Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blasts Bill Gates' Vaccine Programs

I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
Another thing that I wasn't aware of until recently was his family background and their ties to NWO elites, people like Rockefeller, Soros, etc. This video goes into that...not in depth, but it's worth watching:

And this is what inowars tells ppl this is why obama and clinton both made it a point to mention " the fake news names" to deter the morons from what was coming this is what was coming and it's not done.

FUCI the globalist idiot has planned a " forced vaccine program" it will force us to take basically the chip it will provide our vaccines that we will have to have in order to go out------ These idiots think it's a joke and fake because we've heard this for quite a few years now but through those years those who love this nation from the inside mannaged to curb a lot of stuff and yes a lot of because infowars start hammering out information ! It can't be denied no matter what idiots tell ppl his info is fake go look back a few years that alone shows how he said such and such was going to take place or this is the plan etc etc...

That's why they wanted to SHUT DOWN REAL INFORMATION because when ppl understand and see what's really taking plae they will fight back their bs is already failing............ With one exception too manny idiots don't get this won't happen over night if they can pull off the vaccine bs they got us!! But they won't and the losers know it.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
By the way, every wealthy person lives paycheck to paycheck and is extremely cautious when withdrawing assets from investments.
If Bill Gates sold a million dollars in stock in one day, the price of MS would plummet.
He lives off his infamy and hidden assets,
All I can say is wow! I already knew that Bill Gates is bad news, but I admit, I hadn't really looked into all of the claims against him in regard to his vaccine programs. So I was amazed to read this, and although I don't know yet if everything RFK Jr is saying here is true, it is definitely something everyone needs to take a look at. Especially because Gates has been the one pushing this "pandemic" from the start (starting with the Event 201 dress rehearsal drill back in October of last year), and he's the one bringing you the vaccine that he wants the whole world to take, or else mass gatherings "may not come back at all" and because he has conflicts of interest out the wazoo.

Here are some excerpts from RFK Jr.'s Instagram post.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.​
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.​
In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.​
During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”​
In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign.​
Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.​
After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.​

Read more here:

Also here: Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination • Children's Health Defense

Not many know you can't even SUE these SOB's......
Twenty-Seven Years of Pharmaceutical Industry Criminal and Civil Penalties: 1991 Through 2017
By Sammy Almashat, M.D., M.P.H.Ryan Lang, M.D., M.P.H.Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.Michael Carome, M.D.

Public Citizen has published three previous reports—in 2010, 2012, and 2016—documenting the number and size of criminal and civil settlements and court judgments reached between the................

Ppl are gawd dam lazy and will never research and after all this bs going on you would think this would trigger the majority of american assholes to RESEARCH wtf these aholes are putting in vaccines....

IMPLANTABLE TATTOO vaccines etc are coming lmfao you won't even be able to cut the bs out of yourselves...... lol. ppl don't even believe that one yet in Europe they have implants already.

GD sheep are some zombie ass idiots!!!
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
All I can say is wow! I already knew that Bill Gates is bad news, but I admit, I hadn't really looked into all of the claims against him in regard to his vaccine programs. So I was amazed to read this, and although I don't know yet if everything RFK Jr is saying here is true, it is definitely something everyone needs to take a look at. Especially because Gates has been the one pushing this "pandemic" from the start (starting with the Event 201 dress rehearsal drill back in October of last year), and he's the one bringing you the vaccine that he wants the whole world to take, or else mass gatherings "may not come back at all" and because he has conflicts of interest out the wazoo.

Here are some excerpts from RFK Jr.'s Instagram post.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.​
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.​
In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.​
During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”​
In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign.​
Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.​
After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.​

Read more here:

Also here: Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination • Children's Health Defense

Not many know you can't even SUE these SOB's......
Twenty-Seven Years of Pharmaceutical Industry Criminal and Civil Penalties: 1991 Through 2017
By Sammy Almashat, M.D., M.P.H.Ryan Lang, M.D., M.P.H.Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.Michael Carome, M.D.

Public Citizen has published three previous reports—in 2010, 2012, and 2016—documenting the number and size of criminal and civil settlements and court judgments reached between the................

Ppl are gawd dam lazy and will never research and after all this bs going on you would think this would trigger the majority of american assholes to RESEARCH wtf these aholes are putting in vaccines....

IMPLANTABLE TATTOO vaccines etc are coming lmfao you won't even be able to cut the bs out of yourselves...... lol. ppl don't even believe that one yet in Europe they have implants already.

GD sheep are some zombie ass idiots!!!

