Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


Murder of what? before 22 weeks? Science tells anybody who is willing to believe it that there is only one conscious brain keeping all life alive inside of pregnant woman’s body. That is certainly true up to 22 weeks.

There can be no murder of a being that has never ever been conscious for the first time.


How would you know that? Why do you say it as if you know it? A being that has never had consciousness can never have an expectation of anything.

ppgrg.22.10.24 #397 to nf.22.10.24 #397 “I have stated it many times and I am against abortion, it is a wrong decision and women should be told the mental and physical aspects so they can make an informed decision, but I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.

So you're cool with drug use, and prostitution?
Private vs public solicitation is the distinction.

Government can ban or regulate anything that is detrimental to public safety and public health. Both sex and drug use can be an addiction. There are more than enough share of the public who are vulnerable to addiction for it to be profitable for any criminal enterprise that wants to take advantage of addiction weaknesses among humans. These criminal enterprise must operate in the public to make money which is subject to government regulation.

Abortion is private between a woman and here doctor.

Wonen go to the doctors. The doctors do not come to them.

Have you ever had a doctor come up to you on a street corner trying to sell you an abortion ?

nf.23.09.20 #11,124
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ppgrg.22.10.24 #397 to nf.22.10.24 #397 “I have stated it many times and I am against abortion, it is a wrong decision and women should be told the mental and physical aspects so they can make an informed decision, but I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.

Private vs public solicitation is the distinction.

Government can ban or regulate anything that is detrimental to public safety and public health. There are more than enough share of the public who are vulnerable to addiction for it to be profitable for any criminal enterprise that wants to take advantage of addiction weaknesses among humans. These criminal enterprise

Both sex and drug use can be an addiction. Those who so those who solicit money from
/——-/ How about the health and safety of the unborn baby? And don’t give me any of that unviable tissue crap.
ppgrg.22.10.24 #397 to nf.22.10.24 #397 “I have stated it many times and I am against abortion, it is a wrong decision and women should be told the mental and physical aspects so they can make an informed decision, but I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.


Private vs public solicitation is the distinction.

Government can ban or regulate anything that is detrimental to public safety and public health. Both sex and drug use can be an addiction. There are more than enough share of the public who are vulnerable to addiction for it to be profitable for any criminal enterprise that wants to take advantage of addiction weaknesses among humans. These criminal enterprise must operate in the public to make money which is subject to government regulation.

Abortion is private between a woman and here doctor.

Wonen go to the doctors. The doctors do not come to them.

Have you ever had a doctor come up to you on a street corner trying to sell you an abortion ?

nf.23.09.20 #11,124
/-----/ Is your Spell Check still broken?
Abortion is private between a woman and here doctor.

Wonen go to the doctors. The doctors do not come to them.

Have you ever had a doctor come up to you on a street corner trying to sell you an abortion ?

It's illegal to do so. Have you ever had a gun store owner on a street corner trying to sell you a gun?
No, it's not a state issue. You should not have less rights to control your own body than if you live in an inbred state.

Murder is a state issue.

No person is murdered when a woman decides to stop the biological process of gestation early in her own pregnancy. She is protected to pursue life liberty and happiness without giving birth to a baby just because she became pregnant. Only the woman herself may accept the risk of giving birth to a child.

The fetus is protected as a potential human being by consent of the potential birth mother. Every fetus has a right to life through its mother. But a fetus dies not hav a right to live without the consent of the mother.

Originalism. As Justice Amy Coney Barrett has explained, originalism is the philosophy that the Constitution has “the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it.”​
In the context of the 14th Amendment — the provision that Roe held encompasses the right to abortion — originalist justices have asked whether a right is “deeply rooted in this nation’s history and tradition.” Time and again, they’ve answered this question by pointing to a historical consensus under state law.​

When the Constitution was written there were no laws against abortion prior to viability. Viability was referred to as “quickening” back then. So the original meaning that the Constitution had at the time when people ratified it was that women who did not want to be pregnant had a right, many would say in privacy, to terminate it in any way she thought she could, After quickening in the womb was detectable in the 1780,s an abortion was considered to be a misdemeanor, but not a murder,

By every avenue leading to an originalist’s application of Common Law women had the right to terminate earlier in pregnancy because a fetus was not considered a person until reasonably being capable of being born or alive with movement.

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No person is murdered when a woman decides to stop the biological process of gestation early in her own pregnancy. She is protected to pursue life liberty and happiness without giving birth to a baby just because she became pregnant. Only the woman herself may accept the risk of giving birth to a child.

The fetus is protected as a potential human being by consent of the potential birth mother. Every fetus has a right to life through its mother. But a fetus dies not hav a right to live without the consent of the mother.

Originalism. As Justice Amy Coney Barrett has explained, originalism is the philosophy that the Constitution has “the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it.”​
In the context of the 14th Amendment — the provision that Roe held encompasses the right to abortion — originalist justices have asked whether a right is “deeply rooted in this nation’s history and tradition.” Time and again, they’ve answered this question by pointing to a historical consensus under state law.​

When the Constitution was written there were no laws against abortion prior to viability. Viability was referred to as “quickening” back then. So the original meaning that the Constitution had at the time when people ratified it was that women who did not want to be pregnant had a right, many would say in privacy, to terminate it in any way she thought she could, After quickening in the womb was detectable in the 1780,s an abortion was considered to be a misdemeanor, but not a murder,

By every avenue leading to an originalist’s application of Common Law women had the right to terminate earlier in pregnancy because a fetus was not considered a person until reasonably being capable of being born or alive with movement.

