Robert E Lee & The Confederate Solider statue removed in Dallas

Is that what public school taught you?

Where did you learn alternative history

Hey, you didn't provide links to prove that Republicans are fighting for flying the Confederate flag on Government land again today...Could it be you just made up that claim?
Didn’t say today

You ignored the request for documentation the day you said it and refuse to back it up today. Tells me all I need to know. You're devolving into a troll.
Republicans have defended the confederacy for decades
The party of Lincoln

Which is NOT what you claimed originally. However, I'd be willing to look at any documentation that you can muster that Republicans have defended the Confederacy. Present it now.
The South realized it’s slave culture was dying
New states were not going to side with their despicable practice of slavery.
It was going to mean that they no longer had the political influence to force pro slavery policy in Washington

So they started there own country which would preserve slavery forever

The confederacy was the moral equivalent of Nazi Germany

Is that what public school taught you?

Where did you learn alternative history

Hey, you didn't provide links to prove that Republicans are fighting for flying the Confederate flag on Government land again today...Could it be you just made up that claim?
Didn’t say today

You ignored the request for documentation the day you said it and refuse to back it up today. Tells me all I need to know. You're devolving into a troll.

Nothing funny about your trolling.

Um, sorry, Lee owned slaves, and Grant didn't. Grant was from Illinois, which was a free state.

Actually Grant did own slaves, that part is true. Both by inheritance and acquisition, in Missouri. Grant was in fact the last POTUS to have been a slaveowner.

>> In 1855, Grant farmed on his brother-in-law's property near St. Louis, using slaves owned by Julia's father.[82] The farm was not successful and to earn a living he sold firewood on St. Louis street corners.[83] Earning only $50 a month (equivalent to $1,340 in 2018), wearing his faded army jacket, an unkempt Grant desperately looked for work.[84] The next year, the Grants moved to land on Julia's father's farm, and built a home called "Hardscrabble" on Grant's Farm. Julia disliked the rustic house, which she described as an "unattractive cabin".[85] The Panic of 1857devastated farmers, including Grant, who pawned his gold watch to pay for Christmas.[86] In 1858, Grant rented out Hardscrabble and moved his family to Julia's father's 850-acre plantation that used slave labor.[87] That fall, after a bout of malaria, Grant retired from farming.[88]

The same year, Grant acquired a slave from his father-in-law, a thirty-five-year-old man named William Jones.[89] In March 1859, Grant freed William, worth about $1,500, instead of selling him at a time when he needed money.[90] << -- Wiki
So although I'm not sure how Grant got in here, a deflection no doubt, but both of them owned slaves, the Googly Image graphic is still wrong, but that's what happens when some wag tries to make a bullshit point using user-generated graphics where anyone can write anything the want.

I guess this Grant deflection from the OP is yet another attempt to redefine the monument removals in terms of "waah, they owned slaves" instead of facing the actual dynamics, which are shall we say inconvenient.
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Where did you learn alternative history

Hey, you didn't provide links to prove that Republicans are fighting for flying the Confederate flag on Government land again today...Could it be you just made up that claim?
Didn’t say today

You ignored the request for documentation the day you said it and refuse to back it up today. Tells me all I need to know. You're devolving into a troll.
Republicans have defended the confederacy for decades
The party of Lincoln

Which is NOT what you claimed originally. However, I'd be willing to look at any documentation that you can muster that Republicans have defended the Confederacy. Present it now.
Let’s see....

They defend the flag
They defend the monuments

I thought the flag was the confederacy?
Hey, you didn't provide links to prove that Republicans are fighting for flying the Confederate flag on Government land again today...Could it be you just made up that claim?
Didn’t say today

You ignored the request for documentation the day you said it and refuse to back it up today. Tells me all I need to know. You're devolving into a troll.
Republicans have defended the confederacy for decades
The party of Lincoln

Which is NOT what you claimed originally. However, I'd be willing to look at any documentation that you can muster that Republicans have defended the Confederacy. Present it now.
Let’s see....

They defend the flag
They defend the monuments

I thought the flag was the confederacy?

So, they defend the first amendment and they don't want art desecrated. That's defending American values, not the Confederacy. I may not like the Confederacy, but that doesn't mean I support your censorship.
Didn’t say today

You ignored the request for documentation the day you said it and refuse to back it up today. Tells me all I need to know. You're devolving into a troll.
Republicans have defended the confederacy for decades
The party of Lincoln

Which is NOT what you claimed originally. However, I'd be willing to look at any documentation that you can muster that Republicans have defended the Confederacy. Present it now.
Let’s see....

They defend the flag
They defend the monuments

I thought the flag was the confederacy?

So, they defend the first amendment and they don't want art desecrated. That's defending American values, not the Confederacy. I may not like the Confederacy, but that doesn't mean I support your censorship.