I've been a life, health, and disability underwriter since Reagan's first term. Your vaccine bullshit is bullshit.

Now if you have 40 yrs underwriting in health. I'd welcome your expertise in this. Can we debate this possibly? I can only debate medical professionals too. So give me the info.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
I agree with you to a large extent but a lot of wealthy people are pieces of shit and I would never do what they do to make money.
Bill Gates never says, "Do what you love and surround yourself with talented people and reward them!", he says, "Steal an idea and work people to death to make it look like it works and lie about it's value to sell it".
That's advice I can do without.
All I can say is wow! I already knew that Bill Gates is bad news, but I admit, I hadn't really looked into all of the claims against him in regard to his vaccine programs. So I was amazed to read this, and although I don't know yet if everything RFK Jr is saying here is true, it is definitely something everyone needs to take a look at. Especially because Gates has been the one pushing this "pandemic" from the start (starting with the Event 201 dress rehearsal drill back in October of last year), and he's the one bringing you the vaccine that he wants the whole world to take, or else mass gatherings "may not come back at all" and because he has conflicts of interest out the wazoo.

Here are some excerpts from RFK Jr.'s Instagram post.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.​
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.​
In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.​
During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”​
In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign.​
Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested.​
After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.​

Read more here:

Also here: Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination • Children's Health Defense

Not many know you can't even SUE these SOB's......
Twenty-Seven Years of Pharmaceutical Industry Criminal and Civil Penalties: 1991 Through 2017
By Sammy Almashat, M.D., M.P.H.Ryan Lang, M.D., M.P.H.Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.Michael Carome, M.D.

Public Citizen has published three previous reports—in 2010, 2012, and 2016—documenting the number and size of criminal and civil settlements and court judgments reached between the................

Ppl are gawd dam lazy and will never research and after all this bs going on you would think this would trigger the majority of american assholes to RESEARCH wtf these aholes are putting in vaccines....

IMPLANTABLE TATTOO vaccines etc are coming lmfao you won't even be able to cut the bs out of yourselves...... lol. ppl don't even believe that one yet in Europe they have implants already.

GD sheep are some zombie ass idiots!!!

I've been a life, health, and disability underwriter since Reagan's first term. Your vaccine bullshit is bullshit.

Now if you have 40 yrs underwriting in health. I'd welcome your expertise in this. Can we debate this possibly? I can only debate medical professionals too. So give me the info.

Tell us what BG knows about health other than using Humans in impoverished nations to test them.
In fact, tell us what most billionaires know about health other than how to make a profit.
I know over 100 MDs in my town and not one of them has a clue about this virus.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
I agree with you to a large extent but a lot of wealthy people are pieces of shit and I would never do what they do to make money.
Bill Gates never says, "Do what you love and surround yourself with talented people and reward them!", he says, "Steal an idea and work people to death to make it look like it works and lie about it's value to sell it".
That's advice I can do without.
Being a total pos effects all races, incomes, creeds. The world is full of POS. Lol
All business people are son of a bitches. You'll really see that coming up after this mess.
I mark you on my approve list. A reasonable person Thanks. I didn't mean to sound cold on this. But I'm not going to lie about who I follow by example.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
He’s a fucking eugenicist psychopath asshole.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
I agree with you to a large extent but a lot of wealthy people are pieces of shit and I would never do what they do to make money.
Bill Gates never says, "Do what you love and surround yourself with talented people and reward them!", he says, "Steal an idea and work people to death to make it look like it works and lie about it's value to sell it".
That's advice I can do without.
Being a total pos effects all races, incomes, creeds. The world is full of POS. Lol
All business people are son of a bitches. You'll really see that coming up after this mess.
I mark you on my approve list. A reasonable person Thanks. I didn't mean to sound cold on this. But I'm not going to lie about who I follow by example.
I can appreciate the fact that anyone who takes on the onus of owning and running their own business can create a sense of ruthlessness as taxes and regulations can be frustrating.
RFK Jr. is a hypocrite environmentalist who fights for alternate power sources but came out against windmills that might spoil the view from the Kennedy compound. His hopes for a political career were dashed when his estranged 2nd wife was found hanged. Here death was ruled suicide.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
I'm amazed at your talent for missing the point, not just once, but repeatedly. Someone was talking to you about character and integrity, and you just go on and on about how successful you are and how you only admire "successful" people like Bill Gates and not those icky people who work for others. How do you define success? Having a lot of money? So stealing ideas and being a backstabber and considering human beings expendable is no problem, as long as someone makes a ton of money? If that is your idea of success, I truly pity you.
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