Robert E Lee & The Confederate Solider statue removed in Dallas

Do you know who else destroyed historical artifacts of people they don't like? Nazis, muslim filth and Chairman Mao's Red Guard (or whatever it was called). So these liberal traitor-cocksuckers are in wonderful company, aren't they?
Wait till we destroy Trumps wall
Do you know who else destroyed historical artifacts of people they don't like? Nazis, muslim filth and Chairman Mao's Red Guard (or whatever it was called). So these liberal traitor-cocksuckers are in wonderful company, aren't they?


Except that no one is destroying any historical artifacts in this situation, as the statue was sold. But let's compare it to destroying historical artifacts anyway! :p
I'm not a supporter of slavery, but I am a supporter of honest history. Slavery always existed, and probably always will. It may be evil, but its not rare.

So does murder, I'm not for putting up a statue of John Gacy or Jeff Dahmner.

In 1860 the farmers needed cheap labor, slavery was the norm. The plantation owners were not evil, but practical as their ancestors were.

Um, yeah, if you live a big house that slaves worked to provide for you, you are fucking evil.

They fought for their way of life as separatists, not as conquerors to enslave the north.

Their way of life (Just the plantation owners, not the dumb poor white Trash who put on gray uniforms and engaged in massive acts of natural selection) was based on the systematic enslavement, torture and rape of other human beings.

Lee was a brilliant general, he was not a criminal, read his bio.

Um, yeah, he was a criminal, as he led an armed insurrection against the duly elected government.

Societal norms changed and some resisted. The world was moving to abolish slavery at that time, and the confederacy decided to fight instead. You can call them "evil" but think about how they survive without cheap labor. They wanted Washington to take their idealism and pound sand, as a matter of states' rights.

Again, the sheer stupidity of that statement... "Oh, however shall we live if we have to pay the people actually doing the work."

Tell you what, for the next year, how about you work for free for your boss, because however will he survive without cheap labor? You should also let him whip you if your productivity is down or you give him any attitude. But only if you are into that kind of thing, I don't judge.

They wanted Washington to take their idealism and pound sand, as a matter of states' rights.

Except that's not what they did. They preemptively started a war before Lincoln could even take office.

Maybe you missed reading this chronology
CHRONOLOGY-Who banned slavery when? - Reuters

France, Netherlands, and Portugal abolished slavery from 1848 to 1861. Cuba abolished it in 1886 and Brazil in 1888. So when Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation effective 1/1/1863 it was a relatively new concept, but still ahead of Cuba and Brazil. i.e. slavery was the norm, a "necessary evil" to make the 1800's economy function. Please don't put your 2019 politically correct blinders on, that's the way the world worked before 1860. I'm not supporting slavery, but it existed back then and was considered normal not necessarily evil as we do today.

10 Facts: What Everyone Should Know About the Civil War
The civil war was started April 1861 to preserve the union after the confederate states left, because they were worried that the northern abolitionists would prohibit slavery. It wasn't fought primarily over slavery, but to preserve the union. The southern men who fought were fighting for independence. It may not have been a noble cause (keeping slavery), but the rebels were regular folks who wanted their own country. I still have a hard time calling them criminals, fighting for independence has never been considered criminal. Call them misguided, anachronistic, or some other adjectives, "late to accept civil liberties", hangers-on, etc.
Maybe you missed reading this chronology

No, I just didn't give a fuck.

The Southern assholes fought to preserve slavery. They don't deserve statues.
5 Causes of the Civil War (Besides Slavery)

you really need to stop riding a one-trick pony. if you remove slavery from the equation there are still a lot of the same reasons today as there were back then. we're doing it to ourselves by how we treat each other - and this has nothing to do with your anti-slavery rants.
Maybe you missed reading this chronology

No, I just didn't give a fuck.

The Southern assholes fought to preserve slavery. They don't deserve statues.
5 Causes of the Civil War (Besides Slavery)

you really need to stop riding a one-trick pony. if you remove slavery from the equation there are still a lot of the same reasons today as there were back then. we're doing it to ourselves by how we treat each other - and this has nothing to do with your anti-slavery rants.
All are directly related to slavery
you really need to stop riding a one-trick pony. if you remove slavery from the equation there are still a lot of the same reasons today as there were back then. we're doing it to ourselves by how we treat each other - and this has nothing to do with your anti-slavery rants.

Buddy, all the revisionist, Disney-fied history aside, the Civil War was ONLY about slavery. Everything else was just about getting dumb ass inbreds to catch bullets for rich people.

But you are right.. we have the same problems today... It's why the rich always get their tax cuts and abortion never gets banned.
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present.

