Rod Rosenstein Threatened Chairman Nunes and House Intel Members in a Meeting 3 Weeks Ago

yes really it is the tip of the iceberg

the memo deals only with the fraudulent methods used by the government and dnc party

get obtain illegal warrants to spy on the opposition

Except that some of those people like Carter Page and Paul Manafort were ALREADY under investigation for their dealings with Russia before Trump hired them, as you guys have reminded us many times.

So you are claiming that they shouldn't have been able to catch these guys at what they were obviously doing, because, hey, maybe some of that info in the dossier was wrong?

Again, this is like saying you didn't have probable cause to look in the trunk and find the dismembered ex-wife.
yes really it is the tip of the iceberg

the memo deals only with the fraudulent methods used by the government and dnc party

get obtain illegal warrants to spy on the opposition

Except that some of those people like Carter Page and Paul Manafort were ALREADY under investigation for their dealings with Russia before Trump hired them, as you guys have reminded us many times.

So you are claiming that they shouldn't have been able to catch these guys at what they were obviously doing, because, hey, maybe some of that info in the dossier was wrong?

Again, this is like saying you didn't have probable cause to look in the trunk and find the dismembered ex-wife.

then why the need to lie to the courts to get a warrant
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Nunes memo's FLOPPED big time, so now it's time to start another one-- Rod Roseinstein threatened House Intelligence members. Do you people ever stop?

FOX NEWS has been pushing this for over a year now,. They're conspiracy is that this entire Russian investigation is centered around the Trump Dossier file, when it never was. We have tried to explain that to right wingers for the last year on this board, and they never believed it--:badgrin:

It's hillarious, even in this memo that Nunes released, it specifically states in the very LAST sentence that the Russian investigation started late July 2016 and it was over George Papadopoulos --(who has already pleaded guilty, and is working with Mueller.) I don't believe his name is even mentioned in the Dossier file. This guy came out of nowhere.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Carter Page's name is mentioned often in the Dossier file, but again he had an original FISA warrant issued on him in 2013--because he was working with the Russians. The next FISA warrant on Carter Page didn't come out until October 2016--a month after he was gone from the Trump campaign.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

The Dossier file was not delivered to the FBI until January 2017.

So this entire thing has blown up on FOX NEWS, Devin Nunes & Donald Trump.

FOX NEWS and other right wing news sources are desperate--and they're going to grasp at straws. It was pretty obvious a couple of months ago when indictments came out.

When the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important that 2 Federal Grand Jury criminal indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX JOURNALISTS are threatening to QUIT.

Get off of FOX NEWS. A tabloid magazine has more credibility.
The problem with your theory is that there is no body in the trunk. There's no crime, or even any questionable behavior.

You don't think meeting with Russians to affect the outcome of our election is questionable?

Most sensible people do.

Unless something of tangible value was received, it's entirely legal. No one has even suggested that such a thing occured.

He's far from normal. Corruption, back scratching, gowing with the flow, log rolling, and selling out the voters is normal. That's why the voters chose a candidate who isn't "normal."

Um, no, 10 million more people voted against Trump than for him. So the voters didn't pick anything, an awful system devised by slave rapists 200 years ago did.

The silliness is thinking that he is going to change anything, because, frankly, the same shit you are whining about he participated in for years.

That same system "devised by slave rapists" also allowe Obama to become President. I don't recall you denigrating it then.
Isn't it obvious that the left is going stark raving mad? They rioted on inauguration day, H'wood actors threatened the President with everything from arson to assault to murder, a radical democrat opened fire on a republican baseball team, a former FBI head threatened to burn the FBI an now a ranking Justice Dept. official threatens republican congresspeople.
Rosenstein was entitled to be frustrated with those House jackhammers like Nunes - who for a while there was firing off a subpoena about every damn day (even though he "RECUSED" himself from the Russia investigation).

But hey, go ahead and fire Rosenstein. It'll be fun!

Nunez never recused himself. That's another Dim lie.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

the only thing thickening is you

I'm thickening? Are you saying I'm getting fat?
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Fox News = FAKE NEWS

Rasmussen Fake News Award
Fox News 45%
CNN 25%
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Nunes memo's FLOPPED big time, so now it's time to start another one-- Rod Roseinstein threatened House Intelligence members. Do you people ever stop?

