Rod Rosenstein Threatened Chairman Nunes and House Intel Members in a Meeting 3 Weeks Ago

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.
And, really, you assholes that still supporting Trump after all the evidence that has come out about the contacts with the Russians, and even Russian intel agents, are the same.

There is no evidence.
FBI admitted it.
The FBI Admits There Is No Evidence Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign And Russia

Someone hasn't been paying attention to REAL news.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

It's one thing to be ignorant about a topic, it's quite a different circumstance when you insist on remaining ignorant.

Those above links are all on this board, that include FOX NEWS video's & links--(and more.)

You can choose to go through them or remain just as ignorant tommorrow as you are today. Your choice.

All propaganda and spins and innuendoes .
In other words a bunch of gossip. With a whole bunch of guilty based on no facts.
Watch the committee meetings on c-span.
You'll actually get informed and understand what is really going on.

Charges have been filed, arrests have been made. That's not "gossip". That's "facts".

That had nothing to do with Russian collusion.

Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.

And how can you know that?
Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.

that is a flat out lie. Donald's boy Chris Wrey said there were material omissions of fact which made the memo untrue.

do you ever even bother to come close to telling the truth?

here... READ...

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud

Last edited:
And, really, you assholes that still supporting Trump after all the evidence that has come out about the contacts with the Russians, and even Russian intel agents, are the same.

There is no evidence.
FBI admitted it.
The FBI Admits There Is No Evidence Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign And Russia

Someone hasn't been paying attention to REAL news.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

It's one thing to be ignorant about a topic, it's quite a different circumstance when you insist on remaining ignorant.

Those above links are all on this board, that include FOX NEWS video's & links--(and more.)

You can choose to go through them or remain just as ignorant tommorrow as you are today. Your choice.

All propaganda and spins and innuendoes .
In other words a bunch of gossip. With a whole bunch of guilty based on no facts.
Watch the committee meetings on c-span.
You'll actually get informed and understand what is really going on.

Charges have been filed, arrests have been made. That's not "gossip". That's "facts".

That had nothing to do with Russian collusion.


why don'tnyou just say you're an ignorant hack and don't care what Donald does.

there ya go!
What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.

And how can you know that?
I she knew of any misrepresentation of fact, she would not have dodged my question.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.
And so far as you know, there WAS. See how that works?
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.

And how can you know that?
I she knew of any misrepresentation of fact, she would not have dodged my question.

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Nunes memo's FLOPPED big time, so now it's time to start another one-- Rod Roseinstein threatened House Intelligence members. Do you people ever stop?

FOX NEWS has been pushing this for over a year now,. They're conspiracy is that this entire Russian investigation is centered around the Trump Dossier file, when it never was. We have tried to explain that to right wingers for the last year on this board, and they never believed it--:badgrin:

It's hillarious, even in this memo that Nunes released, it specifically states in the very LAST sentence that the Russian investigation started late July 2016 and it was over George Papadopoulos --(who has already pleaded guilty, and is working with Mueller.) I don't believe his name is even mentioned in the Dossier file. This guy came out of nowhere.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Carter Page's name is mentioned often in the Dossier file, but again he had an original FISA warrant issued on him in 2013--because he was working with the Russians. The next FISA warrant on Carter Page didn't come out until October 2016--a month after he was gone from the Trump campaign.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

The Dossier file was not delivered to the FBI until January 2017.

So this entire thing has blown up on FOX NEWS, Devin Nunes & Donald Trump.

FOX NEWS and other right wing news sources are desperate--and they're going to grasp at straws. It was pretty obvious a couple of months ago when indictments came out.

When the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important that 2 Federal Grand Jury criminal indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX JOURNALISTS are threatening to QUIT.

Get off of FOX NEWS. A tabloid magazine has more credibility.

Page was not "working with the Russians." That's just one of the abundant lies in your post.

Carter Page was under investigation before he joined the Trump campaign. Your parents are raising a little LIAR.

Where's the evidence he was "working with the Russians?" Oh yeah . . . . . . there is none.

Carter Page has stated all along that the infamous trip he took to Moscow during the campaign season was only to give a speech at a University there. UNDER OATH--his testimony changed dramatically.


