Rod Rosenstein Threatened Chairman Nunes and House Intel Members in a Meeting 3 Weeks Ago

The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.

Read.... try to learn, loony toon

"Q: What does it mean to "obstruct justice?"

A: Generally, any act that is intended to interfere with the administration of justice may constitute obstruction of justice. There are many different kinds of obstruction of justice that are covered by different federal and state statutes. For example, separate federal statutes cover obstruction of court orders, obstruction of criminal investigations, obstruction of state and local law enforcement of gambling statutes, and tampering with or retaliating against witnesses, victims and informants.

Q: What sorts of acts may constitute obstruction of justice?
A: Obstruction may consist of any attempt to hinder the discovery, apprehension, conviction or punishment of anyone who has committed a crime. The acts by which justice is obstructed may include bribery, murder, intimidation, and the use of physical force against witnesses, law enforcement officers or court officials. The purpose may be to influence, delay or prevent the communication of information to law enforcement officers; to influence, delay or prevent court testimony; to alter or destroy evidence; or to evade a subpoena or similar court process.

Q: Does obstruction of justice always involve bribery or physical force?
A: No. One particularly murky category of obstruction is the use of "misleading conduct" toward another person for the purpose of obstructing justice. "Misleading conduct" may consist of deliberate lies or "material omissions" (leaving out facts which are crucial to a case). It may also include knowingly submitting or inviting a judge or jury to rely on false or misleading physical evidence, such as documents, maps, photographs or other objects. Any other "trick, scheme, or device with intent to mislead" may constitute a "misleading conduct" form of obstruction.

Q: How has the "misleading conduct" category of obstruction of justice been used?
A: The definition of "misleading conduct" is so general that it can be used to fit many different situations. For instance, Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr attempted to apply the obstruction statutes very broadly in his investigation of former President Clinton. Mr. Starr argued that Mr. Clinton committed obstruction of justice by denying to friends and subordinates that he engaged in intimate contact with Monica Lewinsky. According to Starr, this constituted "misleading conduct" obstruction because Mr. Clinton expected that his denials would be repeated to the grand jury that was investigating the relationship. Mr. Starr also prosecuted Susan McDougal for obstruction because she refused to testify before the grand jury about Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's investment in the Whitewater real estate project (McDougal was acquitted). And Mr. Starr unsuccessfully prosecuted Julie Hiatt Steele for obstructing the Lewinsky investigation by claiming that she lied to a grand jury about what and when former White House volunteer Kathleen Willey had told her concerning an alleged sexual advance by Mr. Clinton.

Q: What is "obstruction of official business"?
A: Under Ohio law, it is a second-degree misdemeanor to hamper or impede a police officer or other public official in the performance of his or her official duties. This charge encompasses a wide range of affirmative acts, including, for example, lying to a police officer or fleeing from an officer after being ordered to stop. Note that an affirmative act is required, which means that a failure to act--such as refusing to provide identification--does not fall within the statute".

more at link:

OSBA | What You Should Know about Obstruction of Justice

sucks being you.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.
And, really, you assholes that still supporting Trump after all the evidence that has come out about the contacts with the Russians, and even Russian intel agents, are the same.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.

Read.... try to learn, loony toon

"Q: What does it mean to "obstruct justice?"
Generally, any act that is intended to interfere with the administration of justice may constitute obstruction of justice. There are many different kinds of obstruction of justice that are covered by different federal and state statutes. For example, separate federal statutes cover obstruction of court orders, obstruction of criminal investigations, obstruction of state and local law enforcement of gambling statutes, and tampering with or retaliating against witnesses, victims and informants.

Q: What sorts of acts may constitute obstruction of justice?
Obstruction may consist of any attempt to hinder the discovery, apprehension, conviction or punishment of anyone who has committed a crime. The acts by which justice is obstructed may include bribery, murder, intimidation, and the use of physical force against witnesses, law enforcement officers or court officials. The purpose may be to influence, delay or prevent the communication of information to law enforcement officers; to influence, delay or prevent court testimony; to alter or destroy evidence; or to evade a subpoena or similar court process.

Q: Does obstruction of justice always involve bribery or physical force?
No. One particularly murky category of obstruction is the use of "misleading conduct" toward another person for the purpose of obstructing justice. "Misleading conduct" may consist of deliberate lies or "material omissions" (leaving out facts which are crucial to a case). It may also include knowingly submitting or inviting a judge or jury to rely on false or misleading physical evidence, such as documents, maps, photographs or other objects. Any other "trick, scheme, or device with intent to mislead" may constitute a "misleading conduct" form of obstruction.

Q: How has the "misleading conduct" category of obstruction of justice been used?
The definition of "misleading conduct" is so general that it can be used to fit many different situations. For instance, Whitewater Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr attempted to apply the obstruction statutes very broadly in his investigation of former President Clinton. Mr. Starr argued that Mr. Clinton committed obstruction of justice by denying to friends and subordinates that he engaged in intimate contact with Monica Lewinsky. According to Starr, this constituted "misleading conduct" obstruction because Mr. Clinton expected that his denials would be repeated to the grand jury that was investigating the relationship. Mr. Starr also prosecuted Susan McDougal for obstruction because she refused to testify before the grand jury about Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's investment in the Whitewater real estate project (McDougal was acquitted). And Mr. Starr unsuccessfully prosecuted Julie Hiatt Steele for obstructing the Lewinsky investigation by claiming that she lied to a grand jury about what and when former White House volunteer Kathleen Willey had told her concerning an alleged sexual advance by Mr. Clinton.

