'Rocket 'attack' on UK tour jet: Pilot with 189 passengers dodged missile above Sharm El Sheikh'

Ok either both of you and all your lefty buddies are blind stupid AND ignorant or you are incapable of remembering what you read. Obama's FBI put out a statement that rightwing Christians were a terror threat and you two retards claim you never saw it? How fucking stupid are you? Obama claimed a Muslim major killed soldiers because of work place violence even though there was and is evidence he was radicalized and did it BECAUSE of Islam.

So, name calling.

And where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion?

Its your example. Surely you can cite us a couple of instances of it. I'll make it easy for you.

Cite just one.
Obama authorized the FBI to release a statement that Right wing Christians were a greater threat to the US then Foreign terrorists. I realize you are to stupid to understand the written word but that says it all. He further did NOT allow the Government to categorize the Fort Hood attack, the Oregon attack or the latest stabbing attack as Muslim extremism. Another pretty clear statement.

Obama 'authorized' it? What does that mean? That he was president when it was released?

You do realize that Obama doesn't personally oversee every report, memo, email or press release issued by every government agency in the country.


Where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion? Quote him.
Fuck you. Obama approved the statements I told you about and you want to pretend otherwise and then you want to claim you have never seen anyone on this board do the same. Once again you are either TOO STUPID to breathe or you are a LIAR. I know which of the two I believe is true.

Says who?

You pretending to be Obama. Now, I'm sure you consider your little pretend game to be gospel truth. But for those of us that *don't* accept you citing yourself as a quote from the President....

....what have you got to back your claims?

The words you're looking for are "Jack". And "Shit". Say it with me.
Ok either both of you and all your lefty buddies are blind stupid AND ignorant or you are incapable of remembering what you read. Obama's FBI put out a statement that rightwing Christians were a terror threat and you two retards claim you never saw it? How fucking stupid are you? Obama claimed a Muslim major killed soldiers because of work place violence even though there was and is evidence he was radicalized and did it BECAUSE of Islam.

So, name calling.

And where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion?

Its your example. Surely you can cite us a couple of instances of it. I'll make it easy for you.

Cite just one.
Obama authorized the FBI to release a statement that Right wing Christians were a greater threat to the US then Foreign terrorists. I realize you are to stupid to understand the written word but that says it all. He further did NOT allow the Government to categorize the Fort Hood attack, the Oregon attack or the latest stabbing attack as Muslim extremism. Another pretty clear statement.

Obama 'authorized' it? What does that mean? That he was president when it was released?

You do realize that Obama doesn't personally oversee every report, memo, email or press release issued by every government agency in the country.


Where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion? Quote him.
Fuck you. Obama approved the statements I told you about and you want to pretend otherwise and then you want to claim you have never seen anyone on this board do the same. Once again you are either TOO STUPID to breathe or you are a LIAR. I know which of the two I believe is true.

Says who?

You pretending to be Obama. Now, I'm sure you consider your little pretend game to be gospel truth. But for those of us that *don't* accept you citing yourself as a quote from the President....

....what have you got to back your claims?

The words you're looking for are "Jack". And "Shit". Say it with me.
Keep PROVING you are a LIAR.
So, name calling.

And where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion?

Its your example. Surely you can cite us a couple of instances of it. I'll make it easy for you.

Cite just one.
Obama authorized the FBI to release a statement that Right wing Christians were a greater threat to the US then Foreign terrorists. I realize you are to stupid to understand the written word but that says it all. He further did NOT allow the Government to categorize the Fort Hood attack, the Oregon attack or the latest stabbing attack as Muslim extremism. Another pretty clear statement.

Obama 'authorized' it? What does that mean? That he was president when it was released?

You do realize that Obama doesn't personally oversee every report, memo, email or press release issued by every government agency in the country.


Where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion? Quote him.
Fuck you. Obama approved the statements I told you about and you want to pretend otherwise and then you want to claim you have never seen anyone on this board do the same. Once again you are either TOO STUPID to breathe or you are a LIAR. I know which of the two I believe is true.

