Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blasts Bill Gates' Vaccine Programs

I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
I'm amazed at your talent for missing the point, not just once, but repeatedly. Someone was talking to you about character and integrity, and you just go on and on about how successful you are and how you only admire "successful" people like Bill Gates and not those icky people who work for others. How do you define success? Having a lot of money? So stealing ideas and being a backstabber and considering human beings expendable is no problem, as long as someone makes a ton of money? If that is your idea of success, I truly pity you.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Gates is far worse due to his enormous wealth, power, and his desire to kill people the world over.
Yeah. How is this even an issue? Regardless of what one thinks of JFK jr. how can someone try and
compare him to the volumes of evidence we have about Bill Gates and his global vaccine hustle and his stated wishes to reduce world population? His support for the WHO, lackeys of the Communist Chinese butchers, just adds more fuel to this fire.

And, RFK jr. is sounding an alarm we should all be paying attention to. It's just idiotic trying to smear JFK jr.
for this service. Some people aren't bright enough to realize their necks are on the chopping block.
I assume you feel the world is flat, also. People like you are scary. It would be Ok if your beliefs only affect you but they can harm millions, especially young children.
What is your background that would produce such a whacked out mind.
Children already are being harmed in places like India which has sued Bill Gates due to his vaccine program
which has paralyzed and ruined the lives of thousands of children in the third world.
The world isn't flat. Your deformed head is.
You are spreading an absolute lie. It is a whacked out conspiracy theory as crazy as 9/11 was an inside job. The claim has been investigated and shown to be 100% untrue. God help you. God help us in dealing with dangerous people like you.
Oh, okay. Snopes. :icon_rolleyes: So impressive.

Here is my link about the trial in India due to deaths among young people brought on by HPV vaccine
programs funded and introduced by Bill Gates.

The fact is, despite what the parsers and raionalizers at Snopes claim, there is a trial going on in India
over this matter. Don't worry about people like me.
I have an open mind and judge issues based on facts and the preponderance of evidence.

Better to worry about low information dopes like yourself who are led around by the nose by their failed
political ideology. Mudd is your name. Mudd is your game.

Snopes makes a living giving morons like you just what they want to hear. The fact that Snopes claims, no,
Bill Gates is not being sued but PATH is (a Gates supported offshoot of his international vaccine initiative)
if you even read that far, should demonstrate why people think the clowns at Snopes are disingenuous
liars and they only exist to prop up leftist keyboard warriors like you and your friends, if you have any.
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Oh, okay. Snopes. :icon_rolleyes: So impressive.

Here is my link about the trial in India due to deaths among young people brought on by HPV vaccine
programs funded and introduced by Bill Gates.

The fact is, despite what the parsers and raionalizers at Snopes claim, there is a trial going on in India
over this matter. Don't worry about people like me.
I have an open mind and judge issues based on facts and the preponderance of evidence.

Better to worry about low information dopes like yourself who are led around by the nose by their failed
political ideology. Mudd is your name. Mudd is your game.

Snopes makes a living giving morons like you just what they want to hear.
The 7 girls death were investigated and determined to not be caused by the vaccine. The vaccine did not come from the Gates foundation but a non-profit that Gates foundation has supported. Gates foundation is not being sued. The Gates foundation is not advocating the vaccine.
Quit lying.
There are enough real issues to deal with. You are dangerous and disgusting.

Amen! I'm sick and tired of these unelected shysters trying to dictate to us what we can or can't do. And amazingly, the sheep are lining up to willingly go wherever these wolves lead.
I’m sick of it too, but we need to recognize the extreme wealthy control our government and the country. Many of them are sociopaths and psychopaths. Bezos, Gates, and the FB dork certainly fit this description. These people are dangerous because they know they are above the law.
and why we're here today.
Oh, okay. Snopes. :icon_rolleyes: So impressive.

Here is my link about the trial in India due to deaths among young people brought on by HPV vaccine
programs funded and introduced by Bill Gates.

The fact is, despite what the parsers and raionalizers at Snopes claim, there is a trial going on in India
over this matter. Don't worry about people like me.
I have an open mind and judge issues based on facts and the preponderance of evidence.

Better to worry about low information dopes like yourself who are led around by the nose by their failed
political ideology. Mudd is your name. Mudd is your game.

