Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation

This is all so fucked up. You have your integrity even if you had to give up a job you love, that makes you HUMAN, those who stay doing something that they disagree with they have already lost their soul and have been swallowed up by the Matrix.

Also all these stupid Leftists who cheerlead all this stuff, they illustrate how foolish they are because they think that all of this will not affect them, they don't realise they are being used because they do the cheerleading and if all this nightmare happens they also will be put into the SAME prison with everyone they have been fighting who has opposed this evil Agenda from day one.
View attachment 321815 I appreciate that you understand. If there is one thing that sickens me more than anything else, it is the world full of people who do anything for a buck, even if it is a very good buck or they just need the money--- --- or just DON'T CARE. That is the Cynicism Fallacy: "If I don't do it, someone else will!" Most people in this world are soulless now, narcissistic, living in their bubble, unfeeling, even driven by a contempt for humanity or authority. Humanity is great. Authority is necessary. The problem is unjust authority driven by a desire to exploit others for personal gain rather than working together for the betterment of everyone.

Human pettiness. I'm sure there are people who have enough TP hoarded up to last them ten years, and still looking for more, in between trying to come up with scams to rip off others fearful of the virus. Mankind still in his infancy-- -- probably the only species on Earth still so easily driven to prey upon itself.

Out of fear, greed and selfishness. And the Hard Left is right in there at the forefront leading the charge while thinking (or at least claiming) they are actually FIGHTING the very thing they help create, maintain and make possible in the first place.

It's all about money and power, like toilet paper, some people just can never have enough.

I wish they would bring the Winner rating back because I'd give you a Winner.
Its now yours to use.
This is all so fucked up. You have your integrity even if you had to give up a job you love, that makes you HUMAN, those who stay doing something that they disagree with they have already lost their soul and have been swallowed up by the Matrix.

Also all these stupid Leftists who cheerlead all this stuff, they illustrate how foolish they are because they think that all of this will not affect them, they don't realise they are being used because they do the cheerleading and if all this nightmare happens they also will be put into the SAME prison with everyone they have been fighting who has opposed this evil Agenda from day one.
View attachment 321815 I appreciate that you understand. If there is one thing that sickens me more than anything else, it is the world full of people who do anything for a buck, even if it is a very good buck or they just need the money--- --- or just DON'T CARE. That is the Cynicism Fallacy: "If I don't do it, someone else will!" Most people in this world are soulless now, narcissistic, living in their bubble, unfeeling, even driven by a contempt for humanity or authority. Humanity is great. Authority is necessary. The problem is unjust authority driven by a desire to exploit others for personal gain rather than working together for the betterment of everyone.

Human pettiness. I'm sure there are people who have enough TP hoarded up to last them ten years, and still looking for more, in between trying to come up with scams to rip off others fearful of the virus. Mankind still in his infancy-- -- probably the only species on Earth still so easily driven to prey upon itself.

Out of fear, greed and selfishness. And the Hard Left is right in there at the forefront leading the charge while thinking (or at least claiming) they are actually FIGHTING the very thing they help create, maintain and make possible in the first place.

It's all about money and power, like toilet paper, some people just can never have enough.

I wish they would bring the Winner rating back because I'd give you a Winner.
and " Informative" lol
and you call infowars full of chit when we have been telling you this bs for years oh wait it's true now...............

AI is going to wipe out just about every job there is .

DNA, Vaccines, and Transhumanism
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM transhumanism Transhumanism is a futuristic concept where man and technology blend, resulting in soulless intelligent machines. It is a movement that favors the evolution of a new species of…

We do NOT need AI, AI is Anti-Human, it is the opposite of Humanity. Any company that is experimenting with AI should be destroyed and all at the company should be arrested.
Spoken like a good little nazi.
Look ass-blaster, I will say this. AI in and of itself can be a WONDERFUL thing! A powerful tool. The problem is that PEOPLE CAN NOT BE TRUSTED NOT TO EXPLOIT IT for devious ends for personal gain. So AI is being developed as a WEAPON. A weapon to control others. So to that end, yes, WE CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH AI.

Until the little babies grow up, far more bad will come out of AI than the little bit of good engineered for the public to keep the consumer DOCILE AND HAPPY.




