Robert E Lee & The Confederate Solider statue removed in Dallas

The Texas Republic existed in 1836. The Mexican Federal and Central Government demanded Catholicism And an end to slavery in Texas. Texas was mostly or majority White settlers with a distant Mexican government and populous essentially making an Empire. The Confederates worked Texas into the meaning of the War and hardly the other way around, I wish and expect to see monuments in Texas. They sure got rid of all our Lone Star steakhouses, whats up with that?

About rewriting history, I mean. The first time the American Population had a revived interest in cinema or popular media about the War, where maybe 500 angry loose-end confederate veterans made a Club involving sheets, in 1910s made a Boy Scout rivaling some 20 millions Ku Klux Klan political organization, patriotic America, all from a Total overblow misinterpreting movie. I Totally sympathize in comparison with the "Lost Cause". Well that's about Confederate Daughters talking up Chivalry and Knighthood when New York was making abusive sweatshop bosses in charge of women and immigrant women in no rights underpaid jobs , burned or abused or Whatever, that's for sure.
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Well, the more you guys Believe that these Weren't public services and Public Works rendered onto you, the public, the more they'll take them down, sure. Unionists that Never spoke English. What percent was it, 40% of German Americans off the boat then served? The Native inheritors of this Country lose out. This Union argument spins around increasing complexities about the laboring state of the 200 year stable and bountiful African American population, whereas the Confederate position was So stable, so conservative, so established, as to be the 2nd War of American Independence (tm). The institutions with little innovation have the argument of state boundaries and protections.
The famous Ulysses Grant is from 1922 a huge highlight of the Capitol Building and Reflecting pool. Just like the Lincoln Monument, possibly the same year. Of Course the heroes of Federal Government are all coalesced, I don't know which State Capitol building you expect to see a Lincoln.
Imo you need to rethink an analogy between slaves and German and Irish Immigrants who came here to find work, and ended pretty much preserving the Union by sheer numbers in the AOP.

I was thinking of the Grant statue/sculpture in DC too. And it was done roughly contemporaneously to the Confederate General statues. Althogh the Grant statue was never about glofiying the "lost cause" or Jim Crow and the segregation of blacks from voting and schools. Rather, Grant appears looking out from the Capitol towards the Lincoln Memorial on horseback protecting the Union that Lincoln died for. Two very distinct images and symbols.

But I think its sort of unfortunate that it's probably not possible to create a monument to the bravery of ALL combatants in that war, as there are now the WWII and Korean monuments to go with the real Wall. I think the Korean one is esp effective in portraying the suffering and tiredness of the soldiers
brothers and sisters: when attack the confederate heroes, you attack the whole United States.

first its Lee, next week it'll be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. WHEN DOES IT END?

even JFK talked about Robert E Lee in glowing terms when he visited the south.

Virginia Gov Terry McCauliffee praised Lee in 2015, but now that he wants to run for president, he's demanding that the statue gets taken down
owning slaves is just like owning a smart phone in the modern day. it's part of being an AMERICAN back then. if everyone does it, you shouldn't blame specific people for doing it!
It's always turns out well when a nation starts burning books and removing history.

Hitler is part of our history . We don’t honor him wh statues .

And for a proper analogy, Germany doesn't put up statues of Hitler and rewrite its history schoolbooks to present the idea that his cause really was noble and he just got outgunned by the meanies on the other side. Quite the opposite.

No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Probably ought to read those articles from the commemoration of that Lee statue in Charlottesville. I believe "greatest man to ever live" was how the mayor at the ceremony described him.
owning slaves is just like owning a smart phone in the modern day. it's part of being an AMERICAN back then. if everyone does it, you shouldn't blame specific people for doing it!

Except some decided to renounce their citizenship to lead a war against America to protect and expand the institution of race based slavery that killed hundreds of thousands of American men, women, and children
liberals overlook RFK's spying on MLK. liberals overlook Chappaquiddick. liberals overlook Bill Clinton Monicagate and Robert Byrd.
brothers and sisters: when attack the confederate heroes, you attack the whole United States.

first its Lee, next week it'll be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. WHEN DOES IT END?

even JFK talked about Robert E Lee in glowing terms when he visited the south.

Virginia Gov Terry McCauliffee praised Lee in 2015, but now that he wants to run for president, he's demanding that the statue gets taken down

Pretty simple. The information about Lee and the Confederacy is now very public. The Lost cause myths are being exposed as lies.

how about we just draw the line where those who took of arms against the United States of America don't get statues. None for Islamic terrorists that grew up in the US. None for Nazi spies that lived in the US. None for guys that blow up Federal buildings... None for those who waged the deadliest war against the US.

