Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

Which is why, I suppose they hold this event in a nation called "Cowboy" entirely funded and paid for by cowboys..

Oh wait..


As a matter of fact it pretty much is funded by cowboys and sponsored by corporations that understand cowboy culture which is honest hard-working individuals that understand value and are willing to pay good money for good products and services. Unlike liberals who want something for nothing.

Ironic post is ironic.

Missouri is a socialist gimme state.

If it weren't for your history of dishonesty I'd believe you.
It is always a bad sign when commercial culture starts to exploit the political environment. That is what killed television news, and gave us Fox and MSN. I've seen it before, when the extreme left leaning movie, "Easy Rider" came out around 1970. The Right wing folks walked out of the theaters in droves, and the left wing folks actually left the movie in shock and tears when the movie ended with some redneck shooting Peter Fonda with a shotgun at the end of the movie.

It did not help the political climate of the day, which was sumerized as hippies vs. hardhats.
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Yep, it was an attempt at humor, yet it was disrespectful of our President.

I would hope we are better than this. I also don't believe race had nothing to do with this.

Did you defend Bush every time he was disrespected? I'm guess... no.

I have, and did so when he was President. I didn't vote for him but my parents taught me to respect the President no matter their party.

Rangel's answer to Chavez is posted in this thread.

No Conservative politician, ever did anything like that for a Democratic President.
Yep, it was an attempt at humor, yet it was disrespectful of our President.

I would hope we are better than this. I also don't believe race had nothing to do with this.

Did you defend Bush every time he was disrespected? I'm guess... no.

I did defend Bush, not every time, the burning of him in a demonstration was disgusting, the throwing of the shoe and many other times.

Every time is an impossible. I did most of the time.

Every time is easy and very possible.
As a matter of fact it pretty much is funded by cowboys and sponsored by corporations that understand cowboy culture which is honest hard-working individuals that understand value and are willing to pay good money for good products and services. Unlike liberals who want something for nothing.

Ironic post is ironic.

Missouri is a socialist gimme state.

If it weren't for your history of dishonesty I'd believe you.

You don't have to believe me.

There are links in the thread..that support what I posted.
They always say pick your fights. Look at the fight Repubs are picking. A Rodeo clown. :doubt:

on Rodeo
Dressed like Obama

We're making fun of you for making a big deal over it. You people don't even get it when you're the butt of the joke.
Which is why, I suppose they hold this event in a nation called "Cowboy" entirely funded and paid for by cowboys..

Oh wait..


As a matter of fact it pretty much is funded by cowboys and sponsored by corporations that understand cowboy culture which is honest hard-working individuals that understand value and are willing to pay good money for good products and services. Unlike liberals who want something for nothing.

Ironic post is ironic.

Missouri is a socialist gimme state.

I vote to decrease federal spending.

You vote to increase it.

So please, stop your bellyachin' over a problem of which YOU ARE THE CAUSE.

Thanks in advance.
go back on this board when Bush had a shoe thrown at him....

you want to see no manners and turds...

Gee, what was the name of that American that threw the shoe at President Bush? I can't remember his name.

Why don't ask him, smartass bitch

The television reporter who threw his shoes at President Bush was burned by a cigarette in the hours after his arrest on Dec. 14 and was beaten so badly by Iraqi security personnel that one of his teeth was knocked out

Yeah, those Iraqi Prison guards loved him just sooooo much for disrespecting a REAL President

He was released on September 15, 2009 claiming that he had been systematically tortured during his time in jail and one of his front teeth was seen missing. Al-Zaidi said that he had been beaten with electric cables and iron bars and immersed in cold water. On 19 October 2009, while in Switzerland where he expected to have medical treatment for his injuries, he stated, "I suffered a great deal. I still have problems with my teeth, back and other parts of my body where I was tortured."

You're a fucking clueless idiot

Wow...they did those things to an AMERICAN!!!?????? Wow!
They always say pick your fights. Look at the fight Repubs are picking. A Rodeo clown. :doubt:

on Rodeo
Dressed like Obama


Shame we don't have a "throw in the towel" smiley for ya. :D

Yeah because this is a big deal...or something.


Dude, I didn't make it a big deal...a liberal did...the one who filmed it and released it to the media.

And then the liberal media made a big deal about it too, thinking they could score some sympathy points for Obama.

So channel your animosity to where it is well deserved.
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They always say pick your fights. Look at the fight Repubs are picking. A Rodeo clown. :doubt:

on Rodeo
Dressed like Obama

We're making fun of you for making a big deal over it. You people don't even get it when you're the butt of the joke.

I don't get it. You're making fun of me for doing something I didn't do? :lol:

Next will you make fun of me for flying dragons? This is a circle jerk
You probably won't find any such clowning of Bush at rodeo events. As I said before the cowboy culture is pretty much conservative leaning. And the reason is simple, it's because cowboys understand and accept personal responsibility and liberty.

Which is why, I suppose they hold this event in a nation called "Cowboy" entirely funded and paid for by cowboys..

Oh wait..


As a matter of fact it pretty much is funded by cowboys and sponsored by corporations that understand cowboy culture which is honest hard-working individuals that understand value and are willing to pay good money for good products and services. Unlike liberals who want something for nothing.

As I said much earlier.....they certainly knew their audience. :D
They always say pick your fights. Look at the fight Repubs are picking. A Rodeo clown. :doubt:

on Rodeo
Dressed like Obama

We're making fun of you for making a big deal over it. You people don't even get it when you're the butt of the joke.

I don't get it. You're making fun of me for doing something I didn't do? :lol:

Next will you make fun of me for flying dragons? This is a circle jerk

I know you don't get it. That's what makes it so damn funny!
Which is why, I suppose they hold this event in a nation called "Cowboy" entirely funded and paid for by cowboys..

Oh wait..


As a matter of fact it pretty much is funded by cowboys and sponsored by corporations that understand cowboy culture which is honest hard-working individuals that understand value and are willing to pay good money for good products and services. Unlike liberals who want something for nothing.

As I said much earlier.....they certainly knew their audience. :D

Fact is the majority of Americans dislike the job Obama is doing so finding an audience like that is fairly easy.

Check the latest polls!!
We're making fun of you for making a big deal over it. You people don't even get it when you're the butt of the joke.

I don't get it. You're making fun of me for doing something I didn't do? :lol:

Next will you make fun of me for flying dragons? This is a circle jerk

I know you don't get it. That's what makes it so damn funny!

I guess, but if you're trying to make fun of me for shit I didn't do in the first place. Your reverse psychology is broken
As a matter of fact it pretty much is funded by cowboys and sponsored by corporations that understand cowboy culture which is honest hard-working individuals that understand value and are willing to pay good money for good products and services. Unlike liberals who want something for nothing.

Ironic post is ironic.

Missouri is a socialist gimme state.

I vote to decrease federal spending.

You vote to increase it.

So please, stop your bellyachin' over a problem of which YOU ARE THE CAUSE.

Thanks in advance.


When was that?
Missuori has become the crystal meth capital of the world.

Missouri Has Become the Meth Capital of the World - Yahoo! Voices -

Now, what was it again about those hard working cowboys, who had all those great Midwest values, as opposed to liberals who want everything for free?

And that's what happens when you have social cowboys on the federal dole.

They become meth addicts.

Its' a shame..but don't religious types have a saying for this?

Devil makes work for idle hands?

Rodeos and Meth..what's next?


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