Be a good little drone, as you are.
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What they are doing right now is just the lead up
I follow local blogs and believe me, the POPULATION is MORE THAN READY NOW to buy into all the fear, blame, and name-calling, ready to give up anything without question, ready to stone anyone who does not comply to prove what good followers they are, anyone who dares think outside the box or question authority, rushing to see who can be first to fall into line and be the best sheeple in full compliance!

View attachment 321806

I'm doing at @ to the thread.

Dalia post in this thread and tell everyone what is happening in France, where your Globalist Puppet Faggot Macron has gone full-on Stasi and the French peoples literally have to fill in a form saying why they are going out, where they are going and giving an exact time they will return to effective House Arrest and IF they fail to comply and are late getting back to House Arrest the Stasi visit them.
This is all so fucked up. You have your integrity even if you had to give up a job you love, that makes you HUMAN, those who stay doing something that they disagree with they have already lost their soul and have been swallowed up by the Matrix.

Also all these stupid Leftists who cheerlead all this stuff, they illustrate how foolish they are because they think that all of this will not affect them, they don't realise they are being used because they do the cheerleading and if all this nightmare happens they also will be put into the SAME prison with everyone they have been fighting who has opposed this evil Agenda from day one.
View attachment 321815 I appreciate that you understand. If there is one thing that sickens me more than anything else, it is the world full of people who do anything for a buck, even if it is a very good buck or they just need the money--- --- or just DON'T CARE. That is the Cynicism Fallacy: "If I don't do it, someone else will!" Most people in this world are soulless now, narcissistic, living in their bubble, unfeeling, even driven by a contempt for humanity or authority. Humanity is great. Authority is necessary. The problem is unjust authority driven by a desire to exploit others for personal gain rather than working together for the betterment of everyone.

Human pettiness. I'm sure there are people who have enough TP hoarded up to last them ten years, and still looking for more, in between trying to come up with scams to rip off others fearful of the virus. Mankind still in his infancy-- -- probably the only species on Earth still so easily driven to prey upon itself.

Out of fear, greed and selfishness. And the Hard Left is right in there at the forefront leading the charge while thinking (or at least claiming) they are actually FIGHTING the very thing they help create, maintain and make possible in the first place.

It's all about money and power, like toilet paper, some people just can never have enough.

I wish they would bring the Winner rating back because I'd give you a Winner.
and " Informative" lol
and you call infowars full of chit when we have been telling you this bs for years oh wait it's true now...............

AI is going to wipe out just about every job there is .

DNA, Vaccines, and Transhumanism
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM transhumanism Transhumanism is a futuristic concept where man and technology blend, resulting in soulless intelligent machines. It is a movement that favors the evolution of a new species of…

We do NOT need AI, AI is Anti-Human, it is the opposite of Humanity. Any company that is experimenting with AI should be destroyed and all at the company should be arrested.
Spoken like a good little nazi.
Look ass-blaster, I will say this. AI in and of itself can be a WONDERFUL thing! A powerful tool. The problem is that PEOPLE CAN NOT BE TRUSTED NOT TO EXPLOIT IT for devious ends for personal gain. So AI is being developed as a WEAPON. A weapon to control others. So to that end, yes, WE CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH AI.

Until; the little babies grow up, far more bad will come out of AI than the little bit of good engineered for the public to keep the consumer DOCILE AND HAPPY.




Be a good little drone, as you are.

Look how the lockdown is being abused by authorities and the police going near full-on Stasi, do the idiots want to TRUST the SAME crowd with something like AI?

I was on Skype this morning with a friend of mine who lives in Ibiza, Spain and he said that they are on a 23 hour lockdown 24/7 they can ONLY leave the house for 1 hour a day to go shopping for essentials and then they have to go back under effective House Arrest. He said that the Spanish police patrol his entire area with guns looking to see if ANYONE is outside the house when they shouldn't be.

This is the type of thing that Leftists are not only cheerleading but demanding MORE of, oh yes and they call us Nazi's, they really are low IQ Drones. They DEMAND to be put in a prison and TOLD what to do because they have no independent minds of their own, AI would be great for them being devoid of any God-Given intelligence at least they would have Artificial Intelligence fed into their hollow heads.

If all this lockdown situation in some nations goes on much longer there is going to be MASSIVE Civil Disobedience, peoples will break out of their prison and go to the park and meet friends in MASSIVE numbers, so what happens then? Is it then a Shoot To Kill Order for defying the order to remain under House Arrest for an indefinate period?

