Rocket falls in Hof Ashkelon on eve of Sukkot

Before Ashkelon there existed

"The Arab village of al-Majdal or al-Majdal Ascalun(Arabic: المجدل*; Hebrew: אל-מג'דל, מגדל*), was established nearby the ancient site in the 16th century, under Ottoman's rule. In 1918, the Arab village of al-Majdal (Ashkelon) became part of the British Occupied Enemy Territory Administration and in 1920 became part of the Mandatory Palestine. In the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, al-Majdal Ascalun was the forward position of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force based in Gaza.[2]

"The village was occupied by Israeli forces on 5 November 1948, by which time most of the Arab population of 11,000 were forced to leave.[3]

"Jews moved into the area later that year.

"The Israeli town was initially called Migdal Gaza, Migdal Gad and Migdal Ashkelon. In 1953, the nearby neighborhood of Afridar was incorporated and the name 'Ashkelon' was readopted to the town.

"By 1961, Ashkelon was ranked 18th among Israeli urban centers with a population of 24,000.[4] In 2010, the population of Ashkelon was 112,900.[5]"

Ashkelon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When you take another's land by force of arms, don't whine about sirens in the night.

How do you think that the Arabs got there to begin with?
By taking the land from Israelites and forcing them to move.
When do you think that happened?
"he Arab village of Majdal was mentioned by historians and tourists at the end of the 15th century.[16] In 1596, Ottoman records showed Majdal to be a large village of 559 Muslim households, making it the 7th most populous locality in Palestine after Safad, Jerusalem, Gaza, Nablus, Hebron and Kafr Kanna.[17][18]
The census of 1931 found 6,166 Muslims and 41 Christians living there.[19] By 1948, the population had grown to about 11,000."
Ashkelon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why are Jews alone, among all nations, allowed to steal land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago?

Because they had been hunted down and slaughtered, enslaved and treated like animals in all nations that they had fled to after the Arabs took over their homeland, for those thousands of years. Every nation that they fled to tried to wipe them off the face of the earth as a group of people.
They were allowed to go back to their homeland because they deserved to exist just like any other ethnic group deserves to exist.
My own family was expelled from their house in 1936. Their land was burned and they were forced to leave their inheritence, by Palestinians.

So if you're looking for simpathy, you're not going to get it from me, on this one.

And the children of Sderot have nothing to do with Al-Majdal or whatever name the Palestinians gave the city of Ashkelon.

Only thing they know is that they are attacked in the name of a Palestinian so called "resistance", even though they never harmed anyone!

And people like YOU justify it!
I don't justify ethnic cleansing of Jew or Arab:
"During the 1948 war, the Egyptian army occupied a large part of Gaza including Majdal.

"Over the next few months, the town was subjected to Israeli air-raids and shelling.[3] All but about 1,000 of the town's residents were forced to leave by the time it was captured by Israeli forces as a sequel to Operation Yoav on 4 November 1948.[3]

"General Yigal Allon ordered the expulsion of the remaining Palestinians but the local commanders did not do so and the Arab population soon recovered to more than 2,500 due mostly to refugees slipping back and also due to the transfer of Palestinians from nearby villages.[3][16]

"Most of them were elderly, women, or children.[16]

"During the next year or so, the Palestinians were held in a confined area surrounded by barbed wire, which became commonly known as the 'ghetto'"

Ashkelon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't justify it, but your response to the war-crime committed against civilians is pointed out that a bad thing happened almost 70 years ago.

Yeah, of course.
I'm starting to think division is not the solution in Israel-Palestine.
What are your reflections on the following?

"The first time I went to my current sublease in Bethlehem, I noticed something strange on the floor — the Star of David. When I moved into the place and looked closer at the pattern, I noticed a menorah. Here I was, in the heart of a Palestinian city, and the floor was 'Jewish.'

"My apartment is in a home that is at least 100 years old. Hand-painted floor tiles were common in wealthy homes — Christian, Muslim, and Jewish — throughout pre-state Palestine. While I know that the land wasn’t always divided, the current context makes it hard to imagine a Palestinian family putting such tiles into their home.

"But here the floor is and it gives me hope. It reminds me that the land has seen better years and that better years might be on the horizon. Not in a divided land, because we’ve already seen that division doesn’t work, but in a land where symbols of Judaism or Christianity or Islam might appear in one another’s homes."

Can you imagine a land where symbols of Islam, Christianity, or Judaism "might appear in one another's homes?"