Snopes makes a living giving morons like you just what they want to hear. The fact that Snopes claims, no,
Bill Gates is not being sued but PATH is (a Gates supported offshoot of his international vaccine initiative)
if you even read that far, should demonstrate why people think the clowns at Snopes are disingenuous
liars and they only exist to prop up leftist computer warriors like you and your friends, if you have any.
There are countless articles that show the claim to be false and spread by conspiracy theorists. You are truly pathetic. You are like a virus that infects the truth. A virus that kills the truth and eventually kills people. We need a vaccine to eliminate people like you.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
Comedy gold,this troll has been taking lessons from right winger and Elmer how to troll at their best:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You work for a boss your whole life skippy? Never took advice from those types. Sorry and move on.
The 7 girls death were investigated and determined to not be caused by the vaccine.
You need to document that claim.

The vaccine did not come from the Gates foundation but a non-profit that Gates foundation has supported. Gates foundation is not being sued. The Gates foundation is not advocating the vaccine.
Quit lying.
You are the disingenuous liar hiding behind front groups and tenuous technicalities
when it was Bill Gates and his umbrella global vaccine initiative that administered these drugs in many third world nations like India and that is ultimately responsible whether, some arm of the octopus like PATH takes the blame or not.

Your willingness to hide behind the truth and ignore who PATH served and was funded by is sickening.
You are gutless.

There are enough real issues to deal with. You are dangerous and disgusting.
The deaths and permanent crippling of children thanks to Bill Gates IS a real issue
that creeps like you try to hide from.
There are countless articles that show the claim to be false and spread by conspiracy theorists. You are truly pathetic. You are like a virus that infects the truth. A virus that kills the truth and eventually kills people. We need a vaccine to eliminate people like you.
Fuck off! None of that undoubtedly bought and paid for puff PR piece can bring back to life or return to good health those seventy- some such children who died and were permanently crippled by Bill Gates
and his global vaccine initiative . Nothing you blather out can change that.
And this all only takes into account what happened in India. Gates' tentacles reached into other Third World
nations as well.

Gates is interested in reducing world population. Maybe you can help your hero out.
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The 7 girls death were investigated and determined to not be caused by the vaccine.
You need to document that claim.

The vaccine did not come from the Gates foundation but a non-profit that Gates foundation has supported. Gates foundation is not being sued. The Gates foundation is not advocating the vaccine.
Quit lying.
You are the disingenuous liar hiding behind front groups and tenuous technicalities
when it was Bill Gates and his umbrella global vaccine initiative that administered these drugs in many third world nations like India and that is ultimately responsible whether, some arm of the octopus like PATH takes the blame or not.

Your willingness to hide behind the truth and ignore who PATH served and was funded by is sickening.
You are gutless.

There are enough real issues to deal with. You are dangerous and disgusting.
The deaths and permanent crippling of children thanks to Bill Gates IS a real issue
that creeps like you try to hide from.
It is useless to talk logic and truth with people like you.
We need a vaccine to eliminate disgusting viruses on society and truth, like you. You are not just crazy, you are dangerous.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
I'm amazed at your talent for missing the point, not just once, but repeatedly. Someone was talking to you about character and integrity, and you just go on and on about how successful you are and how you only admire "successful" people like Bill Gates and not those icky people who work for others. How do you define success? Having a lot of money? So stealing ideas and being a backstabber and considering human beings expendable is no problem, as long as someone makes a ton of money? If that is your idea of success, I truly pity you.
I'm amazed that I don't care what you think. But OK.
What is success.
1- Having a loving partner for decades and know how to make a marriage work. You ever divorced?
2- Waking up and doing what you love your entire career and never work a day in your life. You do that?
3- Never worked a day in my life and retired at 50 doing that . You?
4- Having a great family with little drama.....You?
5- Calling every shot in your life without hasty decisions....You???
6- Having a clean civil and criminal record....You?
7- Having superior credit. Top 5%
8- Observing very jealous people on a poli chat board.
9- Raise a hell of a lot of money for charity personally and in business.....You
10- Am going golfing now because I live in a libtard free zone full of filth and disease. I'll think about you for a second out there.

I expect an answer in a few hours.Robert Kennedy?....Lmao. The most corrupt, immoral, and murderous family ever.............Bill Gates, Bad...................Mary Jo good.....................LOLOL. My god I feel sorry for people who can't see past their hands.

What do you consider success now? Use your entire life to show me as example...Thanks
It is useless to talk logic and truth with people like you.
We need a vaccine to eliminate disgusting viruses on society and truth, like you. You are not just crazy, you are dangerous.
Your ad hom is the last refuge of someone who cannot win by honest legitimate means.
The 7 girls death were investigated and determined to not be caused by the vaccine.
You need to document that claim.

