Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

Just for the record...

The state of Missouri has ended its 2012 fiscal year with a balanced budget and a possible small surplus. How much of a surplus – or if there really is one -- may not be known until later this summer.

That’s the word from state Budget Director Linda Luebbering in an interview, as she assessed the final numbers for fiscal year 2012, which ended June 30. Under Missouri's constitution, the state cannot amass a deficit and must balance its budget each year.!/content/25882/mo_budget_070412

And New York?

NEW YORK—During his third budget address as governor of New York state, Andrew Cuomo, showed just how important a decimal place is. The first slide in his presentation popped up showing a $13 billion budget deficit.

“I just wanted to make sure you guys were paying attention,” Cuomo quipped, to laughter from the crowd gathered at Hart Theatre, Center for the Performing Arts, Albany.

It made the $1.3 billion deficit seem not so bad.

NY Gov. Cuomo Submits Budget With $1.3 Billion Deficit | New York City | United States | Epoch Times


So now you folks can start paying into the Federal kitty..


I mean..for the record.

Use your head Sallow, and give up the liberal talking points.

Missouri is a huge state with half the population of NYC, New York is the third most populous state in the country.

Check out the population density of NY compared to MO.

For that matter, check the population density of all the states on your liberal talking point list.

But do it in another thread.

This thread is about a Missouri Rodeo Clown lampooning Obama...not federal tax policy.
My give-o-fuck meter must be broken cause this story isn't registering. I do find the liberal whinefest to be amusing however.
Mine isn't...

My Thoughts:
No threats or fake violence against the President were made so I hope MSNBC and CNN don't make a mountain out of a mole-hill here and no one should lose their jobs of livelihood over this.

That said, Obama is out President. He might not be the best one, but he is still our President. A level of respect should be in order (but is not required), esp at a publicly funded function. Also there should be a level of respect (although it's also not required) for the fans in attendance. People went there for entertainment not a for a political rally. Respect the crowd. I get annoyed hearing leftist singers and performers promoting politics as their events, such as the $150 tix Barbra streisand concert where so bashed Romney and did a promotion for Obama.

The door swings both ways!
You ARE... among your brethen like rderp, franktwerp, and your late sister truthdidn'tmatter... you are now a board JOKE.

You'll have to learn how to deal with it though, because Americans are getting sick of libtards, and those who still try and prop up the kenyan as actually someone we should support. After the last four and half years, it's become painfully obvious to most Americans that obama is a MASSIVE FAILURE and TOTAL INCOMPETENT, OR, as many now believe, he's a filthy fucking muslim that hates America and everything it was founded on, and is doing to his best to DESTROY it... that "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION" thingie. You all showed be arrested and tried for treason. THAT is why the people in the stands at that rodeo were CHEERING. Now deal with, and STFU, ass wipe.

Shaddup you stupid commie.

Go worship at the feet of your leader.

Poor little libtard... poor, poor little libtard... nothing but the board pool toy now son...


Your messiah is a laughing stock, and so are you. YOU, the bubble headed obama supporter, are now the minority, and are now considered a MORON.

To show you a little respect..I am going to play your national anthem.

[ame=]Russia National anthem Russian & English lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

You know the words..sing along! Be a good little commie.
Just for the record...

The state of Missouri has ended its 2012 fiscal year with a balanced budget and a possible small surplus. How much of a surplus – or if there really is one -- may not be known until later this summer.

That’s the word from state Budget Director Linda Luebbering in an interview, as she assessed the final numbers for fiscal year 2012, which ended June 30. Under Missouri's constitution, the state cannot amass a deficit and must balance its budget each year.!/content/25882/mo_budget_070412

And New York?

NEW YORK—During his third budget address as governor of New York state, Andrew Cuomo, showed just how important a decimal place is. The first slide in his presentation popped up showing a $13 billion budget deficit.

“I just wanted to make sure you guys were paying attention,” Cuomo quipped, to laughter from the crowd gathered at Hart Theatre, Center for the Performing Arts, Albany.

It made the $1.3 billion deficit seem not so bad.

NY Gov. Cuomo Submits Budget With $1.3 Billion Deficit | New York City | United States | Epoch Times


So now you folks can start paying into the Federal kitty..


I mean..for the record.

Use your head Sallow, and give up the liberal talking points.

Missouri is a huge state with half the population of NYC, New York is the third most populous state in the country.

Check out the population density of NY compared to MO.

For that matter, check the population density of all the states on your liberal talking point list.

But do it in another thread.

This thread is about a Missouri Rodeo Clown lampooning Obama...not federal tax policy.'re not going to pay into the kitty.

Just as I thought.

Here's another one, Obama playing suicide poker, from two years ago...where was the outrage...:lol:


Uploaded on Jul 23, 2011
At 2011 OC Fair Extreme Rodeo. This bull isn't too fond of Obama, Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Anthony he gives it to 'em.

