Rod Rosenstein Threatened Chairman Nunes and House Intel Members in a Meeting 3 Weeks Ago

er... imbecile... you'll have to ask Chris Wrey...

oh wait... you can't....; devin (Donald's proctologist) nunes didn't allow him to testify.

now be quiet, loon. or is Chris Wrey... Donald's boy lying while imbeciles like you are someone not lying?

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud

Just like they voted down the release of the opposition memo.

What people should be REALLY upset about *but they are missing the point on* is that this committee has always been bipartisan - a committee where both sides have worked together and put national security above partisan politics and Nunes has made it a mockery.

yeah, the intel committee was better than most because they seemed to actually give a flying about our national security.

I look forward to nunes' perp walk.

What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

more lies....

is there something wrong with you?

Yes, I tell the truth. That's viewed as a sickness in this day and age.
er... imbecile... you'll have to ask Chris Wrey...

oh wait... you can't....; devin (Donald's proctologist) nunes didn't allow him to testify.

now be quiet, loon. or is Chris Wrey... Donald's boy lying while imbeciles like you are someone not lying?

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud

Just like they voted down the release of the opposition memo.

What people should be REALLY upset about *but they are missing the point on* is that this committee has always been bipartisan - a committee where both sides have worked together and put national security above partisan politics and Nunes has made it a mockery.

yeah, the intel committee was better than most because they seemed to actually give a flying about our national security.

I look forward to nunes' perp walk.

What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

You so wish that don't you? Yet the memo said nothing about either of them.

Hillary paid for the "dossier." Obama's FBI used it to get a FISA warrant. That, in and of itself, is extremely incriminating.
Just like they voted down the release of the opposition memo.

What people should be REALLY upset about *but they are missing the point on* is that this committee has always been bipartisan - a committee where both sides have worked together and put national security above partisan politics and Nunes has made it a mockery.

yeah, the intel committee was better than most because they seemed to actually give a flying about our national security.

I look forward to nunes' perp walk.

What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

You so wish that don't you? Yet the memo said nothing about either of them.

Hillary paid for the "dossier." Obama's FBI used it to get a FISA warrant. That, in and of itself, is extremely incriminating.

after republicans paid them.

do you think Fusion GPS gets paid for opposition research by BOTH SIDES because they aren't good at it. And most of the dossier has been confirmed. But again that had little to do with the EXTENSION OF THE FISA WARRANT ON CARTER PAGE!

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yeah, the intel committee was better than most because they seemed to actually give a flying about our national security.

I look forward to nunes' perp walk.

What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

You so wish that don't you? Yet the memo said nothing about either of them.

Hillary paid for the "dossier." Obama's FBI used it to get a FISA warrant. That, in and of itself, is extremely incriminating.

after republicans paid them.


A conservative website paid for opposition research. It didn't pay a dime towards that memo.
The propaganda is ratcheting up to give trump an excuse to fire Rosenstein and Mueller. The memo was just a start, shame that bombed. Shows trump is desperate, he must know Mueller has something on him.

Mewler and Rosenstein should never have been hired. They are operatives for the deep state. They need to be exorcised from the Trump administration.

You really believe there is a DEEP STATE---------that's funny/sad.

There obviously is. The memo proves there is a coterie of agents in the FBI who conspired to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president.

That silly memo doesn't prove anything. Goudy wrote it, and even he says it's nothing.
For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.

that is a flat out lie. Donald's boy Chris Wrey said there were material omissions of fact which made the memo untrue.

do you ever even bother to come close to telling the truth?

here... READ...

FBI condemns Nunes memo for 'omissions,' escalating feud


What ommissions could there be? Oh yeah well we forgot to tell the FISA judge we got a call from the DNC and Clinton camp telling us they had Russian dirt on Trump so WE at the DOJ and the FBI all backing Clinton for President decided to use Russian propaganda PAID FOR BY HILLARY to spy on Trump?

That kind of fucking omission?
The propaganda is ratcheting up to give trump an excuse to fire Rosenstein and Mueller. The memo was just a start, shame that bombed. Shows trump is desperate, he must know Mueller has something on him.

Mewler and Rosenstein should never have been hired. They are operatives for the deep state. They need to be exorcised from the Trump administration.

You really believe there is a DEEP STATE---------that's funny/sad.

There obviously is. The memo proves there is a coterie of agents in the FBI who conspired to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president.

That silly memo doesn't prove anything. Goudy wrote it, and even he says it's nothing.

Why you really need to put up an exact quote from Gowdy saying its nothing or you are a liar.
then why the need to lie to the courts to get a warrant

Who says they lied? Nunes?

Here's the thing. Warrants always contain information meant to make the person who is the target look as guilty as possible.

a former FBI head threatened to burn the FBI an now a ranking Justice Dept. official threatens republican congresspeople.

Okay, you realize these are Republicans who have the problem with trump, not the left, right?
Just like they voted down the release of the opposition memo.

What people should be REALLY upset about *but they are missing the point on* is that this committee has always been bipartisan - a committee where both sides have worked together and put national security above partisan politics and Nunes has made it a mockery.

yeah, the intel committee was better than most because they seemed to actually give a flying about our national security.

