Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation


Gold Member
Mar 29, 2020
Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.


An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.

An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.
An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Ah Gee, the world I have always wanted to live in and have waited for!
Ahhhh, socialist-globalist UTOPIA! :heehee:
and you call infowars full of chit when we have been telling you this bs for years oh wait it's true now...............

AI is going to wipe out just about every job there is .

DNA, Vaccines, and Transhumanism
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM transhumanism Transhumanism is a futuristic concept where man and technology blend, resulting in soulless intelligent machines. It is a movement that favors the evolution of a new species of…
Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.
An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Ah Gee, the world I have always wanted to live in and have waited for!
Ahhhh, socialist-globalist UTOPIA! :heehee:

This is why peoples should know this has been planned and was deliberately released. EVERYTHING ticks ALL their boxes of what they have wanted to do for decades.

The next thing on the depersonalisation Social Distancing thing will be to say that COVID-19 can be caught from sexual contact, this way they stop men and women having sex, this leads to another box being ticked: De-Population Agenda, this of course will ONLY be told that it affects Western men and women, because as we see with the Agenda of the unlimited amounts from Third World Shit Holes they want to flood ONLY Western nations with in their Population Replacement Agenda, their aim to reduce the WESTERN WORLD native population and replace with Third World Shit Holers who in general are radically less educated and also docile.

Those who are doing all of this genuinely HATE Humanity. They are genuine Psychopaths.
They will replace us because to many are fooled by it all ..........and the addicted will never part with them.....

In 2012, artificial intelligence pioneer Ray Kurzweil became Director of Engineering and Chief Futurist at Google. He was hired to work on projects to teach machines to learn. Kurzweil predicts that by 2030 (there’s that date again) technological advances will allow tiny nano-bots into the bloodstream by way of injection. From there, they’ll pass through the blood-brain barrier, and integrate into the brain. The human brain can then connect “the cloud,” achieving a level of brilliance never thought possible. So, essentially, biological beings will become “non-biological entities.” In his book, The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Kurzweil states, “In the future, there will be no distinction between human and machine, or between physical and virtual reality.”

Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.
An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Ah Gee, the world I have always wanted to live in and have waited for!
Ahhhh, socialist-globalist UTOPIA! :heehee:

What they are doing right now is just the lead up, this is all Psychological Warfare that is being committed on one third of the world, it's all designed to Condition. It's the SAME mantra 24/7:

No OTHER news EXCEPT Covid-19. Stay inside your house. Only go out if it is essential for food. Do not talk to anyone. Do not have any social contract with friends and family EXCEPT from inside your House Arrest on Social Media where we can monitor via Facebook and Twitter etc what you are all discussing. If you do these things, you will save lives. If you go out and enjoy yourself and have a social life then you will be MURDERING members of your community. They will get COVID-19 and will DIE and YOU will be responsible.

All of this is Communism 101, this is how all Communist Regimes have socially conditioned the population to ACCEPT being in their OWN prison.
They will replace us because to many are fooled by it all ..........and the addicted will never part with them.....

In 2012, artificial intelligence pioneer Ray Kurzweil became Director of Engineering and Chief Futurist at Google. He was hired to work on projects to teach machines to learn. Kurzweil predicts that by 2030 (there’s that date again) technological advances will allow tiny nano-bots into the bloodstream by way of injection. From there, they’ll pass through the blood-brain barrier, and integrate into the brain. The human brain can then connect “the cloud,” achieving a level of brilliance never thought possible. So, essentially, biological beings will become “non-biological entities.” In his book, The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Kurzweil states, “In the future, there will be no distinction between human and machine, or between physical and virtual reality.”

I have never been, I've always been wise to them. Many WILL wake up the LONGER this World Wide Lockdown goes on, many will begin to think WHY can't we go to a park, WHY can't we even go fora drive into the country, WHY can't our children visit their Grandparents WHEN they are saying that young children are LEAST likely to get COVID-19 etc

Two dates come up over and over again and are very important to them, the years:

2021 and 2030. UN Agenda 2021 and UN Agenda 2030.

The UN should have been defunded ALREADY. WHO should have been defunded ALREADY. They are not White Hats, they have always been Black Hats.
and you call infowars full of chit when we have been telling you this bs for years oh wait it's true now...............

AI is going to wipe out just about every job there is .