Everyone has flaws. But when it comes to honoring people on American land, stick with Americans. Not those who renounced their citizenship of America to fight it.
racism is not just in the south, its in all of america. the constitution is racist. america's economy was built on slavery, not white supremacy
all 15 presidents before Lincoln owned slaves, 6 of them were Democrats, none were Republicans

the Jefferson Jackson dinner may as well be a slavery/genocide celebration according to the left
if we exclude the slave owning Democrat presidents or those with no sex scandals...all they'd be left with is Jimmy Carter, Obama, and Grover Cleveland
brothers and sisters: when attack the confederate heroes, you attack the whole United States.

first its Lee, next week it'll be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. WHEN DOES IT END?

even JFK talked about Robert E Lee in glowing terms when he visited the south.

Virginia Gov Terry McCauliffee praised Lee in 2015, but now that he wants to run for president, he's demanding that the statue gets taken down
Jefferson Lee Washington and all others were great men. But even Lincoln - by most accounts the greatest American - violated the constitution knowingly on mult occasions. I don't think anyone wants a monument to that. No one person represents America. If states put up monuments to honor some sacrifice made by soldiers or other groups, that's great. There's no argument that thats' NOT what the Lost Cause statues of dead Generals was about though. It was about Social Power remaining with the Whites, and the Lost Cause was noble. That's why your thread is a lie.

If the natl govt decides that as a nation we should have a statue of some person that represents some aspect of the person's life (Jefferson the const, Lincoln the union, Grant the union, FDR the leader) I'm ok with it, because there has to be some consensus nationally that its appropriate
brothers and sisters: when attack the confederate heroes, you attack the whole United States.

first its Lee, next week it'll be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. WHEN DOES IT END?

even JFK talked about Robert E Lee in glowing terms when he visited the south.

Virginia Gov Terry McCauliffee praised Lee in 2015, but now that he wants to run for president, he's demanding that the statue gets taken down
Jefferson Lee Washington and all others were great men. But even Lincoln - by most accounts the greatest American - violated the constitution knowingly on mult occasions. I don't think anyone wants a monument to that. No one person represents America. If states put up monuments to honor some sacrifice made by soldiers or other groups, that's great. There's no argument that thats' NOT what the Lost Cause statues of dead Generals was about though. It was about Social Power remaining with the Whites, and the Lost Cause was noble. That's why your thread is a lie.

If the natl govt decides that as a nation we should have a statue of some person that represents some aspect of the person's life (Jefferson the const, Lincoln the union, Grant the union, FDR the leader) I'm ok with it, because there has to be some consensus nationally that its appropriate
Abe Lincoln was a white supremacist, my friend

Lincoln was called "the baboon president" in the north and "assassin murderer" in the south
"it is a stain on the union that black men should be bought and sold like kettle" - George Washington
It's always turns out well when a nation starts burning books and removing history.

Hitler is part of our history . We don’t honor him wh statues .

And for a proper analogy, Germany doesn't put up statues of Hitler and rewrite its history schoolbooks to present the idea that his cause really was noble and he just got outgunned by the meanies on the other side. Quite the opposite.

No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.
brothers and sisters: when attack the confederate heroes, you attack the whole United States.

first its Lee, next week it'll be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. WHEN DOES IT END?

even JFK talked about Robert E Lee in glowing terms when he visited the south.

Virginia Gov Terry McCauliffee praised Lee in 2015, but now that he wants to run for president, he's demanding that the statue gets taken down

Ummmm no. Confederates attacked the United States . They literally tried to destroy the country.

It’s not about slave owing . It’s about treason and villainy .

What are your thoughts on Bo Bergdahl . Cons hate the guy and all he did was wander off into the hills and got caught by the Taliban. Lee killed hundreds of thousands Americans!
It's always turns out well when a nation starts burning books and removing history.

Hitler is part of our history . We don’t honor him wh statues .

And for a proper analogy, Germany doesn't put up statues of Hitler and rewrite its history schoolbooks to present the idea that his cause really was noble and he just got outgunned by the meanies on the other side. Quite the opposite.

No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.

Sherman is the hero who should have all the monuments. Why is Lee praised and Sherman not ?
all 15 presidents before Lincoln owned slaves, 6 of them were Democrats, none were Republicans

the Jefferson Jackson dinner may as well be a slavery/genocide celebration according to the left
Lincoln was the first Republican
The Democratic Party was formed in the 1830s
Hitler is part of our history . We don’t honor him wh statues .

And for a proper analogy, Germany doesn't put up statues of Hitler and rewrite its history schoolbooks to present the idea that his cause really was noble and he just got outgunned by the meanies on the other side. Quite the opposite.

No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.

Sherman is the hero who should have all the monuments. Why is Lee praised and Sherman not ?

Sherman put down the Confederate rebellion

He should have monuments throughout the south. He rescued them

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