"Censorship" is not in play here.

with victory at hand, Abe Lincoln could have sought revenge on the confederates. BUT HE DIDN'T. that should inspire us to this day to go easy on these folks and let them celebrate their heritage!
Didn’t say today

You ignored the request for documentation the day you said it and refuse to back it up today. Tells me all I need to know. You're devolving into a troll.
Republicans have defended the confederacy for decades
The party of Lincoln

Which is NOT what you claimed originally. However, I'd be willing to look at any documentation that you can muster that Republicans have defended the Confederacy. Present it now.
Let’s see....

They defend the flag
They defend the monuments

I thought the flag was the confederacy?

So, they defend the first amendment and they don't want art desecrated. That's defending American values, not the Confederacy. I may not like the Confederacy, but that doesn't mean I support your censorship.

Racism is now in the first amendment?
You ignored the request for documentation the day you said it and refuse to back it up today. Tells me all I need to know. You're devolving into a troll.
Republicans have defended the confederacy for decades
The party of Lincoln

Which is NOT what you claimed originally. However, I'd be willing to look at any documentation that you can muster that Republicans have defended the Confederacy. Present it now.
Let’s see....

They defend the flag
They defend the monuments

I thought the flag was the confederacy?

So, they defend the first amendment and they don't want art desecrated. That's defending American values, not the Confederacy. I may not like the Confederacy, but that doesn't mean I support your censorship.

Racism is now in the first amendment?

If racism was NOT protected by the first amendment, you would be in prison.
liberals would execute a modern day Jefferson Davis in a show trial. they cry IMPEACH HIM over a simple Trump Tweet.

General John Kelly called Lee "an honorable man". his explosive remark led to this controversy.
FDR was the one who put up these Lee statues. "we recognize him as one the greatest American christians" - FDR

Eisenhower hung Lee's portrait in the WH
Lee is an example to all generations of americans throughout history, we can take pride in his service through those statues of him
FDR was the one who put up these Lee statues. "we recognize him as one the greatest American christians" - FDR

Eisenhower hung Lee's portrait in the WH

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT. It was the UDC who put all this shit up, the same group that literally rewrote history books.
Please educate yourselves you stupid motherfuckers. That’s why we get so frustrated with you useful idiots. View attachment 264710

Robert E. Lee: His Brutality to His Slaves. In NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD Vol. XXVI. No. 49 (April 14, 1866). Whole No. 1,349

We were immediately taken before Gen. Lee, who demanded the reason why we ran away; we frankly told him that we considered ourselves free; he then told us he would teach us a lesson we never would forget; he then ordered us to the barn, where, in his presence, we were tied firmly to posts by a Mr. Gwin, our overseer, who was ordered by Gen. Lee to strip us to the waist and give us fifty lashes each, excepting my sister, who received but twenty; we were accordingly stripped to the skin by the overseer, who, however, had sufficient humanity to decline whipping us; accordingly Dick Williams, a county constable, was called in, who gave us the number of lashes ordered; Gen. Lee, in the meantime, stood by, and frequently enjoined Williams to lay it on well, an injunction which he did not fail to heed; not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.


Um, sorry, Lee owned slaves, and Grant didn't. Grant was from Illinois, which was a free state.

“In 1848 Grant married into the slaveholding family of Julia Dent. Her father, Frederick Dent, owned 30 enslaved people and had “given” Julia four enslaved people when she was a child: Eliza, Dan, Julia, and John. There is no evidence he legally transferred ownership to Julia but from her writings it is clear she considered them hers.”

So Grant had shitty slave credit and he had it in his wife’s name lol

Um, sorry, Lee owned slaves, and Grant didn't. Grant was from Illinois, which was a free state.

Actually Grant did own slaves, that part is true. Both by inheritance and acquisition, in Missouri. Grant was in fact the last POTUS to have been a slaveowner.

>> In 1855, Grant farmed on his brother-in-law's property near St. Louis, using slaves owned by Julia's father.[82] The farm was not successful and to earn a living he sold firewood on St. Louis street corners.[83] Earning only $50 a month (equivalent to $1,340 in 2018), wearing his faded army jacket, an unkempt Grant desperately looked for work.[84] The next year, the Grants moved to land on Julia's father's farm, and built a home called "Hardscrabble" on Grant's Farm. Julia disliked the rustic house, which she described as an "unattractive cabin".[85] The Panic of 1857devastated farmers, including Grant, who pawned his gold watch to pay for Christmas.[86] In 1858, Grant rented out Hardscrabble and moved his family to Julia's father's 850-acre plantation that used slave labor.[87] That fall, after a bout of malaria, Grant retired from farming.[88]

The same year, Grant acquired a slave from his father-in-law, a thirty-five-year-old man named William Jones.[89] In March 1859, Grant freed William, worth about $1,500, instead of selling him at a time when he needed money.[90] << -- Wiki
So although I'm not sure how Grant got in here, a deflection no doubt, but both of them owned slaves, the Googly Image graphic is still wrong, but that's what happens when some wag tries to make a bullshit point using user-generated graphics where anyone can write anything the want.

I guess this Grant deflection from the OP is yet another attempt to redefine the monument removals in terms of "waah, they owned slaves" instead of facing the actual dynamics, which are shall we say inconvenient.

His wife owned 30 slaves that were in her name.

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