The vaccine did not come from the Gates foundation but a non-profit that Gates foundation has supported. Gates foundation is not being sued. The Gates foundation is not advocating the vaccine.
Quit lying.
You are the disingenuous liar hiding behind front groups and tenuous technicalities
when it was Bill Gates and his umbrella global vaccine initiative that administered these drugs in many third world nations like India and that is ultimately responsible whether, some arm of the octopus like PATH takes the blame or not.

Your willingness to hide behind the truth and ignore who PATH served and was funded by is sickening.
You are gutless.

There are enough real issues to deal with. You are dangerous and disgusting.
The deaths and permanent crippling of children thanks to Bill Gates IS a real issue
that creeps like you try to hide from.
It is useless to talk logic and truth with people like you.
We need a vaccine to eliminate disgusting viruses on society and truth, like you. You are not just crazy, you are dangerous.
When you've never made more than 12 bucks an hour, your skull is thick and brain small.
80% of the jerks here are sharecroppers, serfs, and dirty proletariats......YYYEEECCCHHH.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
I'm amazed at your talent for missing the point, not just once, but repeatedly. Someone was talking to you about character and integrity, and you just go on and on about how successful you are and how you only admire "successful" people like Bill Gates and not those icky people who work for others. How do you define success? Having a lot of money? So stealing ideas and being a backstabber and considering human beings expendable is no problem, as long as someone makes a ton of money? If that is your idea of success, I truly pity you.
I'm amazed that I don't care what you think. But OK.
What is success.
1- Having a loving partner for decades and know how to make a marriage work. You ever divorced?
2- Waking up and doing what you love your entire career and never work a day in your life. You do that?
3- Never worked a day in my life and retired at 50 doing that . You?
4- Having a great family with little drama.....You?
5- Calling every shot in your life without hasty decisions....You???
6- Having a clean civil and criminal record....You?
7- Having superior credit. Top 5%
8- Observing very jealous people on a poli chat board.
9- Raise a hell of a lot of money for charity personally and in business.....You
10- Am going golfing now because I live in a libtard free zone full of filth and disease. I'll think about you for a second out there.

I expect an answer in a few hours.Robert Kennedy?....Lmao. The most corrupt, immoral, and murderous family ever.............Bill Gates, Bad...................Mary Jo good.....................LOLOL. My god I feel sorry for people who can't see past their hands.

What do you consider success now? Use your entire life to show me as example...Thanks
You are a legend in your own mind. You sound like Trump with your self aggrandizing.
How do you never work a day in your life but still retired at 50?
How do you never work a day in your life but raised a lot of money through your business?
I would like to talk to your family and see if they agree with your assessment.
The 7 girls death were investigated and determined to not be caused by the vaccine.
You need to document that claim.

The vaccine did not come from the Gates foundation but a non-profit that Gates foundation has supported. Gates foundation is not being sued. The Gates foundation is not advocating the vaccine.
Quit lying.
You are the disingenuous liar hiding behind front groups and tenuous technicalities
when it was Bill Gates and his umbrella global vaccine initiative that administered these drugs in many third world nations like India and that is ultimately responsible whether, some arm of the octopus like PATH takes the blame or not.

Your willingness to hide behind the truth and ignore who PATH served and was funded by is sickening.
You are gutless.

There are enough real issues to deal with. You are dangerous and disgusting.
The deaths and permanent crippling of children thanks to Bill Gates IS a real issue
that creeps like you try to hide from.
It is useless to talk logic and truth with people like you.
We need a vaccine to eliminate disgusting viruses on society and truth, like you. You are not just crazy, you are dangerous.
When you've never made more than 12 bucks an hour, your skull is thick and brain small.
80% of the jerks here are sharecroppers, serfs, and dirty proletariats......YYYEEECCCHHH.
Do you not respect farmers, manual laborers, fast food workers, all minimum wage jobs. Are you better than these people. It is not what you do, it is who you are.
It is very obvious to see who you are.
I admire Bill Gates. I love successful people. I only folow their advice.

Then we got miserable working stiffs slaving to a boss.......................HMMMM.............Bill Gates has done more in a second than this entire board could do in 10,000 years.

Sorry. I'll listen to a working stiff on how to make a bed, bout it. Who the hell could ever work for someone.YYYEEECCCHHHH!
I challenge you to name one original thing Gates has started or accomplished.
MS, with the exception of XBox, has failed in every endeavor to produce a successful product since 1998 when he supposedly left MS.
Not one MS product isn't a direct ripoff of another company's original idea.

There is a reason why his entire life has been engulfed in lawsuits.

