Robert E Lee & The Confederate Solider statue removed in Dallas

I have a compromise. We replace all these Lee monuments wh Benedict Arnold monuments !
Hitler is part of our history . We don’t honor him wh statues .

And for a proper analogy, Germany doesn't put up statues of Hitler and rewrite its history schoolbooks to present the idea that his cause really was noble and he just got outgunned by the meanies on the other side. Quite the opposite.

No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.

Sherman is the hero who should have all the monuments. Why is Lee praised and Sherman not ?

Sherman is no hero.
I have a compromise. We replace all these Lee monuments wh Benedict Arnold monuments !

We already have a Benedict Arnold Monument. It is at Saratoga where he led American Forces back from retreat do defeating
the British in our first great victory in the Revolution.

It is a replica of his "boot" that he was wounded wearing in the final charge that broke the Brits attack.

Boot Monument - Wikipedia
And for a proper analogy, Germany doesn't put up statues of Hitler and rewrite its history schoolbooks to present the idea that his cause really was noble and he just got outgunned by the meanies on the other side. Quite the opposite.

No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.

Sherman is the hero who should have all the monuments. Why is Lee praised and Sherman not ?

Sherman is no hero.

How dare you slander a decorated American war general! Typical of you anti American conservatives.
And for a proper analogy, Germany doesn't put up statues of Hitler and rewrite its history schoolbooks to present the idea that his cause really was noble and he just got outgunned by the meanies on the other side. Quite the opposite.

No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.

Sherman is the hero who should have all the monuments. Why is Lee praised and Sherman not ?

Sherman is no hero.

He rescued the south
No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.

Sherman is the hero who should have all the monuments. Why is Lee praised and Sherman not ?

Sherman is no hero.

He rescued the south

Sherman was a fixture in the South, before the War. He was the first President of what is now, LSU.

He was never opposed to Slavery. He was all for it. He just opposed secession.
William Tecumseh Sherman - Wikipedia
No, but nothing of that sort was even implied, only that it was history.

Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.

Sherman is the hero who should have all the monuments. Why is Lee praised and Sherman not ?

Sherman is no hero.

How dare you slander a decorated American war general! Typical of you anti American conservatives.

Benedict Arnold was a better man than sherman.
owning slaves is just like owning a smart phone in the modern day. it's part of being an AMERICAN back then. if everyone does it, you shouldn't blame specific people for doing it!

NOR IS IT THE TOPIC HERE, Shit-for-brains.

brothers and sisters: when attack the confederate heroes, you attack the whole United States.

first its Lee, next week it'll be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. WHEN DOES IT END?

even JFK talked about Robert E Lee in glowing terms when he visited the south.

Virginia Gov Terry McCauliffee praised Lee in 2015, but now that he wants to run for president, he's demanding that the statue gets taken down


Washington and Jefferson were never the topics of Lost Cause propaganda, were they.

brothers and sisters: when attack the confederate heroes, you attack the whole United States.

first its Lee, next week it'll be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. WHEN DOES IT END?

even JFK talked about Robert E Lee in glowing terms when he visited the south.

Virginia Gov Terry McCauliffee praised Lee in 2015, but now that he wants to run for president, he's demanding that the statue gets taken down

There are no "confederate heroes".
“In 1848 Grant married into the slaveholding family of Julia Dent. Her father, Frederick Dent, owned 30 enslaved people and had “given” Julia four enslaved people when she was a child: Eliza, Dan, Julia, and John. There is no evidence he legally transferred ownership to Julia but from her writings it is clear she considered them hers.”

So Grant had shitty slave credit and he had it in his wife’s name lol

So he didn't own them, his wife's family did. MAN, that's a fucking stretch.
Oh I'm afraid it was not only "implied", it was actively constructed.

The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates -- Edward A. Pollard (1866)

The Clansman -
Thomas Dixon (1905)

Birth of a Nation -- D.W. Griffith (1915)

Gone With the Wind -- Margaret Mitchell, 1936

Literally hundreds of statues/monuments/plaques erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy --- late 19th/early 20th century

And more than that, they literally rewrote history books:

Now take all that and try to imagine the German Daughters of the Third Reich rewriting German history schoolbooks to whitewash Hitler. And putting up Göbbels and Göring and Eichmann statues all over the damn place to present them as some kind of 'nobility'.

THAT is what's been coming down. And it's about damn time. Like the one in this thread, which by the way came down two years ago.