DNA, Vaccines, and Transhumanism
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM transhumanism Transhumanism is a futuristic concept where man and technology blend, resulting in soulless intelligent machines. It is a movement that favors the evolution of a new species of…

We do NOT need AI, AI is Anti-Human, it is the opposite of Humanity. Any company that is experimenting with AI should be destroyed and all at the company should be arrested.
They will replace us because to many are fooled by it all ..........and the addicted will never part with them.....

In 2012, artificial intelligence pioneer Ray Kurzweil became Director of Engineering and Chief Futurist at Google. He was hired to work on projects to teach machines to learn. Kurzweil predicts that by 2030 (there’s that date again) technological advances will allow tiny nano-bots into the bloodstream by way of injection. From there, they’ll pass through the blood-brain barrier, and integrate into the brain. The human brain can then connect “the cloud,” achieving a level of brilliance never thought possible. So, essentially, biological beings will become “non-biological entities.” In his book, The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Kurzweil states, “In the future, there will be no distinction between human and machine, or between physical and virtual reality.”

I have never been, I've always been wise to them. Many WILL wake up the LONGER this World Wide Lockdown goes on, many will begin to think WHY can't we go to a park, WHY can't we even go fora drive into the country, WHY can't our children visit their Grandparents WHEN they are saying that young children are LEAST likely to get COVID-19 etc

Two dates come up over and over again and are very important to them, the years:

2021 and 2030. UN Agenda 2021 and UN Agenda 2030.

The UN should have been defunded ALREADY. WHO should have been defunded ALREADY. They are not White Hats, they have always been Black Hats.

We can surely pray that happen ( global awakening) and I do believe we are seeing this/ that. People all over the world are seeing how their leaders were obeying following, and leading the entire population head on into the nnew world order.

They did it all so slickly generations did not see it until that one day on Sept. 11 th 2001 we then began to obey ........... and now we are at endgame......

Hopefully it's a Trump trap at the end of this virus. crap lol.
Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.


An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.

An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Read the opening line and think WTF:

"Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact. "

This stuff is 100% Anti-Human, they are Anti-Humanity.

So according to The International Globalists CHIEF NEWSPAPER The New York Times, peoples at this moment could get upset about losing their jobs and lives to fucking robots BUT that upset is going to disappear because what's MORE important than being upset about them losing their jobs and lives to a robot IS the GREAT BENEFIT of NOT having ANY physical contact with other HUMANS anymore. This is totally Luciferian.

Human are SOCIAL CREATURES, humans natural state is BEING WITH other HUMANS.

Human beings are the GREATEST threat to this vile Luciferian Cabal that is pulling the strings. THIS is why they are obsessed with humans minimising social contact with OTHER humans. Seeing MASSIVE groups of HUMANS FRIGHTENS this Luciferian Cabal, therefore the solution is to say fuck off and get out and SOCIALISE with other HUMANS EVERY DAY.

Remember there are MORE HUMANS than there are in this Luciferian Cabal and this is like in The Wizard of Oz, they are all SCARED of The Wizard of Oz, he has them in TOTAL FEAR and what happens when the curtain is finally lifted The Wizard of Oz is just a sad old man who is TERRIFIED....he is a COWARD. This is what this Luciferian Cabal are like. Frightened. Sad. Old. Men. And Women. Who. Are Ugly. And. Have. To. Pay. To. Get. Laid. And. Hate. Humanity.

They want EVERYONE to be souless and PATHETIC as they are. They are cowards. They will NOT win. The FINAL battle is to come and they will lose it and then this world will be RID of them. Forever.

NOBODY human wants to live like THEY want the humans in this world to live.
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Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.
An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Ah Gee, the world I have always wanted to live in and have waited for!
Ahhhh, socialist-globalist UTOPIA! :heehee:

This is why peoples should know this has been planned and was deliberately released. EVERYTHING ticks ALL their boxes of what they have wanted to do for decades.

The next thing on the depersonalisation Social Distancing thing will be to say that COVID-19 can be caught from sexual contact, this way they stop men and women having sex, this leads to another box being ticked: De-Population Agenda, this of course will ONLY be told that it affects Western men and women, because as we see with the Agenda of the unlimited amounts from Third World Shit Holes they want to flood ONLY Western nations with in their Population Replacement Agenda, their aim to reduce the WESTERN WORLD native population and replace with Third World Shit Holers who in general are radically less educated and also docile.