Think and research before you post.

Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos are the geniuses and visionaries, not Gates.
I retired at 50 and called every single shot in my life. I follow successful people and how they did it. I listen to the common man on how to sweep floors.
Sorry I can't listen to anyone who slaved for a boss. Not meaning you either.

Think???? Did you call every single absolute shot in your life. If you didn't you really need research. I did all mine friend. Anyone who didn't failed. Sorry. I have to think that way and cannot listen to amateurs.
I asked you to do research before you responded; you didn't.
There is zero that Gates has said to make anyone other than Gates wealthy except to invest money early on in MS (prior to 1998) and accumulate your wealth due to the business transactions of someone who will burn in the afterlife.

Now tell us what Bill Gates that directly caused you to accumulate wealth so we know whether or not you're a worthless scumbag.
I was really commenting on successful people. I've always tried to follow them and learn their secrets.

I can only follow the advice of experts with experience on anything.

Are you going to listen to the dummy who lives paycheck to paycheck?????????????.Jesus Christ I'd shoot myself if I lived that shitty shitty life.YYYEEECCCHHH

If this seems a little harsh, well you only got one life. I retired at 50 and usually those that did not, get offended.
You are being non-specific, so either you're a globalist scumbag who or a guy who really knows how industries work.
On the other hand, did Gates tell you when the DOT COM crash would occur or when the Housing Bubble would crash?

Steve Jobs was successful.
Jeff Bezos is successful.
Neither one needed to steal ideas or use slave labor to succeed.

Bill Gates is a Robber Baron.
Larry Ellison is a Robber Baron.
Warren Buffet is a Robber Baron.
I'm talking successful people in general in my town, state etc
I think it is a severe character flaw to worry about what other people make. It is no ones business really. Usually those types worry about others and make 10 bucks an hour.
1% pay 35% of income taxes. I love the 1% They pay the bills in this country. I look up to them. You want me to follow Joe the Plumber. The charity the 1% pays. People should be embarrassed by that.

Those God Damned Kennedys make everyone on this thread look like an angel.

Dude. They lobotomized one of them to silence them for political reasons.....Tag teamed Marilyn and silenced her.

You gotta be shitting me with those God Damed Kennedys.LOL I love saying, THOSE GOD DAMNED KENNEDYS
I'm amazed at your talent for missing the point, not just once, but repeatedly. Someone was talking to you about character and integrity, and you just go on and on about how successful you are and how you only admire "successful" people like Bill Gates and not those icky people who work for others. How do you define success? Having a lot of money? So stealing ideas and being a backstabber and considering human beings expendable is no problem, as long as someone makes a ton of money? If that is your idea of success, I truly pity you.
I'm amazed that I don't care what you think. But OK.
What is success.
1- Having a loving partner for decades and know how to make a marriage work. You ever divorced?
2- Waking up and doing what you love your entire career and never work a day in your life. You do that?
3- Never worked a day in my life and retired at 50 doing that . You?
4- Having a great family with little drama.....You?
5- Calling every shot in your life without hasty decisions....You???
6- Having a clean civil and criminal record....You?
7- Having superior credit. Top 5%
8- Observing very jealous people on a poli chat board.
9- Raise a hell of a lot of money for charity personally and in business.....You
10- Am going golfing now because I live in a libtard free zone full of filth and disease. I'll think about you for a second out there.

I expect an answer in a few hours.Robert Kennedy?....Lmao. The most corrupt, immoral, and murderous family ever.............Bill Gates, Bad...................Mary Jo good.....................LOLOL. My god I feel sorry for people who can't see past their hands.

What do you consider success now? Use your entire life to show me as example...Thanks
I agree, but you made it sound like Bill Gates fits any of those points when he is the exact opposite.
Gates is far worse due to his enormous wealth, power, and his desire to kill people the world over.
Yeah. How is this even an issue? Regardless of what one thinks of JFK jr. how can someone try and
compare him to the volumes of evidence we have about Bill Gates and his global vaccine hustle and his stated wishes to reduce world population? His support for the WHO, lackeys of the Communist Chinese butchers, just adds more fuel to this fire.

And, RFK jr. is sounding an alarm we should all be paying attention to. It's just idiotic trying to smear JFK jr.
for this service. Some people aren't bright enough to realize their necks are on the chopping block.
Exactly right, but the MSM has painted this picture of Gates as this great humanitarian. This propaganda has duped many people. Just goes to prove not only is Gates a nefarious force, but so is much of the MSM.

RFK is really a hero. He desires our thanks and gratitude.

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