/---/ You baby killers are sick.
lstmndr.23.09.19 #11,112

You have no justification to refer to a fetus that has no brain (an it) that exists in an unrelated woman’s body, as a baby.

When a fetus develops its own brain and is separated from its mother only then does it actually become referred to as a baby and joins the protected class of human society.

You need to develop a sense of honesty of precise language as a tool used in civics which means you should verbally attack women if that is your purpose in life by calling them fetus killers instead.

That way you precisely reveal that your complaint against the liberty of the individual when she terminates her own pregnancy is terminating a non-person.

Therefore it is not a crime or morally wrong in a secular society as a great moderate once said:

“it is a wrong decision and women should be told tne mental and physical aspects so they can make an informed decision, but I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.” Unchurched Saint PapaGeorgio ppgrg.22.10.24 #397 to #397 >#11,115
nf.23,09.20 #11,116
The brain starts to develop at conception like everything else. Period. You have no brain and look at you.
The brain starts to develop at conception like everything else. Period. You have no brain and look at you.

Isn't it funny how we pro-lifers would fight to the death to save the life of even those who want to snuff out the lives of the unborn?

Millions of Catholics pray every day for the Lord to have mercy on them.

The brain starts to develop at conception like everything else. Period. You have no brain and look at you.
/——-/ He’s not the only one with no functioning brain.
The brain starts to develop at conception like everything else.

Saint Lastamender is right.
Atheist Saint CarsomyrPlusSix is wrong.
We never START being "part of our mother's neurological system,"

nf.23.06.25 #9,371 Do we start with our own individual brain and neurological system? Do we start looking something like this?

nf.23.06.25 #9,371 Neurologically in the first trimester a fetus does not have independent or unique qualities apart or separate of its mother’s neurological system. All signals and connections that make life happen during gestation originate out of one functioning brain and one individual consciousness.

we pro-lifers

The only pro-lifers in the Republican Party are the religious fanatics who say the sanctity of life begins at conception.. They will vote only for politicians who push no elective abortions being allowed ever.

Trump says six week ban is terrible idea. Trump wants millions of babies to die when they are six weeks from conception old.

So do you, If all Dems are baby killers then all the Republicans are baby killers if they vote for Trump and not DeSantis

nf.23.09.20 #11,134


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Saint Lastamender is right.
Atheist Saint CarsomyrPlusSix is wrong.

nf.23.06.25 #9,371 Do we start with our own individual brain and neurological system? Do we start looking something like this?

nf.23.06.25 #9,371 Neurologically in the first trimester a fetus does not have independent or unique qualities apart or separate of its mother’s neurological system. All signals and connections that make life happen during gestation originate out of one functioning brain and one individual consciousness.


The only pro-lifers in the Republican Party are the religious fanatics who say the sanctity of life begins at conception.. They will vote only for politicians who push no elective abortions being allowed ever.

Trump says six week ban is terrible idea. Trump wants millions of babies to die when they are six weeks from conception old.

So do you, If all Dems are baby killers then all the Republicans are baby killers if they vote for Trump and not DeSantis

nf.23.09.20 #11,134

English translation, please?

It's the official language of this board and no one here is obligated to try to translate your silly leftist code.


English translation, please?
Does DeSantis speak English good enough for you?

Fox News on
Trump facing more heat for calling six-week abortion ban'a terrible thing' as big names pile on
1 day ago pblshd vnglcls.23.09.20

DeSantis also weighed in, warning pro-life voters Trump will "sell you out" following the comments.

"Anytime he did a deal with Democrats, whether it was on budget, whether it was on the criminal justice ‘First Step Act,’ they ended up taking him to the cleaners, and so, I think if he’s going into this thing, he’s gonna make the Democrats happy with respect to the right to life. I think all pro-lifers should know that he’s preparing to sell you out," DeSantis said.​


Does DeSantis speak English good enough for you?

1 day ago pblshd vnglcls.23.09.20​
DeSantis also weighed in, warning pro-life voters Trump will "sell you out" following the comments.​
"Anytime he did a deal with Democrats, whether it was on budget, whether it was on the criminal justice ‘First Step Act,’ they ended up taking him to the cleaners, and so, I think if he’s going into this thing, he’s gonna make the Democrats happy with respect to the right to life. I think all pro-lifers should know that he’s preparing to sell you out," DeSantis said.​


When was DeSantis ever a poster in this board?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Hey guys. The way we are going to get abortion illegalized is through the "personhood" portal. We're just waiting for the right case. The fact that a double homicide can be charged for the murder of a mother and her unborn baby will be the stepping stone or precedent we will build upon. We have the sympathetic Supreme Court who will go our way on that. And once an unborn child is granted personhood, abortion will become illegal in all states. No Constitutional Amendment required. Also note this will make birth control illegal in all circumstances.

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..

Do you want to know why Alito said that when Dobbs was handed down?

Alito knows the Constitution better than you and I and he has scoured that document from start to finish left to right and up and down and he cannot find any language whatsoever that can be twisted in anyway that a USSC ruling can be found to give personhood rights to Brainless Womb Beings BWB’s.


“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..

Do you want to know why Alito said that when Dobbs was handed down?

Alito knows the Constitution better than you and I and he has scoured that document from start to finish left to right and up and down and he cannot find any language whatsoever that can be twisted in anyway that a USSC ruling can be found to give personhood rights to Brainless Womb Beings BWB’s.

/—-/ I bet you love the sound of the forceps cracking open the baby’s skulls. It’s how you roll.

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