Rod Rosenstein Threatened Chairman Nunes and House Intel Members in a Meeting 3 Weeks Ago

The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Yes I so believe Gregg Jarrett. NOT. How Fox and Hannity and his guests spread false rumors. Carter Page was under investigation long before the Duck chose to run, and also when Page was questioned, the Duck said he didn't know Page, toooo funny.
If he was under investigation already, why did you side need a FISA warrant?
He wasn't a terrorist

Who's side? It is the FBI, they are on USA side....

Apparently not. The evidence indicates they are on Hillary's side.

The question is simple... It has been proven that the Russians are heavily involved in the US Election in trying to get Trump elected. There are members in the Trump Campaign that definitely facilitated this and pleaded guilty to acting in Russia's behalf.

Totally false. There is no evidence the Russians were trying to get Trump elected, and no one pleaded to acting in Russia's behalf. You're spewing 100% pure bullshit. Nothing you say should be believed.

Now lets just say in the next election if the EU pumped in millions to social media and hacking operations to run a propaganda operation in favour of the Democratic Nominee, would the Trumptsters be happy with that... You are in favour of Russia doing it why not EU?

There wouldn't be anything Trump could do about it because it's not illegal to post on social media, no matter who you are.

And if you let Russia & EU do it... Who is not allowed to do it? China, North Korea, Iran.... Sorry but the Trumpsters and sympathisers (not all GOP) are willing to sell out the country for perceived power granted to them by Putin...

Everyone is allowed to do it because there is no law saying they can't. It's not a crime for people in foreign countries to post in social media.

The only ones "selling out the country" are the people who think the FBI should be allowed to conduct espionage on the opposition candidate for the Presidency, and then run an witch hunt whose sole purpose is to indict the President for any crime it can uncover or instigate.

Botton line: you're a lying douchebag piece of shit.
So, they'll just make up a crime to indct him for, and you're OK with that?

Absolutely. ANything that gets that nutbag out of the White House is fine with me.

You just proved you're a despicable douchebag who doesn't give a rats ass about justice or the law. All you care about is ailing Trump.

Yes, a crazy person with his finger on the button worries me. But given all the crooked shit Trump has done in his life, I don't mind fudging a bit to get him.

Keep in mind, you guys impeached Clinton for a blow job.
So, they'll just make up a crime to indct him for, and you're OK with that?

Absolutely. ANything that gets that nutbag out of the White House is fine with me.

You just proved you're a despicable douchebag who doesn't give a rats ass about justice or the law. All you care about is ailing Trump.

Yes, a crazy person with his finger on the button worries me. But given all the crooked shit Trump has done in his life, I don't mind fudging a bit to get him.

Keep in mind, you guys impeached Clinton for a blow job.

Joe, you've already admitted that your a Nazi douchebag who doesn't give a shit about justice or the law. No need to double down.
How would that be just? What crime did Trump commit?

Collusion with the Russians
Obstruction of Justice
Abuse of Power

We could also add sexual assault and maybe rape. Let's dig into his shit like Ken Starr did to Clinton.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.
Rosenstein is Republican

I love it when you guys form a circular firing squad
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.
Rosenstein is Republican

I love it when you guys form a circular firing squad

He's an anti-Trump establishment douche. He's also involved in the "dossier" scandal.

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