Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Mocking Idiocy "

* Squawking To Prevent Public Informed Consent *

#roevwade was overturned by sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments and supported by traitors to us republic .

The legal basis of #dobbs is dumbfounded stupidity .

Let the public at large understand the actual basis for #roevwade , and the not mountain of wright to privacy horse shit postured by the imbeciles that run supposed " abortion choice " legal position , that are actually " there is no money for lawyers if the actual basis of #roevwade is understood " degenerates .


I guess up until 1973, the whole country was in sedition agains the 14th, 9th and 1st. The whole country was nothing but traitors.

We get that you are bitter.
Gasping for air, Baby Milo with no kidneys, died while being held in his mother’s arms. Time of death 99 Minutes after being born. Baby Milo and his mother suffered the needless torture of Republican DeSantis’ 15 week Abortion Ban. I hope they sue the Confederate Taliban State of Florida of the Christian Nation of America
for the pain and suffering the Republican Party forced Mllo and his family to endure. Torture is a cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on pregnant women for violating Catholic doctrine when being born with egg cells in one’s body. nf.23.06.17 #9,277 to myrpls {{a}} #9,276

Anecdotal at best.
" Contending With The Mentally Retarded "

* Individualism Versus Authoritarian Ass Clowns Whether State Or Federal *

Roe v. Wade was nonsense judicial activism, creating SEVERAL de facto constitutional amendments from whole cloth. That was boldfaced, naked tyranny on the part of the federal government. The Constitution says NOTHING about abortion, and the 10th Amendment exists.
By us 14th amendment birth is required to become a citizen and , by equitable doctrine , birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , therefore states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , and therefore us 10th amendment does not apply as states are prohibited from proscribing abortion .

There are several entities , the federal collective , the state collective and the individual , and protecting the individual is not federalism you half wit troll !

* Blowing It Out Your Ass *
Dobbs reversed it in its entirety, which is the job of the court - assuming we believe in judicial review at all - to uphold the Constitution against violations.
The dobbs decision is dumbfounded sedition that is supported by traitors to us republic .

* Blah Blah Blah Bull Shit *
Abortion is contract killing - homicides are not "medical procedures."

* Sanctimonious Psychopath *
Rest in piss, Ginsberg, you absolute trash, more cancer than human at the time you blessedly stopped ruining Earth to go to hell or the void.
Shut up you damned dirty ape !
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" The More You Know "

* Reality Bites *

I guess up until 1973, the whole country was in sedition agains the 14th, 9th and 1st. The whole country was nothing but traitors.
We get that you are bitter.
History is what it is .
Gasping for air, Baby Milo with no kidneys, died while being held in his mother’s arms. Time of death 99 Minutes after being born.
Living things die.

Baby Milo and his mother suffered the needless torture of Republican DeSantis’ 15 week Abortion Ban.
Go. Fuck. Yourself. To. Death.

You want to just kill the sick and the disabled, and you have the audacity to think you're a good person?

Needless torture? You know what would be needful torture? Anything done to make you suffer.

I hope they sue the Confederate Taliban State of Florida of the Christian Nation of America
Racebaiting bullshit. You never can stick to the topic, you lunatic.

for the pain and suffering
For reference, again, we're talking about it being "pain and suffering" inflicted upon you by a political party because you have a genetic defect and you weren't killed... or on the parents for having not killed your disabled or sick kid. It's an affront TO the parents if they, literally, CAN'T CULL THE HUMAN POPULATION.

And again, you're a fucking Nazi piece of shit, please die.
" Dictating To Others While Accusing Them Of Being Dictators For Their Own Choices "

* Fooled The Transmutation Of Soles Cult *

Living things die.
Seems like news to you , obviously too stupid to understand that nature does not give a flying fuck about your stupid whining .

* Early Intervention With Compassion For Quality Of Life *
Go. Fuck. Yourself. To. Death.
You want to just kill the sick and the disabled, and you have the audacity to think you're a good person?
There is no sentience at 15 weeks , even at 24 weeks , and hence no suffering , when ultrasound would would have detected the developmental abnormality , captain shit for brains .

The suffering would have occurred after the onset of sentience , such as after birth in a fetus without kidneys , and in a mother that had to carry grief to term just to euthanize it , because some sanctimonious damned dirty ape cannot deal with a reality of nature !

