Robert Gibbs: Employer mandate will never go into effect


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Either they are completely inept or they are trying to save their sorry asses because of this unpopular law. Considering how much damage has already been done, it's wise for them to delay the most destructive and job-killing part of this. Sad part is that some people will remain ignorant of just how bad Obamacare is because they won't get hit. Meanwhile, the media continues to trash people who have the nerve to complain about how it's hurt their lives. If the most important part (according to the liars) of this bill can be delayed permanently, then why not go all the way and repeal this crap?

Throughout the ObamaCare debate, Democrats have remained firmly ensconced in the idea that the controversial "employer mandate" was an absolutely integral part of the ACA. The New York Times repeatedly referred to it as a "cornerstone of the new law" and virtually every Democrat is on record shouting about its importance.

Then they realized how politically disastrous it was, and it was delayed. Twice.

Now, according to former Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, it's not even that big of a deal. In fact, there's a good chance it will never go into effect.

Politics: Robert Gibbs: ObamaCare's employer mandate will never go into effect | Best of Cain
If the mandate ended today. I doubt those companies which have employed people part time before the mandate, to avoid full time benefits, will continue to employ part time workers...
The economy needs to improve in addition to stopping Obamacare. Till then, good jobs will be hard to find.
Congrats, Clem, for one more spot on thread and OP!

You are absolutely right on!

Obama & Co. will do everything necessary to grease the skids and/or delay the hammer drop until they no longer feel the need to do so.

I.E. until we can't escape their trap.
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Eliminating the employer mandate will require an act of Congress. Literally.

Gibbs may be acting as a political trial balloon to see how the Democratic rank and file react.
Eliminating the employer mandate will require an act of Congress. Literally.

Gibbs may be acting as a political trial balloon to see how the Democratic rank and file react.

Well, delaying it so many times and exempting people should have taken an act of congress, yet it was all done without them.
Congrats, Clem, for one more spot on thread and OP!

You are absolutely right on!

Obama & Co. will do everything necessary to grease the skids and/or delay the hammer drop until they no longer feel the need to do so.

I.E. until we can't escape their trap.

Obama changes things so often, it's hard to keep track of deadlines and such. It's like he's making things up as he goes and the media just yawns. Gibbs admitting that the employer mandate may never happen should be big news. The law is being changed yet again without congress. We know Obama is clutching his handy pen and looking forward to ignoring congress altogether and doing what he wants.

I do feel like there is a trap ahead. Getting worse by the day.

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