Those who are doing all of this genuinely HATE Humanity. They are genuine Psychopaths.
I don't generally tell people this very often, but I used to be in electronic engineering, research and design. I helped design some of the global telecom in use today and in fact helped design the technology that was used (for the first time) in transmitting an HQ video and CD quality audio live feed around the world for the 96 Olympics. But there came a time where I saw projects going to where the push was in designing technology not for the betterment of people but in the CONTROL of people: spying, information gathering, surveillance, data collection, etc. The Smartphone made that rather easy as everyone (most everyone) willingly and gladly carries their spy device around with them 24/7 data-logging their every activity!

In all good conscience, I could not do that. This is not where I wanted to work, but soon, it became the only work available. Most EVERY project had some aspect of data collection and acquisition to a central destination in it, often in a form of a chip, the mystery "Chip X", a blackbox made by some outside company which was tied into the circuit to "monitor and collect." These chips are in your phones, your televisions, your DVRs, most every consumer appliance you buy now.

So if I ever appear angry, now you know. It literally forced me out of the industry and work I loved out of pure contentious objection.
Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.
An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Ah Gee, the world I have always wanted to live in and have waited for!
Ahhhh, socialist-globalist UTOPIA! :heehee:

This is why peoples should know this has been planned and was deliberately released. EVERYTHING ticks ALL their boxes of what they have wanted to do for decades.

The next thing on the depersonalisation Social Distancing thing will be to say that COVID-19 can be caught from sexual contact, this way they stop men and women having sex, this leads to another box being ticked: De-Population Agenda, this of course will ONLY be told that it affects Western men and women, because as we see with the Agenda of the unlimited amounts from Third World Shit Holes they want to flood ONLY Western nations with in their Population Replacement Agenda, their aim to reduce the WESTERN WORLD native population and replace with Third World Shit Holers who in general are radically less educated and also docile.

Those who are doing all of this genuinely HATE Humanity. They are genuine Psychopaths.
I don't generally tell people this very often, but I used to be in electronic engineering, research and design. I helped design some of the global telecom in use today and in fact helped design the technology that was used (for the first time) in transmitting an HQ video and CD quality audio live feed around the world for the 96 Olympics. But there came a time where I saw projects going to where the push was in designing technology not for the betterment of people but in the CONTROL of people: spying, information gathering, surveillance, data collection, etc. The Smartphone made that rather easy as everyone (most everyone) willingly and gladly carries their spy device around with them 24/7 data-logging their every activity!

In all good conscience, I could not do that. This is not where I wanted to work, but soon, it became the only work available. Most EVERY project had some aspect of data collection and acquisition to a central destination in it, often in a form of a chip, the mystery "Chip X", a blackbox made by some outside company which was tied into the circuit to "monitor and collect." These chips are in your phones, your televisions, your DVRs, most every consumer appliance you buy now.

So if I ever appear angry, now you know. It literally forced me out of the industry and work I loved out of pure contentious objection.

This is all so fucked up. You have your integrity even if you had to give up a job you love, that makes you HUMAN, those who stay doing something that they disagree with they have already lost their soul and have been swallowed up by the Matrix.

Also all these stupid Leftists who cheerlead all this stuff, they illustrate how foolish they are because they think that all of this will not affect them, they don't realise they are being used because they do the cheerleading and if all this nightmare happens they also will be put into the SAME prison with everyone they have been fighting who has opposed this evil Agenda from day one.
What they are doing right now is just the lead up
I follow local blogs and believe me, the POPULATION is MORE THAN READY NOW to buy into all the fear, blame, and name-calling, ready to give up anything without question, ready to stone anyone who does not comply to prove what good followers they are, anyone who dares think outside the box or question authority, rushing to see who can be first to fall into line and be the best sheeple in full compliance!

Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 1.02.01 AM.png
This is all so fucked up. You have your integrity even if you had to give up a job you love, that makes you HUMAN, those who stay doing something that they disagree with they have already lost their soul and have been swallowed up by the Matrix.