Your pocketbook is not open to pay for neonatal care or numerous surgeries to achieve what exactly , when in 30 days the mother could very well try again ?

* Carsomy Wants A Sterile Gimp For Sex *
Needless torture? You know what would be needful torture? Anything done to make you suffer.
No doubt you are upset that 90% of down syndrome are aborted by choice of the mother .

* Individual Liberty Versus Authoritarian Dictates *
For reference, again, we're talking about it being "pain and suffering" inflicted upon you by a political party because you have a genetic defect and you weren't killed... or on the parents for having not killed your disabled or sick kid. It's an affront TO the parents if they, literally, CAN'T CULL THE HUMAN POPULATION.
And again, you're a fucking Nazi piece of shit, please die.
Accusing those allowing individuals to choose nazis is as imbecilic as it gets .

How is letting someone else choose to have a healthy child , or not to have more children they cannot or choose not to support , culling the human population ?

Shut up you mentally retarded fuck up !
Gasping for air, Baby Milo with no kidneys, died while being held in his mother’s arms. Time of death 99 Minutes after being born.

Living things die.

And why is it of interest to you and the state CarsomyrPlusSix when a living thing dies naturally or deliberately within 20 weeks following conception while that life is residing in the womb?

Can’t get a straight answer to that question relevant to you or society being harmed in any way when a woman exercises her natural right to put an end to the development of a new human life early on in her own pregnancy.

nf.23.06.17 #9,287 to myrpls #9,285 {{B to gfa:abb }}
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And why is it of interest to you and the state CarsomyrPlusSix when a living thing dies naturally
It isn't.

or deliberately
Because when that living thing is a human being, that is a malicious homicide, which means the perpetrator needs to be punished, the public needs to be kept safe from the sick fuck, and the victim deserves justice.

Can’t get a straight answer to that question
Have always been incredibly blunt with you, as you deserve, you retarded and evil filth.

relevant to you
Malicious and aggressive homicides are always relevant to me, but that's just the product of having a working conscience and being a human being who doesn't want such needless violence done to me, or others.

You don't understand this because you don't have a conscience, and you aren't really a human being by any reasonable metric.

or society being harmed
"Societies" that permit this violence should be harmed.

Civilization is harmed by allowing this violence because it negates any pretense of civility, just a failed state that should be destroyed.

when a woman exercises her natural right to put an end to the development of a new human life early on in her own pregnancy
Fuck you.

There is a natural human right to life. There will never be a "nAtUrAl RiGhT" to attack and kill the innocent. You're scum. You're the lowest of the low.
" A Coward Hiding Behind Blocking Accounts Like A Little Bitch "

* Arrogance Of A Mentally Retarded Ape *

There is a natural human right to life. There will never be a "nAtUrAl RiGhT" to attack and kill the innocent. You're scum. You're the lowest of the low.
To the hue mammon ape there is an altruism that its introspection should exist in perpetuity throughout eternity , but to satisfy the altruism does not require that every instance of hue mammon exist in perpetuity throughout eternity .

The dinosaurs had the same altruism , but surprise , nature does not owe you a damned thing !

* Natural Rite According To Moral Relativism Of Nature - LOL What A Maroon *

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" Dumbfounded Perceptions Of Reality "

* Cry Baby *

Because when that living thing is a human being, that is a malicious homicide, which means the perpetrator needs to be punished, the public needs to be kept safe from the sick fuck, and the victim deserves justice.
By us 14th amendment birth is required to become a citizen and , by equitable doctrine , birth is required for equal protection with a citizen , therefore states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , and therefore us 10th amendment does not apply as states are prohibited from proscribing abortion . you are want to say......the SCOTUS does not agree with you.

Spare me the sedition tripe.
Because they believe there is a victim.
There's actually two victim's -

1. The unborn child in development.

2. The brainwashed mother that has been fed a bunch of lie's, and because of the brainwashing and lies, she thinks that "hey just head on down to the abortion clinic, and fix this mistake".

The fact that there is such a system set up to promote the death and destruction of developing human beings, and shockingly has a propaganda wing that helps women make choices that come back to haunt these women the rest of their live's, uhhhh now that is the sad sick thing or part of it all.