Um, not, it's being removed because he betrayed the country over slavery.

Time to stop honoring traitors. Take them all down.

Just like the Taliban, destroying art, trying to erase history. History haunts them, even if they try to mangle the history books.
History is history, the truth is the truth, deal with it.

Yes, history is history.

And there was nothing noble or honorable about Lee, which is why he should be expunged from any place of honor. .
And ban that damned flag too. Nobody else lets a conquered populace fly their old flag, why are we?
Do you know who else destroyed historical artifacts of people they don't like? Nazis, muslim filth and Chairman Mao's Red Guard (or whatever it was called). So these liberal traitor-cocksuckers are in wonderful company, aren't they?

And the USA started with it (Sorry King George)

Post Nazi Germany (sorry HItler)


So that's the group you don't like? Anti-nazi, Pro- USA, Christianity?
Statue sold for $1.4 million. Why are we removing the in the first place because they owned slaves and that makes it racist today. What’s next all our money? George Washington owned 30 himself is he know a piece of shit? The Left gets offended by EVERYTHING in the past because they’re personally so inadequate in the present.

Um, not, it's being removed because he betrayed the country over slavery.

Time to stop honoring traitors. Take them all down.

Just like the Taliban, destroying art, trying to erase history. History haunts them, even if they try to mangle the history books.
History is history, the truth is the truth, deal with it.

Yes, history is history.

And there was nothing noble or honorable about Lee, which is why he should be expunged from any place of honor. .
Um prove it traitor.
It’s impossible to educate these fucking leftist pussies. If you don’t love the greatest country on earth you’re a pathetic human being that wouldn’t make it in any other country. You beta weak pussies worry out the past because you have no future.
LOL...nice projection.
It's you who is looking back and lamenting the loss of your power. It's you who feels uncertainty in your future. It's you who is powerless over these changes.
It's you that will have problems adapting.
It's you who is gnashing,crying and lashing out.

You reek of fear and defeat.

Lol my flag waves in the air outside my house I’m fine. Powerless lmao
That asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans and take away their arms and burn down their cities. May he rot in Hell.

Davis raised his regiments to defend againt the invasion. God bless him.
Davis was a traitor
They were all traitors – including Lee, who authorized the capture and enslavement of free blacks.

Lee and all the ‘confederate’ generals and leaders were reprehensible criminals, deserving of contempt and condemnation.

And just as wrong and reprehensible are conservatives who attempt to deify and make heroes of these criminals and traitors.

They’re my heroes not yours
I give Lee credit for being an amazing tactical commander and a generally honorable man.

But he was fighting against his own country to preserve slavery. That can not and should not be forgotten

So why take down the statues so it’ll be forgotten?
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Please educate yourselves you stupid motherfuckers. That’s why we get so frustrated with you useful idiots. View attachment 264710

Robert E. Lee: His Brutality to His Slaves. In NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD Vol. XXVI. No. 49 (April 14, 1866). Whole No. 1,349

We were immediately taken before Gen. Lee, who demanded the reason why we ran away; we frankly told him that we considered ourselves free; he then told us he would teach us a lesson we never would forget; he then ordered us to the barn, where, in his presence, we were tied firmly to posts by a Mr. Gwin, our overseer, who was ordered by Gen. Lee to strip us to the waist and give us fifty lashes each, excepting my sister, who received but twenty; we were accordingly stripped to the skin by the overseer, who, however, had sufficient humanity to decline whipping us; accordingly Dick Williams, a county constable, was called in, who gave us the number of lashes ordered; Gen. Lee, in the meantime, stood by, and frequently enjoined Williams to lay it on well, an injunction which he did not fail to heed; not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.
Do you know who else destroyed historical artifacts of people they don't like? Nazis, muslim filth and Chairman Mao's Red Guard (or whatever it was called). So these liberal traitor-cocksuckers are in wonderful company, aren't they?


Except that no one is destroying any historical artifacts in this situation, as the statue was sold. But let's compare it to destroying historical artifacts anyway! :p

What is actually being destroyed, that they object to, is the artifacts' role as propaganda transmitters.

Oh woe, what shall we do without propaganda to hide behind.

Why without that we would have to, I dunno, face facts and shit.
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I give Lee credit for being an amazing tactical commander and a generally honorable man.

But he was fighting against his own country to preserve slavery. That can not and should not be forgotten

So why take down the statues so it’ll be forgotten?
Because he was fighting to preserve slavery. If you have an interest in tactics the history books will still be there
If a community no longer wants it’s monuments to the confederacy, I really don’t care

Why should people who do not even live there get to say what they can do on public land?

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