Also all these stupid Leftists who cheerlead all this stuff, they illustrate how foolish they are because they think that all of this will not affect them, they don't realise they are being used because they do the cheerleading and if all this nightmare happens they also will be put into the SAME prison with everyone they have been fighting who has opposed this evil Agenda from day one.
I appreciate that you understand. If there is one thing that sickens me more than anything else, it is the world full of people who do anything for a buck, even if it is a very good buck or they just need the money--- --- or just DON'T CARE. That is the Cynicism Fallacy: "If I don't do it, someone else will!" Most people in this world are soulless now, narcissistic, living in their bubble, unfeeling, even driven by a contempt for humanity or authority. Humanity is great. Authority is necessary. The problem is unjust authority driven by a desire to exploit others for personal gain rather than working together for the betterment of everyone.

Human pettiness. I'm sure there are people who have enough TP hoarded up to last them ten years, and still looking for more, in between trying to come up with scams to rip off others fearful of the virus. Mankind still in his infancy-- -- probably the only species on Earth still so easily driven to prey upon itself.

Out of fear, greed and selfishness. And the Hard Left is right in there at the forefront leading the charge while thinking (or at least claiming) they are actually FIGHTING the very thing they help create, maintain and make possible in the first place.

It's all about money and power, like toilet paper, some people just can never have enough.
Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.
An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Ah Gee, the world I have always wanted to live in and have waited for!
Ahhhh, socialist-globalist UTOPIA! :heehee:

I was listening to the BBC World Service last night and they had a report about what's happening in Britain. WTF?! Their police are literally getting near to going full-on Stasi. They are threatening to arrest ANYONE who even goes on their State Mandated One Hour Out Of House Arrest To Do Exercise and actually SITS on a SEAT in say the park! They will have a Criminal Record for sitting on a seat in the park! Their police have also threatening to storm into grocery stores to MONITOR what the peoples are buying, that they should ONLY be buying what they call Essentials, so it's going to be like:

British Stasi Police "What do we have here in your shopping cart? You have two ILLEGAL ITEMS, you have some ice cream and a cake. We are confiscating these illegal items. You now must pay a fine. If you are caught buying ice cream or cake again you will be arrested"


BTW as I have been posting alot about the COVID-19 situation because as many at this forum already know I am with my nations Ministry of Interior. From our experience on Testing and Trace Testing and monitoring New Cases to New Recoveries I can tell you that 97% of the peoples who get COVID-19 have MILD CONDITION and make a FULL RECOVERY. This is NOT a PLAGUE, that is all Propaganda, you have about as much chance of getting this as you do the regular flu and also like the regular flu on our analysis with COVID-19 88% of those who die already have a weak immune system because of an existing health problem regarding the lungs, the heart, Cancer or Type 2 Diabetes.

We did a full on lockdown for 4 weeks, we are aiming to begin in stages re-opening this nation to begin April 14 and the last stage to begin in mid-June. After this is completed it is our intention to isolate ONLY those with health problems with the lungs, the heart, Cancer and Type 2 Diabetes. From our experience during these 4 weeks we find that there is NO actual reason to put 98% of the ENTIRE population in lockdown.

We will start to reopen first and Norway and Denmark will start to reopen a few days after us, then Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia etc We are NOT going to keep 98% of our populations on a lockdown when our analysis shows that there is a 97% recovery rate from this thing and that 99% of HEALTHY peoples are NOT going to be affected anymore than they would be affected by the regular flu.

It is OUTRAGEOUS to expect us to keep for unlimited many months our ENTIRE population in a state of lockdown and anxiety.
This is all so fucked up. You have your integrity even if you had to give up a job you love, that makes you HUMAN, those who stay doing something that they disagree with they have already lost their soul and have been swallowed up by the Matrix.

Also all these stupid Leftists who cheerlead all this stuff, they illustrate how foolish they are because they think that all of this will not affect them, they don't realise they are being used because they do the cheerleading and if all this nightmare happens they also will be put into the SAME prison with everyone they have been fighting who has opposed this evil Agenda from day one.
View attachment 321815 I appreciate that you understand. If there is one thing that sickens me more than anything else, it is the world full of people who do anything for a buck, even if it is a very good buck or they just need the money--- --- or just DON'T CARE. That is the Cynicism Fallacy: "If I don't do it, someone else will!" Most people in this world are soulless now, narcissistic, living in their bubble, unfeeling, even driven by a contempt for humanity or authority. Humanity is great. Authority is necessary. The problem is unjust authority driven by a desire to exploit others for personal gain rather than working together for the betterment of everyone.