FOX NEWS has been pushing this for over a year now,. They're conspiracy is that this entire Russian investigation is centered around the Trump Dossier file, when it never was. We have tried to explain that to right wingers for the last year on this board, and they never believed it--:badgrin:

It's hillarious, even in this memo that Nunes released, it specifically states in the very LAST sentence that the Russian investigation started late July 2016 and it was over George Papadopoulos --(who has already pleaded guilty, and is working with Mueller.) I don't believe his name is even mentioned in the Dossier file. This guy came out of nowhere.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Carter Page's name is mentioned often in the Dossier file, but again he had an original FISA warrant issued on him in 2013--because he was working with the Russians. The next FISA warrant on Carter Page didn't come out until October 2016--a month after he was gone from the Trump campaign.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

The Dossier file was not delivered to the FBI until January 2017.

So this entire thing has blown up on FOX NEWS, Devin Nunes & Donald Trump.

FOX NEWS and other right wing news sources are desperate--and they're going to grasp at straws. It was pretty obvious a couple of months ago when indictments came out.

When the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important that 2 Federal Grand Jury criminal indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX JOURNALISTS are threatening to QUIT.

Get off of FOX NEWS. A tabloid magazine has more credibility.

Page was not "working with the Russians." That's just one of the abundant lies in your post.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Fox News = FAKE NEWS

Rasmussen Fake News Award
Fox News 45%
CNN 25%

The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Fox News = FAKE NEWS

Rasmussen Fake News Award
Fox News 45%
CNN 25%

Your poll is fake news. The facts determine whether news is fake, not some biased fake poll.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

the only thing thickening is you

I'm thickening? Are you saying I'm getting fat?

I suspect del is perpetually as thick as a brick.

Standard Disclaimer: A British term meaning drunk as a skunk
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

the only thing thickening is you

I'm thickening? Are you saying I'm getting fat?

I suspect del is perpetually as thick as a brick.

Standard Disclaimer: A British term meaning drunk as a skunk
Based on his posts, I would agree.
The propaganda is ratcheting up to give trump an excuse to fire Rosenstein and Mueller. The memo was just a start, shame that bombed. Shows trump is desperate, he must know Mueller has something on him.

Mewler and Rosenstein should never have been hired. They are operatives for the deep state. They need to be exorcised from the Trump administration.


As head of the deep state, they are not my operatives.

We need a exorcist to purge the craziness from you.
The propaganda is ratcheting up to give trump an excuse to fire Rosenstein and Mueller. The memo was just a start, shame that bombed. Shows trump is desperate, he must know Mueller has something on him.

Mewler and Rosenstein should never have been hired. They are operatives for the deep state. They need to be exorcised from the Trump administration.
Trump hired Rosenstein. The best people, remember?
No! He was an Obama hold over...
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

All that's missing is the piece of cheese in his mouth. Every time I see that little rat, he looks like somewhere between fearful and guilty of something! Rod, YOU'RE FIRED!
just the tip of the ice berg

this memo focused just on how the left pulled a fraud on the courts

to spy on a opposition party members

Um, not really.

They had credible evidence people around Trump were colluding with the Russians, which they were.

You guys are taking the position that a sleazy lawyer takes when a bloody ax and a dismembered ex wife are found in a trunk. "Well, he didn't have probable cause to open that Trunk!"

Mewler and Rosenstein should never have been hired. They are operatives for the deep state. They need to be exorcised from the Trump administration.

Or they are the anti-bodies an established Republic grows against a potential despot.

The real problem here is Trump. Not Mueller or Rosenstein or even Jeff Sessions, to who his credit, is trying to maintain the dignity of his department.

The problem is Trump and the circus of people he brought in with him. Thankfully, most of the worst of them are gone- Bannon and Flynn and Manafort and Scaramundi. But we still have the overall problem of a mentally ill man-baby in the Oval Office.

"Whoooo.... we got him to say a SOTU speech without screaming like a maniac. Now if we can just get his Twitter away from him."

Your desperation is showing.
Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.

The FBI has stated it is inaccurate and paints a false narrative. The fact is that we are not able to see the context of the statements in the memo. I suspect they cherrypicked certain statements from classified information. Also there is at least 1 factual error. The memo claims Comey testified that the dossier was salacious and unverified. This is Comey's actual testimony.,

COMEY: The president called me I believe shortly before he was inaugurated as a follow-up to our conversation, private conversation on January the 6th. He just wanted to reiterate his rejection of that allegation and talk about—- he’d thought about it more. And why he thought it wasn’t true. The verified — unverified and salacious parts.

Comey is saying parts were unverified, VERIFIED, and salacious.

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