The nation has to move itself back to a more ethical and moral system that doesn't seek to promote or intervene into women's head's, otherwise by placing wrongful information into their head's in which causes them to think that an abortion is a moral ethical thing to engage in when they engage in reckless behaviors that bring about the consequences of that behavior.
And why is it of interest to you and the state @CarsomyrPlusSix when a living thing dies •••>••• deliberately

Because when that living thing is a human being,

Not all living human cells in any combination or structure are human beings.

Prior to 23 weeks there is no second individual human being inside a woman’s body to qualify as a protected or protectable member of human personhood.

The reason being, for persons of reasonable thinking, is that a 21 week fetus cannot think or consciously do what human beings do. Breathe on our own. Open eyes and see a face. Be touched by other humans as an individual human separated at birth.

You have conveniently fabricated a second member of human personhood in the womb out of a potential human being basically for use as political propaganda. You have assigned yourself a sainthood by saying you want to protect your imaginary human being against the evil murderous political opponents.

Science backs the legitimacy of personhood at brain wave activity after 23 weeks. The average fetus acquires the human specific electroencephalogram pattern of brain waves between week 24 to 28. That science marks the physiological beginnings of consciousness. So, we have a human specific brainwave pattern that coincides with potential viability and practical survivability outside the womb.

We are not conceived with a functioning brain and conscious of God at minute one. We are not this.


nf.23.06.17 #9,287
myrpls.23.06.17 #9,288
nf.23.06.27 #9,294
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nf on date 23.06.15 write post #9,214 : Can state legislatures violate a right to avoid physical consequences such as cause harm to a law abiding individual by restricting her access to a safe medical procedure?​
hkrgy on this date 23.06.15 replied in post #9,217 “There is no such right (to avoid physical harm).​

I asked you in post #9,214 whether or not state legislatures can cause harm to a law abiding individual by restricting her access to a safe medical procedure?

Your response is such that an individual has no protection from an all powerful state harm any law abiding individual not in agreement with the collective conscience of a political religious majority.

You reject every achievement toward human liberty going back to the Magna Carta in order to save brainless baby fetuses who exist thanks only to law abiding women’s bodies that are no business of yours and are causing absolutely no harm to you when terminating her own pregnancy before 15 weeks. nf23.06.15 #9,
Can you blame the state if you had a seat belt on, and then the roof crushes your skull if you were to roll over(?), otherwise maybe you would have been thrown out of the vehicle into a muddy field, then the most you would have received was a cow patty to your face. This is basically your arguing tactic here... ROTFLMBO 🤣
" Ignorance Negligence Incompetence Of Imbeciles "

* Abortion Choice Leadership Are Pathetic Clowns * you are want to say......the SCOTUS does not agree with you.
Spare me the sedition tripe.
The scotus was not ever presented with the live birh requirement perspective provided by this moniker , as is clear from the alito response ( see attached image ) , he is completely ignorant of the intimations .

None needs to , nor should need to , explain a " logically , of course " deduction to an academic of jurisprudence at that level , so to assert that scotus disagrees with the assertion would presume scrotus , the entirety of jurisprudence , the legal counsel for dobbs - center for reproductive freedom , the fee press and political pundits , ever had the first clue of consideration about it in the first place .

Through +25 years of admonition , locked away in ivory towers and close knit cliques , the abortion choice leadership has remained complacent , arrogant and dismissive of anything other than the pathetic dogma of its " wright to privacy " argument , and the abortion choice leadership are to blame for the dumbfounded , sedition of dobbs , as much as sanctimonious psycho clown traitors to us republic who support it .

Just a bunch of disgraceful pathetic embarrassments that need to be humiliated for their negligence and incompetence in not providing sufficient informed consent to the public at large !


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Can you blame the state if you had a seat belt on, and then the roof crushes your skull if you were to roll over(?),

No! The state has the right to regulate what I do on public streets and highways to protect me from harm.

A woman who decides to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, does so in private as matters of health are intended to be.

If I was worried about my skull, being crushed in a rollover, I can wear a helmet. I have that freedom of choice. A woman who lives in a republican red state, who is worried about the risk of harm pain and potential death from her unwanted pregnancy going full term, has lost that freedom of choice.
Objectively false
BUT you can’t explain why prior to 23 weeks there is a second individual human being inside a woman’s body to qualify as a protected or protectable member of human personhood.

If you believe a living human organism in the early fetal stage of development and coming from the fruit of your loins and having no brain is a member of human personhood and must not be killed - don’t kill it.

But mind your own business aside from that.

nf.23.06.17 #9,300
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