Says who?

You pretending to be Obama. Now, I'm sure you consider your little pretend game to be gospel truth. But for those of us that *don't* accept you citing yourself as a quote from the President....

....what have you got to back your claims?

The words you're looking for are "Jack". And "Shit". Say it with me.
Keep PROVING you are a LIAR.

That assumes that you citing you is a quote from the President.

Alas, you clearly don't know what a quote is. Its words that president *actually* said. Not you playing pretend.

Try again. Where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion? Quote him. Not yourself.
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British holidaymakers bound for the jihad unrest in the desert of Sharm El Sheikh? The French Riveria isn't exciting enough?
Obama authorized the FBI to release a statement that Right wing Christians were a greater threat to the US then Foreign terrorists. I realize you are to stupid to understand the written word but that says it all. He further did NOT allow the Government to categorize the Fort Hood attack, the Oregon attack or the latest stabbing attack as Muslim extremism. Another pretty clear statement.

Obama 'authorized' it? What does that mean? That he was president when it was released?

You do realize that Obama doesn't personally oversee every report, memo, email or press release issued by every government agency in the country.


Where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion? Quote him.
Fuck you. Obama approved the statements I told you about and you want to pretend otherwise and then you want to claim you have never seen anyone on this board do the same. Once again you are either TOO STUPID to breathe or you are a LIAR. I know which of the two I believe is true.

Says who?

You pretending to be Obama. Now, I'm sure you consider your little pretend game to be gospel truth. But for those of us that *don't* accept you citing yourself as a quote from the President....

....what have you got to back your claims?

The words you're looking for are "Jack". And "Shit". Say it with me.
Keep PROVING you are a LIAR.

That assumes that you citing you is a quote from the President.

Alas, you clearly don't know what a quote is. Its words that president *actually* said. Not you playing pretend.

Try again. Where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion? Quote him. Not yourself.
So according to YOU, the President did not get informed and did not approve a broad categorization of who is and is not a terror risk in this Country? While I agree Obama is a fool and probably doesn't do his job I never thought you would agree.
Obama 'authorized' it? What does that mean? That he was president when it was released?

You do realize that Obama doesn't personally oversee every report, memo, email or press release issued by every government agency in the country.


Where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion? Quote him.
Fuck you. Obama approved the statements I told you about and you want to pretend otherwise and then you want to claim you have never seen anyone on this board do the same. Once again you are either TOO STUPID to breathe or you are a LIAR. I know which of the two I believe is true.

Says who?

You pretending to be Obama. Now, I'm sure you consider your little pretend game to be gospel truth. But for those of us that *don't* accept you citing yourself as a quote from the President....

....what have you got to back your claims?

The words you're looking for are "Jack". And "Shit". Say it with me.
Keep PROVING you are a LIAR.

That assumes that you citing you is a quote from the President.

Alas, you clearly don't know what a quote is. Its words that president *actually* said. Not you playing pretend.

Try again. Where did Obama claim that a crime committed by a Christian was because of his religion? Quote him. Not yourself.
So according to YOU, the President did not get informed and did not approve a broad categorization of who is and is not a terror risk in this Country? While I agree Obama is a fool and probably doesn't do his job I never thought you would agree.
Oh, your claim is far more than 'being informed'. You claimed it owas Obama's statement THROUGH the FBI.

Making Obama the originator of it. And when I ask you to back that steaming pile of delusional horseshit with actual evidence.....

......you quote yourself as Obama.

Can you see why your argument is a little....underwhelming?
Religion of peace.

Muslims fire missiles at civilian airliners.
Christians don't wanna bake gay cakes.

Guess who the left is angrier at?

Of course, when an American warship attacked Iran Air flight 655 murdering a load of innocent civilians, it was all excuses and lies, but a suspected attack on an airliner is crazy Muslims.


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