Robin Williams on Joe Biden in 2009

I hate to tell you but Biden is well on his way to doing irreversible long-term damage to this country.
Which is what Democrats want.

Until you realize Democrats are an enemy of America who want to take it over, fundamentally transform it, and enslave its population, none of their policies will make sense.
I’ve got news for you. Monitoring citizen‘s bank accounts, limiting free speech and using federal agencies as attack dogs to shut down the opposition is a huge danger to our society.
I don't see how the bank account thing is going to be an imposition, unless you are in a illegal business such as prostitution, drugs sales, or running guns or simply wishing to avoid tax on income. I have not seen the government limit free speech, except threats of violence. I have seen federal agencies used, going back to Nixon, when I first started paying attention. Nothing new or country shaking there. Nothing near as long term like negating voting.
I’ve got news for you. Monitoring citizen‘s bank accounts, limiting free speech and using federal agencies as attack dogs to shut down the opposition is a huge danger to our society.
And it's been going on for hundreds of years in the USA....
I don't see how the bank account thing is going to be an imposition, unless you are in a illegal business such as prostitution, drugs sales, or running guns or simply wishing to avoid tax on income. I have not seen the government limit free speech, except threats of violence. I have seen federal agencies used, going back to Nixon, when I first started paying attention. Nothing new or country shaking there. Nothing near as long term like negating voting.
Democrats are pushing Americans out of banks and into crypto. Americans won't stay and let you spy on them.

Anyone who believes the IRS going through everyone's bank accounts at will won't be abused is an idiot who should never be taken seriously.
Lefties are so stupid…92% of them agree with this guy:

Once again, laughed so loud it woke that damned nearly deaf dog! Quit being so funny! It startles her.
You choose to ignore the push from the far-left and the influence they have on the Democratic Party. The current mainstream Democrats are basically Bernie Sanders supporters from 2016, that is just how far left the party has moved.
That is your opinion and have no problem with you expressing it, as long as not loud, obnoxious and want to stand in my living room, while you do it. I just do not agree.
True there are loudmouthed far left out there like AOC and the Michigan Muslim brotherfkr, Omar, but I pretty will skip by them as fast as I do people on the far right (some right on this board) and do not think the people at the extremes of left/right make up the bulk of the country, doubting a standard deviation/distribution graph would support it.
So why do you defend this administration
My long position on living in a country, that is bound by the constitution, free and fair elections and abiding by that vote, is more important than the short-term stupidity. I have spoken against individual actions he has taken and his failure to be able to cut deals (not across party lines) within his own party. The Democrats are in disarray and do not appear able to govern. I am under no obligation to you guys or the Dems either. I'll go with Joe for the next three years. If you guys want to run somebody that supports limiting the vote or supports or supported disregarding it altogether, I might vote for a Democrat again, rather than give up the basis upon which the country was founded. I have time and resources to whether the short-term storm, so most of your complaints have little effect.

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