Q: What is "obstruction of official business"?
Under Ohio law, it is a second-degree misdemeanor to hamper or impede a police officer or other public official in the performance of his or her official duties. This charge encompasses a wide range of affirmative acts, including, for example, lying to a police officer or fleeing from an officer after being ordered to stop. Note that an affirmative act is required, which means that a failure to act--such as refusing to provide identification--does not fall within the statute".

more at link:

OSBA | What You Should Know about Obstruction of Justice

sucks being you.
Firing Rosenstein doesn't fit the description you posted, dingbat. The president can't be indicted for obstructing justice purely for exercising a Constitutional power.
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And, really, you assholes that still supporting Trump after all the evidence that has come out about the contacts with the Russians, and even Russian intel agents, are the same.

These so-called "contacts" couldn't be more trivial. Furthermore, speaking with Russians isn't a crime.

All you've got is a big nothing burger. Time to give it up.
If I were as delusional as the OP, I don't think I'd be posting on a message board. I'd be in my survival bunker in anticipation of the deep state coup.
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The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
The propaganda is ratcheting up to give trump an excuse to fire Rosenstein and Mueller. The memo was just a start, shame that bombed. Shows trump is desperate, he must know Mueller has something on him.

Mewler and Rosenstein should never have been hired. They are operatives for the deep state. They need to be exorcised from the Trump administration.
Trump hired Rosenstein. The best people, remember?

Sessions hired Rosenstein. Sessions was a big mistake. The man doesn't have a spine. Trump is a neophyte who depends on others to make reccomendations for him. He should never have trusted Sessions.

You just described a great leader.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.
Nunes needs to be removed from the intelligence committee immediately.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.
Nunes needs to be removed from the intelligence committee immediately.
He's staying right where he is if there's anything I can do about it.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.

Criticizing the FBI is not obstruction of justice. That's his job, moron. You're accusing the cop of a crime for investigating the criminals.
Setting up lies to protect a President from acts of Treason is obstruction of justice,. and that is a crime.

What "lies?" The FBI stated there were no factual errors in the memo.
The plot thickens. Rosenstein is looking like a scumbag with something to hide. I predict his scalp will be hanging on the wall before this is all over.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.

This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

** Read the entire un-redacted document here.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.
Nunes needs to be removed from the intelligence committee immediately.
He's staying right where he is if there's anything I can do about it.
I know. Idiots that don't care about NatSec want the rancher to stay there.
Good.... I can't wait for nunes to do the perp walk.

For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.
Nunes needs to be removed from the intelligence committee immediately.
He's staying right where he is if there's anything I can do about it.
I know. Idiots that don't care about NatSec want the rancher to stay there.
Since when did snowflakes give a damn about national security?
For what?

It's not going to happen.
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.
Nunes needs to be removed from the intelligence committee immediately.
He's staying right where he is if there's anything I can do about it.
I know. Idiots that don't care about NatSec want the rancher to stay there.
Since when did snowflakes give a damn about national security?
trumptards? likely never as they are at war with the FBI
Obstruction of justice. He is now a lying stinking asshole of a traitor just like Trump.
Nunes needs to be removed from the intelligence committee immediately.
He's staying right where he is if there's anything I can do about it.
I know. Idiots that don't care about NatSec want the rancher to stay there.
Since when did snowflakes give a damn about national security?
trumptards? likely never as they are at war with the FBI

You're the snowflake, moron.
Nunes needs to be removed from the intelligence committee immediately.
He's staying right where he is if there's anything I can do about it.
I know. Idiots that don't care about NatSec want the rancher to stay there.
Since when did snowflakes give a damn about national security?
trumptards? likely never as they are at war with the FBI

You're the snowflake, moron.
Thanks bud
The propaganda is ratcheting up to give trump an excuse to fire Rosenstein and Mueller. The memo was just a start, shame that bombed. Shows trump is desperate, he must know Mueller has something on him.

The propaganda is all on the left with you lying corrupt Nazis..

Look in the mirror and face what you are trying to defend.

You liberals that defend this are rotten to the core.
The propaganda is ratcheting up to give trump an excuse to fire Rosenstein and Mueller. The memo was just a start, shame that bombed. Shows trump is desperate, he must know Mueller has something on him.

The propaganda is all on the left with you lying corrupt Nazis..

Look in the mirror and face what you are trying to defend.

You liberals that defend this are rotten to the core.
Nazis march for trump not the left. See Charlottesville where they killed Heather Heyer. "Alt right" scum, basically nazis for trump.
deMS-13 think that sedition and a failed coup d'etat are funny

No, man, what's funny is watching you guys pretend that Trump's clown show is somehow normal or okay.

It's like when Caligula made his horse a member of the Senate, and no one said anything about it. Because, hey, there might be an advantage for me personally.

No, man….

You got it all wrong…

What’s funny is watching your

liberal Freak Show defending all your corruption…

Do you have any idea how this looks?

History will not be kind to you…

Unlike Caligula, liberals put asses in office….

Face the facts.....

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