"In January 2017, Page's name appeared repeatedly in a leaked contract intelligence dossier containing unsubstantiated allegations of close interactions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.[27][28][29][30]

On November 2, 2017, Page testified to the U.S. House Intelligence Committee that he had informed Jeff Sessions, Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks and other Trump campaign officials that he was traveling to Russia to give a speech in July 2016

Page testified that he had met with Russian government officials during this trip and had sent a post-meeting report via email to members of the Trump campaign.[37]He also indicated that campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement about his trip.[38] Elements of Page's testimony contradicted prior claims by Trump, Sessions, and others in the Trump administration.[34][37][39][40] Lewandowski, who had previously denied knowing Page or meeting him during the campaign, said after Page's testimony that his memory was refreshed and acknowledged that he had been aware of Page's trip to Russia.
Carter Page - Wikipedia

Carter Page had a FISA warrant issued on him in 2013, and then again in October, 2016.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.

Rachel Maddow busted up this conspiracy 2 days prior to Devin Nunes releasing his memo---:badgrin:

Last night (after the release the REAL bombshell broke) on the Nune's memo.

Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.

again, twit... you're lying...

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud
What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.
And so far as you know, there WAS. See how that works?
lol It doesn't work at all. Either your opinions are based on facts or the are not, and your opinions seem not to be based on facts. Now you would take me to task for wanting to base my opinions on facts. By your reasoning, if I said Obama ate babies for a bedtime snack and you continue produce proof he didn't, you'd have to accept that he may have.
For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.

that is a flat out lie. Donald's boy Chris Wrey said there were material omissions of fact which made the memo untrue.

do you ever even bother to come close to telling the truth?

here... READ...

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud

lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.

And how can you know that?
I she knew of any misrepresentation of fact, she would not have dodged my question.

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud
lol what omissions? Ooops, no one at the FBI/Justice seems to know.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Nunes memo's FLOPPED big time, so now it's time to start another one-- Rod Roseinstein threatened House Intelligence members. Do you people ever stop?

FOX NEWS has been pushing this for over a year now,. They're conspiracy is that this entire Russian investigation is centered around the Trump Dossier file, when it never was. We have tried to explain that to right wingers for the last year on this board, and they never believed it--:badgrin:

It's hillarious, even in this memo that Nunes released, it specifically states in the very LAST sentence that the Russian investigation started late July 2016 and it was over George Papadopoulos --(who has already pleaded guilty, and is working with Mueller.) I don't believe his name is even mentioned in the Dossier file. This guy came out of nowhere.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Carter Page's name is mentioned often in the Dossier file, but again he had an original FISA warrant issued on him in 2013--because he was working with the Russians. The next FISA warrant on Carter Page didn't come out until October 2016--a month after he was gone from the Trump campaign.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

The Dossier file was not delivered to the FBI until January 2017.

So this entire thing has blown up on FOX NEWS, Devin Nunes & Donald Trump.

FOX NEWS and other right wing news sources are desperate--and they're going to grasp at straws. It was pretty obvious a couple of months ago when indictments came out.

When the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important that 2 Federal Grand Jury criminal indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX JOURNALISTS are threatening to QUIT.

Get off of FOX NEWS. A tabloid magazine has more credibility.

Page was not "working with the Russians." That's just one of the abundant lies in your post.

Carter Page was under investigation before he joined the Trump campaign. Your parents are raising a little LIAR.

Where's the evidence he was "working with the Russians?" Oh yeah . . . . . . there is none.

Carter Page has stated all along that the infamous trip he took to Moscow during the campaign season was only to give a speech at a University there. UNDER OATH--his testimony changed dramatically.


"In January 2017, Page's name appeared repeatedly in a leaked contract intelligence dossier containing unsubstantiated allegations of close interactions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.[27][28][29][30]

On November 2, 2017, Page testified to the U.S. House Intelligence Committee that he had informed Jeff Sessions, Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks and other Trump campaign officials that he was traveling to Russia to give a speech in July 2016

Page testified that he had met with Russian government officials during this trip and had sent a post-meeting report via email to members of the Trump campaign.[37]He also indicated that campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement about his trip.[38] Elements of Page's testimony contradicted prior claims by Trump, Sessions, and others in the Trump administration.[34][37][39][40] Lewandowski, who had previously denied knowing Page or meeting him during the campaign, said after Page's testimony that his memory was refreshed and acknowledged that he had been aware of Page's trip to Russia.
Carter Page - Wikipedia

Carter Page had a FISA warrant issued on him in 2013, and then again in October, 2016.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.

Rachel Maddow busted up this conspiracy 2 days prior to Devin Nunes releasing his memo---:badgrin:

Last night (after the release the REAL bombshell broke) on the Nune's memo.

He "met with government officials?" He shook hands with a few people. That's it.

Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.

And how can you know that?
I she knew of any misrepresentation of fact, she would not have dodged my question.