Reflections on one state from the West Bank | +972 Magazine
How do you think that the Arabs got there to begin with?
By taking the land from Israelites and forcing them to move.
When do you think that happened?
"he Arab village of Majdal was mentioned by historians and tourists at the end of the 15th century.[16] In 1596, Ottoman records showed Majdal to be a large village of 559 Muslim households, making it the 7th most populous locality in Palestine after Safad, Jerusalem, Gaza, Nablus, Hebron and Kafr Kanna.[17][18]
The census of 1931 found 6,166 Muslims and 41 Christians living there.[19] By 1948, the population had grown to about 11,000."
Ashkelon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why are Jews alone, among all nations, allowed to steal land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago?

Because they had been hunted down and slaughtered, enslaved and treated like animals in all nations that they had fled to after the Arabs took over their homeland, for those thousands of years. Every nation that they fled to tried to wipe them off the face of the earth as a group of people.
They were allowed to go back to their homeland because they deserved to exist just like any other ethnic group deserves to exist.
Can you point to a time when Jew and Arab have warred against one another to the same extent as the last 96 years?

"In 1917, Southern Syria was conquered by the British forces (including the Jewish Legion). The British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which stated that the government viewed favourably "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" but 'that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'.

"The Declaration was issued as a result of the belief of key members of the government, including Prime Minister David Lloyd George, that Jewish support was essential to winning the war; however, the declaration caused great disquiet in the Arab world.[17]

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I notice Georgie left out the part about another prospective landlord refusing to rent to Jews.........
Not a justification, an explanation.
"Then, with the clock ticking on my sublease, I go to look at an apartment to rent for the long term. It’s a lovely place, built in the early 1800s and it is high-ceilinged and full of light and air, and the elderly owner and I get on well. When she tells me that she and her family are refugees from Jaffa, from the Nakba, my stomach drops. And a feeling I can’t quite place — sadness, shame, guilt, anger, all of it? — settles on my chest."
Reflections on one state from the West Bank | +972 Magazine
So the author gives her APPROVAL of Arab prejudice and racism against Jews, in a classic illustration of 'apologtics'.

And Georgie accepts that as right, and fitting. He'll pretend that the 'explanation' is not 'endorsement'.... while holding Jews to a different standard.
So the author gives her APPROVAL of Arab prejudice and racism against Jews, in a classic illustration of 'apologtics'.

And Georgie accepts that as right, and fitting. He'll pretend that the 'explanation' is not 'endorsement'.... while holding Jews to a different standard.
Zionists have been holding themselves to a different standard since their colonization of Palestine first began. Some Jews recognize the basic inhumanity inherent in such hypocrisy and reject it:

"Oh,' I say, casually. 'She doesn’t rent to Jews?'

“'No,' the tenant answers.

"My question settles around my ears and I hear how stupid it sounds.

"Of course the landlord, who was made a refugee by the Jews, doesn’t rent to Jews.

"I can’t say I blame her.

"But, still, it hurts to hear.

"I return to my sublease and the floor tiles look dull. Of course, I won’t abandon my long-standing belief in the one-state solution, including the Palestinian right of return. But, sometimes, it’s hard for me to imagine how it will all unfold."

What does your imagination tell you about how it will all unfold?

Reflections on one state from the West Bank | +972 Magazine
The Arab village of al-Majdal ... The census of 1931 found 6,166 Muslims and 41 Christians living there ..."
In 559 palatial abodes with marble floors and japanese fridges, of course.
You forgot the Jewish floors...

"Those who are opposed to a shared, democratic state sometimes cite security as a reason that Israel must remain a Jewish-majority state. But a one-state solution would privilege the security of every individual rather than that of an individual religious (and/or ethnic) group.

"And to those who argue that the separation barrier has lead to a drop in suicide bombings, I offer a basic from Statistics 101: correlation doesn’t equal causation.

"Further, the fact that tens of thousands of Palestinian workers come into Israel without permits everyday suggests that if a suicide bomber really wanted to get in, he or she could. (The fact that some people manage to come in without permits does not mitigate Israeli restrictions on Palestinian freedom of movement).

"Some opponents of a one-state solution also say that the state’s character must remain Jewish for purposes of identity.

"But why?"

Tell us why, Drivel?

Reflections on one state from the West Bank | +972 Magazine
The Arab village of al-Majdal ... The census of 1931 found 6,166 Muslims and 41 Christians living there ..."
In 559 palatial abodes with marble floors and japanese fridges, of course.
You forgot the Jewish floors...
But palistanians didn't - they still dream of taking them over, of course.
"Those who are opposed to a shared, democratic state sometimes cite security as a reason that Israel must remain a Jewish-majority state. But a one-state solution would privilege the security of every individual rather than that of an individual religious (and/or ethnic) group.
How so, if palistanians have a state of their own? Ahhh, it's a disfunctional, basket-case failed state with salaries of state employees paid fully by international donors. A politically incorrect thing to admit publicly, hence, a one-sate solution drivel to disguise that old palistanian dream to try and wreck Israel through flooding and abuse of the israeli institutions, the social security in particular, of course. 10 wives, one registered, nine aren't, single moms getting checks, bilking the system on their ever-growing number of children. Daddy enjoys a living. Kewl.
"But why?"
Why not?
Tell us why, Drivel?
It's way complicated, like rocket science, for those living in occupied bankrupt state of California, of course. They've got to go to skool first.
What explains California's debt to Israel, Drivel?