Last edited:
Here's another one, Obama playing suicide poker, from two years ago...where was the outrage...:lol:


Uploaded on Jul 23, 2011
At 2011 OC Fair Extreme Rodeo. This bull isn't too fond of Obama, Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Anthony he gives it to 'em.

I'm sure you have something, where in a partially publicly funded event, George W. Bush was subject to this sort of ridicule, right?
I know I'm burnt out with all the racist bullshit. Let's see.

First Family black livin the high life at 1600.............. check

Oprah Winfrey mega millionaire black ....................check

Top paid athletes in America black............................check

But America is horribly racist...................................check


Give me a freaking break.

Yes...because George Bush was a white man....check

Donald Trump multi-millionaire white....check

Bill Gates multi-billionaire white...check

Some of the top paid athletes in American white...check

ALL whites have got it good.

go back on this board when Bush had a shoe thrown at him....

you want to see no manners and turds...

Gee, what was the name of that American that threw the shoe at President Bush? I can't remember his name.
Here's another one, Obama playing suicide poker, from two years ago...where was the outrage...:lol:


Uploaded on Jul 23, 2011
At 2011 OC Fair Extreme Rodeo. This bull isn't too fond of Obama, Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Anthony he gives it to 'em.

I'm sure you have something, where in a partially publicly funded event, George W. Bush was subject to this sort of ridicule, right?

You probably won't find any such clowning of Bush at rodeo events. As I said before the cowboy culture is pretty much conservative leaning. And the reason is simple, it's because cowboys understand and accept personal responsibility and liberty.
Like Kerry said, there's no law against being stupid. This is racist and stupid but really, pretty small when compared to other stuff these assholes do.

Giving it press just makes them happy and gives racists more power. Forget about it.

As for Bush, this sort of shit has been done with every president. Its just not a big deal.

The bright spot to all of that people can now show this sort of disrespect to anyone, and no one can say "Well this is radical".

Because it won't be.

It's kinda like conservatives complaining about "Weiner", who doesn't have a snowball chance in hell of getting elected, and voting in Mark Sanford.

They look like hypocritical idiots.

But don't they always.


Missourians had a laugh at Obama's expense.

Now the country has had a laugh at Obama's expense, thanks to the media and liberal "outrage".

It was funny.

Not racist.

Not hurtful.

A joke.

And it was pretty funny to watch.

You lefties need to grow some thicker skin.

What outrage?

Yes it was racist and yes, it makes the ignorant low lifes look even worse.

BUT - this kind of caricature has been done to every prez and in the end, its true that it reflects worse on the doer than it does anyone else.

rw's need to get it through your thick skulls - it fell flat.
What's with the giant hissy fit?

This is truly extraordinary. It was a rodeo clown comedy routine.

Try ex lax people. You are seriously constipated.
What's with the giant hissy fit?

This is truly extraordinary. It was a rodeo clown comedy routine.

Try ex lax people. You are seriously constipated.
Here's another one, Obama playing suicide poker, from two years ago...where was the outrage...:lol:


Uploaded on Jul 23, 2011
At 2011 OC Fair Extreme Rodeo. This bull isn't too fond of Obama, Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Anthony he gives it to 'em.

I'm sure you have something, where in a partially publicly funded event, George W. Bush was subject to this sort of ridicule, right?

You probably won't find any such clowning of Bush at rodeo events. As I said before the cowboy culture is pretty much conservative leaning. And the reason is simple, it's because cowboys understand and accept personal responsibility and liberty.

Which is why, I suppose they hold this event in a nation called "Cowboy" entirely funded and paid for by cowboys..

Oh wait..

They always say pick your fights. Look at the fight Repubs are picking. A Rodeo clown. :doubt:

on Rodeo
Dressed like Obama

go back on this board when Bush had a shoe thrown at him....

you want to see no manners and turds...

Gee, what was the name of that American that threw the shoe at President Bush? I can't remember his name.

Why don't ask him, smartass bitch

The television reporter who threw his shoes at President Bush was burned by a cigarette in the hours after his arrest on Dec. 14 and was beaten so badly by Iraqi security personnel that one of his teeth was knocked out

Yeah, those Iraqi Prison guards loved him just sooooo much for disrespecting a REAL President

He was released on September 15, 2009 claiming that he had been systematically tortured during his time in jail and one of his front teeth was seen missing. Al-Zaidi said that he had been beaten with electric cables and iron bars and immersed in cold water. On 19 October 2009, while in Switzerland where he expected to have medical treatment for his injuries, he stated, "I suffered a great deal. I still have problems with my teeth, back and other parts of my body where I was tortured."

You're a fucking clueless idiot

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