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud
lol what omissions? Ooops, no one at the FBI/Justice seems to know.

er... imbecile... you'll have to ask Chris Wrey...

oh wait... you can't....; devin (Donald's proctologist) nunes didn't allow him to testify.

now be quiet, loon. or is Chris Wrey... Donald's boy lying while imbeciles like you are someone not lying?

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud
What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
No, just that it was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.

again, twit... you're lying...

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud
If there were omissions, what are they? No one at the FBI/Justice seems to know.
Nunes memo's FLOPPED big time, so now it's time to start another one-- Rod Roseinstein threatened House Intelligence members. Do you people ever stop?

FOX NEWS has been pushing this for over a year now,. They're conspiracy is that this entire Russian investigation is centered around the Trump Dossier file, when it never was. We have tried to explain that to right wingers for the last year on this board, and they never believed it--:badgrin:

It's hillarious, even in this memo that Nunes released, it specifically states in the very LAST sentence that the Russian investigation started late July 2016 and it was over George Papadopoulos --(who has already pleaded guilty, and is working with Mueller.) I don't believe his name is even mentioned in the Dossier file. This guy came out of nowhere.
Papadopoulos' guilty plea is much bigger problem for Trump than the Manafort indictment - CNNPolitics

Carter Page's name is mentioned often in the Dossier file, but again he had an original FISA warrant issued on him in 2013--because he was working with the Russians. The next FISA warrant on Carter Page didn't come out until October 2016--a month after he was gone from the Trump campaign.
Russian Spies Tried to Recruit Carter Page Before He Advised Trump
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

The Dossier file was not delivered to the FBI until January 2017.

So this entire thing has blown up on FOX NEWS, Devin Nunes & Donald Trump.

FOX NEWS and other right wing news sources are desperate--and they're going to grasp at straws. It was pretty obvious a couple of months ago when indictments came out.

When the placement of cheese on a cheeseburger is more important that 2 Federal Grand Jury criminal indictments and 1 guilty plea.

FOX JOURNALISTS are threatening to QUIT.

Get off of FOX NEWS. A tabloid magazine has more credibility.

Page was not "working with the Russians." That's just one of the abundant lies in your post.

Carter Page was under investigation before he joined the Trump campaign. Your parents are raising a little LIAR.

Where's the evidence he was "working with the Russians?" Oh yeah . . . . . . there is none.

Carter Page has stated all along that the infamous trip he took to Moscow during the campaign season was only to give a speech at a University there. UNDER OATH--his testimony changed dramatically.


"In January 2017, Page's name appeared repeatedly in a leaked contract intelligence dossier containing unsubstantiated allegations of close interactions between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.[27][28][29][30]

On November 2, 2017, Page testified to the U.S. House Intelligence Committee that he had informed Jeff Sessions, Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks and other Trump campaign officials that he was traveling to Russia to give a speech in July 2016

Page testified that he had met with Russian government officials during this trip and had sent a post-meeting report via email to members of the Trump campaign.[37]He also indicated that campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis had asked him to sign a non-disclosure agreement about his trip.[38] Elements of Page's testimony contradicted prior claims by Trump, Sessions, and others in the Trump administration.[34][37][39][40] Lewandowski, who had previously denied knowing Page or meeting him during the campaign, said after Page's testimony that his memory was refreshed and acknowledged that he had been aware of Page's trip to Russia.
Carter Page - Wikipedia

Carter Page had a FISA warrant issued on him in 2013, and then again in October, 2016.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.

Rachel Maddow busted up this conspiracy 2 days prior to Devin Nunes releasing his memo---:badgrin:

Last night (after the release the REAL bombshell broke) on the Nune's memo.

He "met with government officials?" He shook hands with a few people. That's it.


you are either being paid or you are a liar... or you are intentionally obtuse....

Former Trump Aide Carter Page Was on U.S. Counterintelligence Radar Before Russia Dossier

So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.

And how can you know that?
I she knew of any misrepresentation of fact, she would not have dodged my question.

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud
lol what omissions? Ooops, no one at the FBI/Justice seems to know.

er... imbecile... you'll have to ask Chris Wrey...

oh wait... you can't....; devin (Donald's proctologist) nunes didn't allow him to testify.

now be quiet, loon. or is Chris Wrey... Donald's boy lying while imbeciles like you are someone not lying?

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud

Just like they voted down the release of the opposition memo.

What people should be REALLY upset about *but they are missing the point on* is that this committee has always been bipartisan - a committee where both sides have worked together and put national security above partisan politics and Nunes has made it a mockery.

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