Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Do you believe women considering an abortion should understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again?

Who cares?

Women who want to make an informed decision on whether or not they get an abortion. That's who should care.
Cardinal Carminative , do you still believe women considering an abortion shouldn't care if they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a human being? Wouldn't understanding that be important information to consider in making their choice?

That's why you are pro-abortion and not pro-choice. You don't want to provide all the information so they can make informed choices. That's ghoulish behavior.
Denying that abortion ends the life of a living human being is the behavior which defines pro-abortionists.

The fact that you can't admit that abortion ends a human life is what makes you pro-abortion.

It is all making sense now:

It makes me proud to be a Catholic.

Your dedication to the pro-life (anti-choice) movement is clearly a part of your Catholic faith.

But lying and attacking people senselessly on a forum is just being "you".

Your faith seems pretty hollow. You sit in judgement of others but don't ever sit and judge yourself.

You are a fierce defender of the faith! While you troll mercilessly, attack other people, lie about them. But you are not going to have to answer to God about the abortion topic. On that you are pure as the driven snow.

Talk about "Cafeteria Catholic".

Now here's an important point: I'm an atheist so I fail to share your faith with you. I don't begrudge you your faith (except insofar as yours appears mostly surficial), but do be honest and clear. Your points are religious in nature. That's fair enough. Your faith is yours to have.

But do remember: we know you by the fruit you bear.
This particular phrase reads very "emotionally". It is how I know this is a passion for you that is probably more faith-based.
Incorrect. It's based 100% on science. After fertilization a new, genetically distinct human being has come alive; one that has never existed before and will never exist again.

“The zygote therefore contains a new arrangement of genes on the chromosomes never before duplicated in any other individual. The offspring destined to develop from the fertilized ovum will have a genetic constitution different from anyone else in the world.”
DeCoursey, R.M., The Human Organism, 4th edition McGraw Hill Inc., Toronto, 1974. page 584
Incorrect. It's based 100% on science.

Incorrect. It is based on your Catholic faith which you then support via science.

But, again, it doesn't really matter one way or the other. If one doesn't have a magical religious belief it is a pretty simple issue to parse.

It devolves down totally to the choice of the woman whose body it is.

I find it so interesting that you are SO worked up over abortion because it sounds like you have a moral compass.
I'm not worked up on abortion. I'm worked up on truth. If I were worked up on abortion, I'd be denying science like you and W. Rather than being honest about what abortion is you try to minimize it, soften it. That's what worked up looks like. Abortion ends a human life. That is reality.
I'm not worked up on abortion.

You're a Catholic. OF COURSE YOU ARE! LOL.

Remember: even in the Catholic Bible there's a 10 Commandments.

I'm worked up on truth. If I were worked up on abortion, I'd be denying science like you and W. Rather than being honest about what abortion is you try to minimize it, soften it. That's what worked up looks like. Abortion ends a human life. That is reality.

You are a Catholic pro-lifer. That is reality.

It's YOUR faith. Not ours.

ding is a fraud and a liar.

Oh I already figured that out.

But it's fun when someone hides their Catholic faith. It's funny because he's such a repellent liar and tool but now we learn he's got a moral compass that makes some things bad because God told him it was.

God apparently forgot to tell ding that he shouldn't be a troll bastard prick.
Incorrect. It is based on your Catholic faith which you then support via science.

But, again, it doesn't really matter one way or the other. If one doesn't have a magical religious belief it is a pretty simple issue to parse.

It devolves down totally to the choice of the woman whose body it is.
Incorrect. I literally just showed you the science. Genetically distinct mean just that. Here's another quote from another embryology book to back it up.

“… Conception confers life and makes you one of a kind. Unless you have an identical twin, there is virtually no chance, in the natural course of things, that there will be “another you” – not even if mankind were to persist for billions of years.”
Shettles, Landrum, M.D., Rorvik, David, Rites of Life: The Scientific Evidence for Life Before Birth, page 36, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1983
It devolves down totally to the choice of the woman whose body it is.
I couldn't possibly begin to have a conversation with you on mother versus child rights until you acknowledge abortion ends a human life. It would be illogical to discuss that with someone who takes the position that life does not begin after fertilization for no other reason than it makes them feel uncomfortable morally. Abortion is designed to end a human life. That's literally its purpose. Until you can admit that there's no reason to discuss rights.

Every embryology textbook teaches that new genetically distinct human beings come into existence IMMEDIATELY after fertilization.

It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life.

Women should acknowledge that they understand that getting an abortion is literally ending the life of a new, living, genetically distinct human being; one that has never existed before and will never exist again.

Your minimizing the consequences of abortion does no one any favors. It's dishonest and ghoulish.

“The zygote is human life….there is one fact that no one can deny; Human beings begin at conception.”
Landrum B. Shettles, M.D., P.h.D. the first scientist to succeed at in vitro fertilization
Someone with a moral compass is usually not as repellent a human being as you appear to be so it's a bit confusing.
Look at you making this personal. Bless your heart.

Given you deny science so you can see yourself as moral, it's ironic that you would question my moral compass because I accept science. Your denial of the science is proves you believe abortion is morally wrong. Because if you didn't believe abortion was morally wrong you would have no cause to deny the science.
Either that or you are just another of a million billion Christian hypocrites who doesn't know anything about their faith except the bits they pick and choose like a giant buffet of hypocrisy.
Or I am just stating reality. Abortion ends a human life. That is reality. There's no reason to sugar coat it and try to make it something it's not. Because the more you continue to do so, the more you prove you believe abortion is morally wrong.
You sit here in judgement of women like some giant pharisee. You know the jots and tittles of this or that rule but you lack an overall understanding of the spirit of the rules.
You are wrong about that too. I haven't judged anyone. All I have tried to do is establish the basis for a rights discussion. I haven't had a rights discussion. So there's no way you can know what my judgement is. The only thing I have said on that subject is that the states will decide. I haven't expressed an opinion one way or another on what I believe they should decide. So there's no way you can know my thoughts on that. Because I haven't told them to you yet.

And I most certainly do understand the spirit of the rules. Growth filled communities should explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth which is what I have been doing.
But it's fun when someone hides their Catholic faith.
ding is misrepresenting the science of Embryology to present the CATHOLIC DOCTRINE of HUMANAE VITAE as having been confirmed by science.,

There is nothing truthful or scientific about his foundational point that the one-celled glop of alive human material that forms “boom” as Coach Madden would say, is equivalent in societal value to himself as a human being.

The truth is that the only way a one-cell glop of hunan matter can be equal in value as a human being to its mother is if the creation of the new individual being is simultaneously the creation of it’s soul by the anthropomorphic god of the universe and and of Catholic mythology who as the Supremacist of all beings is creating the individual soul to have a relationship with him or her as designed in their proper sexual orientation.

I Think @ding’s Catholic upbringing conflicts with his stated lust fir truth had him confused - He can’t baLance Catholic dogma with a genuine search for universal truth as a sincere and humble human being in absolute awe if the universe in which we were born. ding is a control freak and needs to give it up.,
The question is whether a person is present. A legal person with rights.

But let's dispense with the fake argument. This is about punishing "loose" women. Nothing gets conservatives salivating more.
That will be for the states to decide.
. I haven't had a rights discussion.
You absolutely have. Every woman’s reproductive rights are subject to the whims and Biblical desires of red states with predominantly Christian lawmakers That have been granted the authority by authoritarian voting citizens like you to seize control of every fertile woman’s uterus who lives in their state.

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