I look forward to nunes' perp walk.

What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

You so wish that don't you? Yet the memo said nothing about either of them.

Hillary paid for the "dossier." Obama's FBI used it to get a FISA warrant. That, in and of itself, is extremely incriminating.

Hillary's campaign made donations to Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS paid for the dossier.
Psalm 120:2
King James Bible

Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.

1 Timothy 1:9-10

Realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers

Revelation 21:8

"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

Just like they voted down the release of the opposition memo.

What people should be REALLY upset about *but they are missing the point on* is that this committee has always been bipartisan - a committee where both sides have worked together and put national security above partisan politics and Nunes has made it a mockery.

yeah, the intel committee was better than most because they seemed to actually give a flying about our national security.

I look forward to nunes' perp walk.

What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

more lies....

is there something wrong with you?

Yes, I tell the truth. That's viewed as a sickness in this day and age.
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More on Truth and why the Left and those on The Right who delight in and promote lies imperil their immortal souls to eternal damnation!

Proverbs 12:22

King James Bible

Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.

Jeremiah 9:8

"Their tongue is a deadly arrow; It speaks deceit; With his mouth one speaks peace to his neighbor, But inwardly he sets an ambush for him.

Romans 3:13


1st Corinthians 6:9-10

9: Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,

10: Nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
The truth will always prevail. The vail has been broken. Let the light reveal the darkness and the evil which has blanketed our great country for so long. This is history in the making. This country was founded on the principles of God and HE Will not be mocked.
then why the need to lie to the courts to get a warrant

Who says they lied? Nunes?

Here's the thing. Warrants always contain information meant to make the person who is the target look as guilty as possible.

a former FBI head threatened to burn the FBI an now a ranking Justice Dept. official threatens republican congresspeople.

Okay, you realize these are Republicans who have the problem with trump, not the left, right?


you trying to defend a fraudulent piece of evidence presented to

fool a fisa judge into issuing a warrant
yeah, the intel committee was better than most because they seemed to actually give a flying about our national security.

I look forward to nunes' perp walk.

What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

You so wish that don't you? Yet the memo said nothing about either of them.

Hillary paid for the "dossier." Obama's FBI used it to get a FISA warrant. That, in and of itself, is extremely incriminating.

Hillary's campaign made donations to Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS paid for the dossier.

Wrong, douchebag. Hillary's lawfirm hired Fusion GPS.

"Donations?" Who are you trying to kid? That's the kind of scam that only prostitutes get away with.
lol Exactly what facts were misrepresented?
Ask them. Oh, sorry--the Intelligence Committee refused to let the FBI come answer that question.
So as far as you know there was no misrepresentation of the facts.
And so far as you know, there WAS. See how that works?
lol It doesn't work at all. Either your opinions are based on facts or the are not, and your opinions seem not to be based on facts. Now you would take me to task for wanting to base my opinions on facts. By your reasoning, if I said Obama ate babies for a bedtime snack and you continue produce proof he didn't, you'd have to accept that he may have.
Without having the FACTS available, all the facts, the entire FISA warrants and the information on what parts of the dossier were confirmed, and probably many other FACTS as well, no one can say there are not serious omissions of fact, of misrepresentation, of cherry picking--whatever is being said.
You have to have the underlying documents and information, toomuch, and none of us has it. You are trusting Nunes, but it is as much of an "opinion" as mine (which is that I don't know).

That's why we need a special counsel.
yeah, the intel committee was better than most because they seemed to actually give a flying about our national security.

I look forward to nunes' perp walk.

What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

You so wish that don't you? Yet the memo said nothing about either of them.

Hillary paid for the "dossier." Obama's FBI used it to get a FISA warrant. That, in and of itself, is extremely incriminating.

Hillary's campaign made donations to Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS paid for the dossier.

Donations? They paid for opposition research. They paid for a product.
What I am most upset about is the breaking down of these things. And no one seems to care :(

The Russians are probably happy - they are sowing chaos and distrust in our institutions.

They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

You so wish that don't you? Yet the memo said nothing about either of them.

Hillary paid for the "dossier." Obama's FBI used it to get a FISA warrant. That, in and of itself, is extremely incriminating.

Hillary's campaign made donations to Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS paid for the dossier.

Wrong, douchebag. Hillary's lawfirm hired Fusion GPS.

"Donations?" Who are you trying to kid? That's the kind of scam that only prostitutes get away with.

Yup. Just like the Republicans did.
They are breaking down because of Hillary and Obama's corruption.

You so wish that don't you? Yet the memo said nothing about either of them.

Hillary paid for the "dossier." Obama's FBI used it to get a FISA warrant. That, in and of itself, is extremely incriminating.

Hillary's campaign made donations to Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS paid for the dossier.

Wrong, douchebag. Hillary's lawfirm hired Fusion GPS.

"Donations?" Who are you trying to kid? That's the kind of scam that only prostitutes get away with.

Yup. Just like the Republicans did.
How did the Republicans do that?

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