You know in some parts of the world they ARE shooting dead anyone who defies the permanent lockdown. Where are the SCREAMING Leftists and the Usual Suspects about the below, again SILENT. IF ANY Western nation did ANYTHING like the below of course they would be SCREAMING and having MELTDOWNS, they seem OKAY though with this type of thing as LONG as it's BROWN and BLACKS doing the killing of their OWN:





^^^^ There you have it. IF you leave your House Arrest. You are Enemies of Society. Typical Communism.


^^^^ But but but REMEMBER WE are the Nazi's :rolleyes-41:

I was on Skype this morning with a friend of mine who lives in Ibiza, Spain and he said that they are on a 23 hour lockdown 24/7 they can ONLY leave the house for 1 hour a day to go shopping for essentials and then they have to go back under effective House Arrest. He said that the Spanish police patrol his entire area with guns looking to see if ANYONE is outside the house when they shouldn't be.
A friend of mine in Catalonia tells me the same thing. They run down streets and hide from the police in bushes to get about to do the things they must.
You know in some parts of the world they ARE shooting dead anyone who defies the permanent lockdown. Where are the SCREAMING Leftists and the Usual Suspects about the below, again SILENT. IF ANY Western nation did ANYTHING like the below of course they would be SCREAMING and having MELTDOWNS
Where are the ACLU when you need them? If Trump were ordering these things, they would be calling him a tyrant, dictator and threat to the Constitution (oh wait, they have already been saying that), with a flurry of lawsuits pending, but this is Covid-19 now and that makes it OK. The worst of it all is that it is all bullshit because while one group or organization of authority claims you must do one thing, another claims the EXACT OPPOSITE is necessary to stay safe! They can't even get their stories straight!

OTOH, they tell you that you must stay inside to be absolutely safe. Meantime utilities claim they cannot come into your house (the safest place to be in an isolated environment) even to restore essential services out of concern for their employees entering the LEAST safe place (your house)! They tell you that you must stay safe by wearing gloves and donning face masks, meantime these same utility workers can't be bothered to wear gloves, mask and tyvek suit to protect themselves in order to repair their own equipment essential to living that you are paying for. They tell you that you cannot go outside without a mask on and maintain a safe distance, yet utility workers are routinely seen working outside all over wearing no masks, no gloves and working in groups side by side!

WHICH THE FUCK IS IT?! Who is kidding who here?
Robots Welcome to Take Over, as Pandemic Accelerates Automation
Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.


An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.

An AMP Robotics system sorting recyclable material at the company’s lab in Louisville, Colo.Credit...Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times

Broad unease about losing jobs to machines could dissipate as people focus on the benefits of minimizing close human contact.

The recycling industry was already struggling before the pandemic. Now, an increasing number of cities are suspending recycling services, partly out of fear that workers might contract the coronavirus from one another while sorting through used water bottles, food containers and boxes.
One solution: Let robots do the job.
Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a “significant” increase in orders for its robots that use artificial intelligence to sift through recycled material, weeding out trash.
“Some facilities that were looking at getting one or two robots are now saying, ‘We need quite a bit more,’” said the Colorado company’s chief executive, Matanya Horowitz. “It’s all moving quite fast.”

What are libs planning to live on if they dont work?
What they are doing right now is just the lead up
I follow local blogs and believe me, the POPULATION is MORE THAN READY NOW to buy into all the fear, blame, and name-calling, ready to give up anything without question, ready to stone anyone who does not comply to prove what good followers they are, anyone who dares think outside the box or question authority, rushing to see who can be first to fall into line and be the best sheeple in full compliance!

View attachment 321806

I'm doing at @ to the thread.

Dalia post in this thread and tell everyone what is happening in France, where your Globalist Puppet Faggot Macron has gone full-on Stasi and the French peoples literally have to fill in a form saying why they are going out, where they are going and giving an exact time they will return to effective House Arrest and IF they fail to comply and are late getting back to House Arrest the Stasi visit them.
Lucy, We need to fil a form since March 17 since the beginning of the containment which is very severe and since the medef wants it to end Macron decide suddenly to open the companies in France now he wants the French go out and to go to work and that the children all go to school from May 11, here it is the 360 degree we can no longer follow what the hell is gone on and they know nothing about the virus .

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