Oh, so you're condemning literature, opinions also in their interpretation. Lee didn't commission burning cities down yet sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground which included innocent citizens property. And I'm supposed to revere Sherman as some war hero. Don't think so. See how I can flip it, pogo.

Sherman is the hero who should have all the monuments. Why is Lee praised and Sherman not ?

Sherman is no hero.

How dare you slander a decorated American war general! Typical of you anti American conservatives.

Benedict Arnold was a better man than sherman.

Sherman saved the south

Arnold was a traitor
“In 1848 Grant married into the slaveholding family of Julia Dent. Her father, Frederick Dent, owned 30 enslaved people and had “given” Julia four enslaved people when she was a child: Eliza, Dan, Julia, and John. There is no evidence he legally transferred ownership to Julia but from her writings it is clear she considered them hers.”

So Grant had shitty slave credit and he had it in his wife’s name lol

So he didn't own them, his wife's family did. MAN, that's a fucking stretch.
Grant was fighting AGAINST the institution of slavery and against traitorous secessionists.
“In 1848 Grant married into the slaveholding family of Julia Dent. Her father, Frederick Dent, owned 30 enslaved people and had “given” Julia four enslaved people when she was a child: Eliza, Dan, Julia, and John. There is no evidence he legally transferred ownership to Julia but from her writings it is clear she considered them hers.”

So Grant had shitty slave credit and he had it in his wife’s name lol

So he didn't own them, his wife's family did. MAN, that's a fucking stretch.
Grant was fighting AGAINST the institution of slavery and against traitorous secessionists.

So were Union Soldiers from Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, New Jersey, Kentucky and West Virginia, but their states
all had an institution of slavery during the Civil War. They just left the whip with their wife when they went off to fight.

btw...I'm still confused as to why MLB was segregated until 1947, even though all the teams were in the North.
“In 1848 Grant married into the slaveholding family of Julia Dent. Her father, Frederick Dent, owned 30 enslaved people and had “given” Julia four enslaved people when she was a child: Eliza, Dan, Julia, and John. There is no evidence he legally transferred ownership to Julia but from her writings it is clear she considered them hers.”

So Grant had shitty slave credit and he had it in his wife’s name lol

So he didn't own them, his wife's family did. MAN, that's a fucking stretch.
Grant was fighting AGAINST the institution of slavery and against traitorous secessionists.

So were Union Soldiers from Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, New Jersey, Kentucky and West Virginia, but their states
all had an institution of slavery during the Civil War. They just left the whip with their wife when they went off to fight.

btw...I'm still confused as to why MLB was segregated until 1947, even though all the teams were in the North.

How does being in the north make a difference?

MLB had a "gentlemen's agreement" for the six decades between Moses Walker and Jackie Robinson, which pretty much reflected the racial attitudes nationally in sports and in everything else. And that developed largely as another result of the Lost Cause Cult that was putting out the revisionist propaganda. That begat the spike in lynchings, race riots, the re-foundijng of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow laws, "cover" records (which is why I never use the term), and the baseball "color line".

That's part of the poisonous effect of the same shit that plopped out these statues.

That's why MLB never call Robinson the "first black ballplayer" because he wasn't. They say he "broke the color line". That color line was established along with the degradation of racial relations begat by the Lost Cause Bullshit, along with the infamous Tulsa Race Riots and others like it, the Al Jolson schtick and the songs that Kate Smith recently got abandoned for. All that built up together into the worst period of racial relations this country has ever had.
“In 1848 Grant married into the slaveholding family of Julia Dent. Her father, Frederick Dent, owned 30 enslaved people and had “given” Julia four enslaved people when she was a child: Eliza, Dan, Julia, and John. There is no evidence he legally transferred ownership to Julia but from her writings it is clear she considered them hers.”

So Grant had shitty slave credit and he had it in his wife’s name lol

So he didn't own them, his wife's family did. MAN, that's a fucking stretch.
Grant was fighting AGAINST the institution of slavery and against traitorous secessionists.

His wife wasn’t
brothers and sisters: when attack the confederate heroes, you attack the whole United States.

first its Lee, next week it'll be George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. WHEN DOES IT END?

even JFK talked about Robert E Lee in glowing terms when he visited the south.

Virginia Gov Terry McCauliffee praised Lee in 2015, but now that he wants to run for president, he's demanding that the statue gets taken down

No, when we attack Lee, we are FINALLY admitting that our country was built on a great wrong- the enslavement of African Americans.

These statues were not put up to commemorate a war where the South got its ass royally kicked. It was to intimidate black folks to "stay in their place".

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