Robert Mueller Interviewed President Trump Six Days After Criminal “Obstruction” Investigation Began


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

A best-kept secret – not one peep from the White House.

Nada. Zilch.

We now know Sessions offered his resignation and the president refused to accept it. Rosenstein then brought Mueller to the WH where he interviewed the president.

Not one attempt to ignore or stop Mueller.

The president knew he had done nothing wrong and allowed the sham to go forward without the least bit of obstruction.

Now you rapid Dims swallow that!

More @ Robert Mueller Interviewed President Trump Six Days After Criminal “Obstruction” Investigation Began…

Trump’s Written — At Times Snarky — Answers To Mueller’s Questions Revealed @ Trump’s Written — At Times Snarky — Answers To Mueller’s Questions Revealed | Weasel Zippers

A best-kept secret – not one peep from the White House.

Nada. Zilch.

We now know Sessions offered his resignation and the president refused to accept it. Rosenstein then brought Mueller to the WH where he interviewed the president.

Not one attempt to ignore or stop Mueller.

The president knew he had done nothing wrong and allowed the sham to go forward without the least bit of obstruction.

Now you rapid Dims swallow that!

More @ Robert Mueller Interviewed President Trump Six Days After Criminal “Obstruction” Investigation Began…

Trump’s Written — At Times Snarky — Answers To Mueller’s Questions Revealed @ Trump’s Written — At Times Snarky — Answers To Mueller’s Questions Revealed | Weasel Zippers

The simple fact is that you get quite a different story and take on things if you've followed the details from the beginning vs. get the story off of network media.

To listen to the MSM, Trump is already practically out the door in ruins, facing life in prison for a crime worse than killing puppies.

To anyone with an actual brain, they ask: "Wait a minute? Why is the Left now demanding the totally unredacted version when the only part with redactions is the Russian part which Trump was totally cleared of. And the part about possible obstructions, there are no redactions in it!"

Now here comes Squaw Liz on the warpath demanding impeachment:

Warren calls on House to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump

Then we stop and think: Hasn't this been their threat and promise all along from Watters, et al. from two years ago long before anything was known, that they were going to impeach? Almost seems like the old card trick where every time you tell the the person to discard, you keep steering them towards the ONE CARD you forced in the deck.

IT'S A MIRACLE! It's like the Democrats ended up finding the card in the deck that they forced there all along. Just sayin'.

Put another way, how can anyone take anything the Dims say seriously about the facts of the case when for two years they've shown their hand as not being the slightest one bit unbiased and objective. Their aim is clear.

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