Robert Gibbs: The Left doesnt get it!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
So........who would have expected this???

Robert Gibbs says leftwing critics of Obama 'ought to be drug tested' | Richard Adams | World news |

Robert Gibbs, White House press secretary, of all people, basically comes out yesterday and says publically, "Liberalism is a mental disorder!!". The irony is hysterical if you think about it.

Ive been saying this for 30 years, but here, the presidents press secretary calls the left "crazy" and says "the only time they'll be happy is when we have Canadian Health Care and no more Pentagon..............ITS NOT REALITY".

Absolutely hysterical.............I almost split my sides laughing.

Something for the more moderate board members on here to chew on...............that when you see posts and threads up here by people like Rightwinger, Dean, Caribineer, Shaman, Bfgrn, VaYank, Jillian, Chris, Old Rocks et.'re looking at incoherent crap from fcukking k00ks!!! And its not me saying it anymore........its what many consider a very reasonable moderate person: the White House Press Secretary!!!!


>>EDIT....NO gay MSPaint Photobucket Classics necessary to ice the cake <<EDIT
Since when do you listen to, or for that matter BELIEVE anything that Robert Gibbs says?
Gibbs has to be the biggest bubble headed gas bag I've ever heard as a White House spokes person. But in this instances, he knows what he's talking about... :lol:
So if you complain about Obama's policies one is either a right wing crank or a left wing doper?

My! that IS convenient for Obama, isn't it?
Id personally love about a dozen bobble head Gibbs dolls.............see how many heads I could remove with my Bersa at 50 paces.
The remarks combined were so over the top that I wonder if they were intentional as a way to make Obama appear that he's moved towards the center.
So........who would have expected this???

Robert Gibbs says leftwing critics of Obama 'ought to be drug tested' | Richard Adams | World news |

Robert Gibbs, White House press secretary, of all people, basically comes out yesterday and says publically, "Liberalism is a mental disorder!!". The irony is hysterical if you think about it.

Ive been saying this for 30 years, but here, the presidents press secretary calls the left "crazy" and says "the only time they'll be happy is when we have Canadian Health Care and no more Pentagon..............ITS NOT REALITY".

Absolutely hysterical.............I almost split my sides laughing.

Something for the more moderate board members on here to chew on...............that when you see posts and threads up here by people like Rightwinger, Dean, Caribineer, Shaman, Bfgrn, VaYank, Jillian, Chris, Old Rocks et.'re looking at incoherent crap from fcukking k00ks!!! And its not me saying it anymore........its what many consider a very reasonable moderate person: the White House Press Secretary!!!!


>>EDIT....NO gay MSPaint Photobucket Classics necessary to ice the cake <<EDIT

when did team Obama go from being viewed by the likes of you as socialist left wingers to moderates?
So........who would have expected this???

Robert Gibbs says leftwing critics of Obama 'ought to be drug tested' | Richard Adams | World news |

Robert Gibbs, White House press secretary, of all people, basically comes out yesterday and says publically, "Liberalism is a mental disorder!!". The irony is hysterical if you think about it.

Ive been saying this for 30 years, but here, the presidents press secretary calls the left "crazy" and says "the only time they'll be happy is when we have Canadian Health Care and no more Pentagon..............ITS NOT REALITY".

Absolutely hysterical.............I almost split my sides laughing.

Something for the more moderate board members on here to chew on...............that when you see posts and threads up here by people like Rightwinger, Dean, Caribineer, Shaman, Bfgrn, VaYank, Jillian, Chris, Old Rocks et.'re looking at incoherent crap from fcukking k00ks!!! And its not me saying it anymore........its what many consider a very reasonable moderate person: the White House Press Secretary!!!!


>>EDIT....NO gay MSPaint Photobucket Classics necessary to ice the cake <<EDIT

who asked you to opine on my politics you rightwingnut kook.

you wouldn't know a moderate if one bit you on the butt. :cuckoo:
Gibbs deserves a little slack on this IMO. Think what a tough job he's got trying to defend the policies of the rookie in chief and those idiot Dimocrats in the congress. He's probably looking forward to the aftermath of the November elections when he'll have a lot fewer of the latter around to take flak from.
Here I was thinking I had nothing in common with Obama, but he can't stand all the left-wing nuts on the internet either!

I wonder if the White House&#8217;s new &#8220;I hate liberals!&#8221; strategy will help in the midterms?
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Strange. But then again nothing surprises me anymore..
Don't believe it.

this was a setup to try and wooo the independents back into the fold because they know they are losing them in droves.

always be suspicious of ANYTHNG these commie bastards do folks
Don't believe it.

this was a setup to try and wooo the independents back into the fold.

always be suspicious of ANYTHNG these commie bastards do folks


note: beware of Steph-infections. They are deadly to critical thinking skills.

truth scares you doesn't it.:lol:
it really isn't hard to figure it out
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What a whiney baby boy. Dun like criticism? Dun accept a position as White House Press Secretary, you fool. Good grief. For $172,000+, Obama couldn't hire a professional? If I had ever spoken like this about a candidate, I would have had to turn in my volunteer tee shirt.

There are days that White House makes the Back Street Boys look mature.
Gibbs deserves a little slack on this IMO. Think what a tough job he's got trying to defend the policies of the rookie in chief and those idiot Dimocrats in the congress. He's probably looking forward to the aftermath of the November elections when he'll have a lot fewer of the latter around to take flak from.


Wow. Heard this on O'Reilly, I about fell off my chair laughing.

Afer 18 months of Pelosi, Reid and Obama pushing a left wing agenda now all of a sudden the left is out of touch?? LOL

Gibbsy should put in for hazardous duty pay. LOL
you do have to love it though.

Now the Obama and his comrades in arms have the hard core leftest nutjobs pissed at them.

This should be fun fun fun...

way to go..:clap2:
Well,i would bet that most Leftists are f*cked up on drugs. Just a hunch anyway. Leftists are known to be whiny & snotty as well. I think this is hilarious because these fellow Leftists are just getting a small taste of what George Bush had to put up with his entire eight years in office. The Left slandered & b*tched about every single move Bush made. I think it's sweet justice watching these guys finding out how Bush felt. It's fantastic entertainment too. The Left sucks. Now even this White House knows this.

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