun Rights" is ALSO
the PRINCIPLE of Political Rights that threatens people so much.

If it was about the gun violence and abuse of weapons,
the focus would be on MENTAL and CRIMINAL ILLNESS.

If the Prochoice issue was really about abortion, then
people would rally around preventing abortion.

The common dynamic in these cases is people
defending Political RIGHTS from Govt takeover,

You "cross that line" with people.
You threaten what is SACRED to them as the SYMBOL
of People having authority of govt,
and they will GO BALLISTIC.

It's NEVER "just about" abortion.
It's NEVER "just about" the guns.
It's NEVER "just about slavery" or whatever
you want to use to "fill in the blank."

People DO NOT WANT some other political agenda
or party side getting control of Govt and abusing THAT

That's what makes people "fight to the death."
Stay down, Joe. For the love of god, stay down.
Stay down, Joe. For the love of god, stay down.

Actually, I usually ignore Emily's high octane crazy, but now that you've made it a challenge.

Yes and No JoeB131
If you look at the PERCENTAGES of people who actually owned slaves,
this isn't proportional to the severity and escalation of the war.
Sure it was about economics and slavery was depended on.

It was more symbolic and on PRINCIPLE -- SIMILAR to the
political escalation over "freedom of choice" that is LESS
about abortion and MORE about GOVT intervening intrusively.

The political escalation over "Gun Rights" is ALSO
the PRINCIPLE of Political Rights that threatens people so much.

If it was about the gun violence and abuse of weapons,
the focus would be on MENTAL and CRIMINAL ILLNESS.

If the Prochoice issue was really about abortion, then
people would rally around preventing abortion.

The common dynamic in these cases is people
defending Political RIGHTS from Govt takeover,

You "cross that line" with people.
You threaten what is SACRED to them as the SYMBOL
of People having authority of govt,
and they will GO BALLISTIC.

It's NEVER "just about" abortion.
It's NEVER "just about" the guns.
It's NEVER "just about slavery" or whatever
you want to use to "fill in the blank."

People DO NOT WANT some other political agenda
or party side getting control of Govt and abusing THAT

That's what makes people "fight to the death."

Again, all that you prove here is that it's easy for rich people to get less smart people to die for them.

The very same dumbasses who live in a trailer park and vote for Trump... was the same asshole who went out and fought for the Confederacy.

Unlike an issue like guns or abortion, that have the potential to touch our lives, this was a very small percentage that was benefiting...

Oh, there was the underlying fear that once you made the black man free, they'd want to fuck Billy-bob's sister, and we couldn't have that.

But at the end of the day, using racism to get stupid white people to fight against their own best interest was as stupid then as it is now.

The one thing we learn from history is we learn nothing from history.
So you knowingly lied.

Got it.

No, I made an accurate statement. THey stole the TRAITOR'S Land to bury our honored dead.

That they paid off his kid later, meh, not really relevant to the conversation.

The mistake was treating these traitors and morons like they were someone we wanted to reconcile with. That's brought us 150 more years of trouble that we didn't need.

What we should have done is what we did to the Axis leaders at the end of World War II. Took the fuckers out, hang them and make sure that every history book and movie said, THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS.

We did exactly the opposite with the Confederate Racist Traitor Scum. We let them spread the "Lost Cause" lie and tell folks it was about "honor" and "Pride" and shit.

The hilarious thing is that the "Party of Lincoln" has no become the "Party of making excuses for Confederate Traitors".

Down in Springfield, IL, Honest Abe is rolling in his grave.
Just like the Taliban, destroying art, trying to erase history. History haunts them, even if they try to mangle the history books.
History is history, the truth is the truth, deal with it.
Are you really that stupiod? The first and only post before yours starts out saying that it was auctioned off, not destroyed.
So you knowingly lied.

Got it.

No, I made an accurate statement. THey stole the TRAITOR'S Land to bury our honored dead.

That they paid off his kid later, meh, not really relevant to the conversation.

The mistake was treating these traitors and morons like they were someone we wanted to reconcile with. That's brought us 150 more years of trouble that we didn't need.

What we should have done is what we did to the Axis leaders at the end of World War II. Took the fuckers out, hang them and make sure that every history book and movie said, THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS.

We did exactly the opposite with the Confederate Racist Traitor Scum. We let them spread the "Lost Cause" lie and tell folks it was about "honor" and "Pride" and shit.

The hilarious thing is that the "Party of Lincoln" has no become the "Party of making excuses for Confederate Traitors".

Down in Springfield, IL, Honest Abe is rolling in his grave.
You said the gov never paid for it.

They did.

You lied.
It’s impossible to educate these fucking leftist pussies. If you don’t love the greatest country on earth you’re a pathetic human being that wouldn’t make it in any other country. You beta weak pussies worry out the past because you have no future.
You deify and defend the most infamous traitors in American history yet complain about not loving the greatest country on Earth – it’s you who are pathetic.
Lee's wife owned the land where Arlington Cemetery is. Lee will always have a connection to American soldiers and honor with or without statues. This coming from a Connecticut Yankee.

YOu do realize that putting Arlington on Lee's land was a big "Fuck you" to him, right? that his family wasn't paid for that land.

Psst. Psst. they didn't bury rednecks who wore the Gray there.
Yes you did.

You lied and can't even just admit it. They were initially paid $26k at auction. So they were in fact paid.
Lee's wife owned the land where Arlington Cemetery is. Lee will always have a connection to American soldiers and honor with or without statues. This coming from a Connecticut Yankee.

YOu do realize that putting Arlington on Lee's land was a big "Fuck you" to him, right? that his family wasn't paid for that land.

Psst. Psst. they didn't bury rednecks who wore the Gray there.
Yes you did.

You lied and can't even just admit it. They were initially paid $26k at auction. So they were in fact paid.

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