"In political space one of the great mysteries is why / how the tiny state of Israel achieves such capture over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East... According to the CIA the GDP of Israel in 2012 is, depending on the method of calculation, between $240 and $252 billion USD and U.S. GDP is about $16.6 trillion. $16.6 trillion is sixteen thousand and six hundred billion dollars. There is no direct economic relationship to explain the power of Israel over U.S. foreign policy because the scale is so wildly imbalanced on the side of the U.S."

Capitalism and US Oil Geo-Politics » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Possibly California's economic complications would be resolved if the US stopped supporting racist Jews living in the Occupied Territories?
Possibly California's economic complications would be resolved if the US stopped supportiing racist Jews living in the Occupied Territories?
But definitely economic complications would be resolved if occupied California residents were driveling less and working more, of course.
Possibly California's economic complications would be resolved if the US stopped supportiing racist Jews living in the Occupied Territories?
But definitely economic complications would be resolved if occupied California residents were driveling less and working more, of course.
"California’s gross domestic product (GDP), the total
value of goods and services produced here, was just
under $2 trillion in 2011. California—with 12 percent
of the U.S. population—accounts for 13 percent of the
nation’s output."
How much harder should California work, Drivel?
Awwww, isn't it cute? Poor little Georgie is all worried about how the State of California spends its money - tax money which he not only doesn't contribute to, but sucks up instead.
Awwww, isn't it cute? Poor little Georgie is all worried about how the State of California spends its money - tax money which he not only doesn't contribute to, but sucks up instead.
Do you never tire of being wrong?
"The sales and use tax rates vary depending on your retail location. A base sales and use tax rate of 7.50 percent is applied statewide. In addition to the statewide sales and use tax rate, some cities and counties have voter- or local government-approved district taxes. District tax areas consist of both counties and cities. There may also be more than one district tax in effect in a specific location. More than three-fourths of all businesses in the state are located, or do business, in areas with a district tax."
Sales and Use Tax Rate: Increases January 1, 2013
Death and taxes, remember?
Awwww, isn't it cute? Poor little Georgie is all worried about how the State of California spends its money - tax money which he not only doesn't contribute to, but sucks up instead.
Do you never tire of being wrong? "The sales and use tax rates vary depending on your retail location. A base sales and use tax rate of 7.50 percent is applied statewide. In addition to the statewide sales and use tax rate, some cities and counties have voter- or local government-approved district taxes. District tax areas consist of both counties and cities. There may also be more than one district tax in effect in a specific location. More than three-fourths of all businesses in the state are located, or do business, in areas with a district tax."
Sales and Use Tax Rate: Increases January 1, 2013
Who cares, as long as occupied Caliphorniah spends about $10 bln. annually on support of mexicans, the state is all set, of course.
Awwww, isn't it cute? Poor little Georgie is all worried about how the State of California spends its money - tax money which he not only doesn't contribute to, but sucks up instead.
Do you never tire of being wrong? "The sales and use tax rates vary depending on your retail location. A base sales and use tax rate of 7.50 percent is applied statewide. In addition to the statewide sales and use tax rate, some cities and counties have voter- or local government-approved district taxes. District tax areas consist of both counties and cities. There may also be more than one district tax in effect in a specific location. More than three-fourths of all businesses in the state are located, or do business, in areas with a district tax."
Sales and Use Tax Rate: Increases January 1, 2013
Who cares, as long as occupied Caliphorniah spends about $10 bln. annually on support of mexicans, the state is all set, of course.
Mexicans spend twice that much supporting California.
Why do some Jews think everyone's a racist?
Do you never tire of being wrong? "The sales and use tax rates vary depending on your retail location. A base sales and use tax rate of 7.50 percent is applied statewide. In addition to the statewide sales and use tax rate, some cities and counties have voter- or local government-approved district taxes. District tax areas consist of both counties and cities. There may also be more than one district tax in effect in a specific location. More than three-fourths of all businesses in the state are located, or do business, in areas with a district tax."
Sales and Use Tax Rate: Increases January 1, 2013
Who cares, as long as occupied Caliphorniah spends about $10 bln. annually on support of mexicans, the state is all set, of course.
Mexicans spend twice that much supporting California.
By sending money from Mexico?
Why do some Jews think everyone's a racist?
Judophobes taught them?

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