Human pettiness. I'm sure there are people who have enough TP hoarded up to last them ten years, and still looking for more, in between trying to come up with scams to rip off others fearful of the virus. Mankind still in his infancy-- -- probably the only species on Earth still so easily driven to prey upon itself.

Out of fear, greed and selfishness. And the Hard Left is right in there at the forefront leading the charge while thinking (or at least claiming) they are actually FIGHTING the very thing they help create, maintain and make possible in the first place.

It's all about money and power, like toilet paper, some people just can never have enough.

I wish they would bring the Winner rating back because I'd give you a Winner.
and you call infowars full of chit when we have been telling you this bs for years oh wait it's true now...............

AI is going to wipe out just about every job there is .

DNA, Vaccines, and Transhumanism
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM transhumanism Transhumanism is a futuristic concept where man and technology blend, resulting in soulless intelligent machines. It is a movement that favors the evolution of a new species of…

We do NOT need AI, AI is Anti-Human, it is the opposite of Humanity. Any company that is experimenting with AI should be destroyed and all at the company should be arrested.
Spoken like a good little nazi.
I can tell you that 97% of the peoples who get COVID-19 have MILD CONDITION and make a FULL RECOVERY. This is NOT a PLAGUE, that is all Propaganda, you have about as much chance of getting this as you do the regular flu and also like the regular flu on our analysis with COVID-19 88% of those who die already have a weak immune system because of an existing health problem regarding the lungs, the heart, Cancer or Type 2 Diabetes.
That is 100% correct. FWIW, the BLACK PLAGUE, now that was some real shit there! But even that was man made. It was largely caused by the feudal system where they started catapulting diseased, rotting corpses over castle walls as a way of attacking and infecting the enemy. Turned out to be more effective a weapon than they realized. Maybe the first use of bio-warfare.

Nothing in nature is so bad that mankind cannot deal with it without undue intervention, otherwise we never would have lasted millions of years to evolve in the first place! Viruses come, viruses go. Some are worse than others. It won't be the Covid virus that undoes us, it will be society's or government's response in deciding how to "handle" it, when the only way to handle it is to take reasonable precautions---- and move on. Keep living, rather than our new, self-inflicted method of dying in place while living.
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Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.
An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

Ah Gee, the world I have always wanted to live in and have waited for!
Ahhhh, socialist-globalist UTOPIA! :heehee:

This is why peoples should know this has been planned and was deliberately released. EVERYTHING ticks ALL their boxes of what they have wanted to do for decades.

The next thing on the depersonalisation Social Distancing thing will be to say that COVID-19 can be caught from sexual contact, this way they stop men and women having sex, this leads to another box being ticked: De-Population Agenda, this of course will ONLY be told that it affects Western men and women, because as we see with the Agenda of the unlimited amounts from Third World Shit Holes they want to flood ONLY Western nations with in their Population Replacement Agenda, their aim to reduce the WESTERN WORLD native population and replace with Third World Shit Holers who in general are radically less educated and also docile.

Those who are doing all of this genuinely HATE Humanity. They are genuine Psychopaths.
I don't generally tell people this very often, but I used to be in electronic engineering, research and design. I helped design some of the global telecom in use today and in fact helped design the technology that was used (for the first time) in transmitting an HQ video and CD quality audio live feed around the world for the 96 Olympics. But there came a time where I saw projects going to where the push was in designing technology not for the betterment of people but in the CONTROL of people: spying, information gathering, surveillance, data collection, etc. The Smartphone made that rather easy as everyone (most everyone) willingly and gladly carries their spy device around with them 24/7 data-logging their every activity!

In all good conscience, I could not do that. This is not where I wanted to work, but soon, it became the only work available. Most EVERY project had some aspect of data collection and acquisition to a central destination in it, often in a form of a chip, the mystery "Chip X", a blackbox made by some outside company which was tied into the circuit to "monitor and collect." These chips are in your phones, your televisions, your DVRs, most every consumer appliance you buy now.

So if I ever appear angry, now you know. It literally forced me out of the industry and work I loved out of pure contentious objection.

If only more understood what GENERAL PETRAUSIS meant when he said we will spy on you through your tv's--dishwashers--stoves--anything " smart" consider it invading everything you DON'T want it to.

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