Robert Reich: We're Living a Constitutional Crisis

It's a creepy doubt.

Please keep broadcasting this type of shit.

People are tired of it and they are leaving you in droves.

You've been calling all kinds of doom for as long as people can remember.

Keep it up.
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It's a creepy doubt.

I think he represents the Lollipop Guild. And in the name of the Lollipop Guild he welcomes us to Marxist-Land. Creepy indeed. The Constitutional crisis facing America is a neo-Marxist cultural revolution led by the academic intelligentsia, their militant feminist handlers, and the cult of political correctness. Out.

It's a creepy doubt.

I think he represents the Lollipop Guild. And in the name of the Lollipop Guild he welcomes us to Marxist-Land. Creepy indeed. The Constitutional crisis facing America is a neo-Marxist cultural revolution led by the academic intelligentsia, their militant feminist handlers, and the cult of political correctness. Out.

Sounds like you got all the evil-doers listed in that one, eh?
Libs have been in crisis mode for a while.

This one is really great.......

The YT chick hit a little kid in the face with a bowling ball. What the hell is wrong with these people?

Do you have a link for that?

It is in the video posted by Sun Devel92. She says she hit a little kid in the head with a bowling ball. Why she confessed that on TV, I do not know. She be crazy.
TDS is a mental health crisis. There is a possible cure. TDS victims need to come to grips with the fact they are very low information and very proud they are low information. And they are stupid. Then and only then can the begin the road to healing their TDS.

Apparently crazy Slick Willie folks like the tiny Robert Riech, or crazy transgenders like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow do in fact have responsibility for TDS.
Answer to communication problems, on any thing that's going on, check 2 right wing 2 left wing & one that seems to be in the middle because half the time you like & half you don't, then subtract 50% of every thing you see/read close as you can get to real facts.
If little Bob Reich didn't think we were in a "Constitutional crisis" when his boss was impeached why would he think so today when the DOW is at 25,000 and unemployment is at a record low?

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