Rodeo Clown Dressed As Obama Gets Run Down By Bull. White Crowd Goes Wild.

Will the Associated Press do?

Mo. State Fair bans rodeo clown who mocked Obama

""The joke is not that it was the president," Berry said. "They drag out this person dressed like a dummy and all of the sudden this dummy just takes off running. That's what's funny."

I want audio video proof it was like a kkk rally
and white people were going wild

Poor Berry. I am afraid that you will always be stuck on "No. 2"!

you have yet to get to point 1

the clown was a dummy
No one's civil right have been violated, and if this were a privately funded rodeo, there would be nothing to say about it other than it is crass and childish. BUT, this was not a private rodeo. A State Fair is funded by taxpayer dollars. It is a violation of taxpayer's hard earned dollars being used to for partisan hackery that shows utter contempt for the Commander in Chief of the United States of America and our nation. It is as UN patriotic as it gets.

Show me law that backs up your assertion.

now that is funny

it surely was not the "law" when bush was in office

and the "fake" clown was bush

There never has been a Bush clown (mask) at any rodeo - that's an untruth.
The event was at a tax payer funded facility and the rodeo received tax dollars, along with the fact that was suppose to be a family friendly event as stated by the article.
There is a reason why republican elected officials in Missouri are condemning it.
There never has been a Bush clown (mask) at any rodeo - that's an untruth.

Yeah, because you Obamunists are above such things..


Standard Disclaimer: There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy....
And Republicans say I'm the racist.

stuck on a broom that descended from his backside.

"The state fair is funded by taxpayer dollars, and is supposed to be a place where we can all bring our families and celebrate the state that we love," she said. "But the young Missourians who witnessed this stunt learned exactly the wrong lesson about political discourse, that somehow it's ever acceptable to, in a public event, disrespect, taunt, and joke about harming the president of our great nation."

Rodeo clown mocks Obama at Missouri State Fair -

Republicans teaching their children how to treat "black men". You gotta love it. They are who they are.
That is not so. People hate Obama because he raises taxes on white people and gives his people a free ride with the sweat of other people's brows.

So the folks had a couple of laughs.

That really brings out the old curmudgeon in you rdean.


Blue states are donor states. Surely you know that by now. And we are paying the lowest taxes in 60 years. You know that too, right?

Tell me you know that.


Posted on August 12, 2013 by Gunny G

EXCERPT: “The fair also said if the association is to ever sponsor a rodeo again, it must first show proof that “all officials and subcontractors … have successfully participated in sensitivity training.”


Here are some of the comments from the dickheads who were stunningly silent about the attacks on Bush 43, Ronaldus Magnus when he passed, and Gerald Ford when he passed.


The event was at a tax payer funded facility and the rodeo received tax dollars, along with the fact that was suppose to be a family friendly event as stated by the article.
There is a reason why republican elected officials in Missouri are condemning it.
Either the radical lefties have short memories or crazy wild hatred gets in the way of focusing on important subjects. You can still purchase Nixon masks. Ridiculing Nixon was part of the revolutionary left's finest hour. There are about a million George Bush masks on the market. I recall the liberal media giggling when Cindy Sheehan's nut case anti-war protesters lynched a dummy with a George Bush mask on.
I mean why is it that the Leader That Leads from Behind....from the buttocks so to speak ...why is it that some think he is Untouchable???

He Is NOT.

not by a long shot.... even bulls can recognize the likes of him...and they hate him too bless their innocent souls .:mad:

It has nothing to do with being untouchable. This was a non political family event... Not the place for it.
You are obviously too stupid to realize that.


If it was a Hillary, Bill, Kerry, or even BUSH costume, the story would have never blipped on the radar.
But because it's Obama, no-fucking-body in America is allowed to poke fun, ridicule or even criticize the sonofabitch for fear of being called a racist for it.
UNLESS, of course, you're which case you're an Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemimah or an Oreo.
Get over your selves and unglue your lips form the man's cock for a while and realize he's human and just as subject to ridicule as the rest of us are.

The event was at a tax payer funded facility and the rodeo received tax dollars,

False - a lie debunked long ago. The rodeo PAID the fair and relied on gate sales for their income.

along with the fact that was suppose to be a family friendly event as stated by the article.
There is a reason why republican elected officials in Missouri are condemning it.

So lets recap, you offer gross hypocrisy in that the OWS shitters attacked Bush on government ground with your squealing delight - you openly lied about tax payer funds being used, and the irony of a leftist like you suddenly having concern about children is beyond the pale.

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