Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Ooops! Another lie! Hiya rqvening wolf!

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits."
I know it's hard for you to accept but as long as you continue to minimize the consequences of abortion you aren't providing the full picture. But it's the motivation for your failure to be honest that harms you.
More lies from the Ravening Wolf!

The fake Catholic!

You can know him by the fruit he bears!
It's true. I'm a bad Catholic. I own it. But you don't want women to have all of the information. You don't want women to make informed choices. That's why you are pro-abortion. That's why you are not pro-choice.
NFBW: In your science driven survey by a reputable survey organization they must have information about what is considered a pro-abortion person. And when pro-abortion respondents are asked what happens when they have an abortion is it assumed by your pollster that they do not know that a pregnant woman will most likely give birth to a living human being if everything goes well if they do not have an abortion.

Something is amiss unless you think women are really stupid about their reproductive anatomy and functions..

I have too much respect for women to generalize them in that way. END2208121229
Yeah, I can tell how much respect you have for women the way keep important information away from them. You aren't for choice. You are for abortion.
Bottom line in all of this, is that we should promote a CIVILIZED SOCIETY, and having sex outside of marriage with the wrong guy, and then seeking a medical procedure that would end the life of a human being somewhere along the way as a form of birth control isn't only wrong, but it's highly uncivilized.

We shouldn't have ever entertained or tolerated the wicked bull crap, much less allowed it to grow into some sort of normalized trend that has hooked hundreds of thousands of women into thinking that destroying life is somehow ok, when in fact they have been duped into thinking that to destroy the life of their unborn child is something in the effect of changing a pair of jeans.

The toleration of a lot of sinful things has since ensnared many people, and it is forcing them into an uncivilized life of terrible choices and regrets, but the left is estatic over the tragic results, and worse it just keeps doubling down no matter how much misery is generated out of it all. Bottom line is it's evil to promote abortion as a means of birth control. Period.
It's going to be decided by each state one way or another whether you like it or not. That's a fact. That is reality.
Yes. I'm sure you've been jerking off since the decision came down. But statists can suck my ass.
Bottom line in all of this, is that we should promote a CIVILIZED SOCIETY, and having sex outside of marriage with the wrong guy, and then seeking a medical procedure that would end the life of a human being somewhere along the way as a form of birth control isn't only wrong, but it's highly uncivilized.

We shouldn't have ever entertained or tolerated the wicked bull crap, much less allowed it to grow into some sort of normalized trend that has hooked hundreds of thousands of women into thinking that destroying life is somehow ok, when in fact they have been duped into thinking that to destroy the life of their unborn child is something in the effect of changing a pair of jeans.

The toleration of a lot of sinful things has since ensnared many people, and it is forcing them into an uncivilized life of terrible choices and regrets, but the left is estatic over the tragic results, and worse it just keeps doubling down no matter how much misery is generated out of it all. Bottom line is it's evil to promote abortion as a means of birth control. Period.
And then these murderers have the gall to call themselves "mothers." Mothers don't murder their offspring, they give life.
Yes. I'm sure you've been jerking off since the decision came down. But statists can suck my ass.
Why do you believe I've been jerking off since the decision came down?

Good thing I'm not a statist. I would have had to take a hard pass on the sucking the ass thing. But if I were a statist I would have pointed out that since we have been jerking off since the decision came down, you are the one who is having to suck ass right now. :)
ding 220812-#4,709 “It's because you believe you are a moral person and that killing is wrong that you have rationalized that abortion isn't killing

NFBW: I am a very moral person who places a higher value on viable human life and all human life that has experienced breathing the air of our universe and has experienced consciousness at some point in the human life cycle than you ding do.

I do not sell out the soul of my fellow viable human beings who have reproductive organs for the betterment of my particular political ideology as you do ding.

I have never believed that an abortion does not put a stop to human life and does not cause a lving human organism to die. I’m telling you again right now that the abortion procedure means a new individual human being with unique DNA will not be born. Abortion prior to 28 weeks kills all chances of that developing human organism that is part of a woman’s body to develop into a viable human being. But the choice not to deliver a new human being lies with the woman who carries it. THERE IS ZERO moral choices for the rest of society to make on the issue. If the woman who terminates is of a religion that forbids abortion and she does it anyway, then the consequences of her religious immorality, sin if you will, are between the woman and her church and her God not me. END2208121901
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Do you believe that abortion ends a human life?
That depends, of course, on your very special definition of human life. But it's irrelevant. If it's inside someone else's body, it's none of my business. But, apparently, you think it's yours. The government should reign supreme in all things, even procreation.

Speaking of definitions, when I say statist, I mean someone who thinks the purpose of government is force their values on others.
And then these murderers have the gall to call themselves "mothers." Mothers don't murder their offspring, they give life.
Hmmm......Won't call the mother's murderers if they were brainwashed by whoever the evil promoter's of such a thing might be over time (somehow normalizing it).....So in a sense did they actually know without a doubt that to have a doctor remove their unborn child (in which they actually gave the doctor permission to do), that it would ensure that the unborn baby would "die" before coming out of the mother's womb "alive" ?? Was it something they undoubtedly could not totally comprehend before the event took place or could they ??

To remove your unborn baby by violent means is as uncivilized an act as most civilized human beings have ever heard of, but somehow leftist were able to convince women that it was an ok thing to do, and that they shouldn't let anyone tell them otherwise. The grooming of SOCIETY over the year's has led to a lot of uncivilized activities.. It's really a sin and a shame what has taken place over the year's.

We must return to promoting a healthy civilized society before we lose this nation completely, and lose it to uncivilized anarchy and chaos being promoted as if it is somehow normal these days.
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NFBW: I am a very moral person who places a higher value on viable human life and all human life that has experienced breathing the air of our universe and has experienced consciousness at some point in the human life cycle than you @ding do.
Then you only value some human life based upon an arbitrary designation.
I do not sell out the soul of my fellow viable human beings who have reproductive organs for the betterment of my particular political ideology as you do @ding.
I kind of think you do as all I have argued so far is when life begins. You are the one who dogmatically rejects science for some arbitrary designation that aligns with your political party. I've done no such thing.
Government that presumes it has the power to stop you from having an abortion, has the power to force you to get one. Just depends on who's running things at the time

Government that presumes it has the power to stop you from having an abortion, has the power to force you to get one. Just depends on who's running things at the time.
The federal government doesn't presume it has the power to stop anyone from doing anything, only that it won't allow the citizen's to drag it into a rabbit hole in which a few wicked minded people want to take it down.........Otherwise it won't do anything without it freely being agreed upon by them (the feds) and a union (being the citizen's of the United States) on whole, so thank goodness that as a whole it doesn't want it to promote abortion at the federal level, and the federal government shouldn't want too without the people's of all state's complete support, so back to the individual state's it goes. No more hiding this bull crap under a presumed federal invisible shield.

So the Fed's by order of the court has sent the issue back to the state's, and if a state engages in the promotion of uncivilized activities, then let's see how long its official's will remain in power by their majorities come vote time.
I have never believed that an abortion does not put a stop to human life and does not cause a lving human organism to die.
You are so close here, but even that falls short as the only correct way to see it is abortion ends a human life. Anything less minimizes the consequences of abortion.
I’m telling you again right now that the abortion procedure means a new individual human being with unique DNA will not be born.
That's an odd way of saying it will die. Almost like something a shifty lawyer or politician would say. Abortion ends a human life. That is reality.

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