Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

But the leftist Democrat party couldn't stand it, so they had to break into the outer boundaries of their screwed up thinking, and started taking something that was a medical procedure that was justified by the medical community when using it in a proper and ethical way as was needed, and they deformed it into something that became a sick and abused thing.
it is a private and proper medical procedure whether the non-viable fetus is normal or not. Your attack on the Democratic left is based on the irrationality of the American political right. END2209241031.
we all have a human right to life that should not be violated, and it is violated when others attack and kill us.
NFBW: You are a viable human being referring to “us” . Not viable human beings are not us. That is you motivated by hatred to be irrational on the question of what is us. END2209241255
I’m sorry but I can’t stop laughing at the guy who calls human rights “Hue mammon wrights” enough to make a serious reply, but good for you for trying.

And like, realizing the guy is making an appeal to human rights while advocating for killing the disabled because of their disabilities, like then I realize this isn’t just a clown, this is an evil clown, twisted, and quite probably insane.

We shouldn’t kill any humans just because they’re going to die or because they have an abnormality. Everyone is different but we all have a human right to life that should not be violated, and it is violated when others attack and kill us.
Agree, but what I'm talking about is in the extreme medical situations only. That's when intervention is needed to make decisions accordingly by medical professionals, and this would be in which to save the mother if that is a case in question. Other than that if a pregnancy is allowed to get started under consensual circumstances, then it shouldn't be stopped in a bid to control baby making by irresponsible lustful humans that haven't the slightest capacity or sense to use birth control when having sex. The thing is this also, the medical community shouldn't have ever allowed itself to be dragged into that sinful world, otherwise where it is being used as contract killer's who are hired to fix mistakes that are made by people who just don't give a dam.
And you are one sick puppy.. Get help.
NFBW: That is not a rational argument. That is a very flawed irrational opinion which means nothing in the rational and moral world. Based upon all facts of the matter and the reality you are the one in favor of forcing physical and mental harm and the potential of needless death of viable women you know nothing about because of your sick perversion of the teachings of Jesus and for the politics of irrational fear and hate that has infiltrated the Republican Party. END2209241759
" Earning Self Validating Compensation By Overcoming Informed Consent Ineptitude "

* Will Won Can Make Wall Standards *

Your words above - The decision to proceed or to terminate pregnancy based on fetal abnormalities is to be decided by the individual and not a bunch of sanctimonious haughty horror genre clowns .

It is to be decided by the medical community in which the mother would happily agree if something is wrong.

Well if the radical leftist would have stayed inside their box regarding the matter of abnormalties, and regarding the danger to the mother in order to justify aborting the pregnancy, then intervention by rational minded people on the matter wouldn't have ever occurred.
Intervention by rational minded people is occurring in courts each day based on case claims for necessary liberties to manage life crisis imperatives in pursuit of happiness .

So one may conclude that principles of individualism are agreeable where its terms and depictions can be competently applied ?

From us 9th and 10th , equal protection of negative liberties is a non enumerated wright of the people and state interests beyond safety and security in protection of negative liberties are prohibited .

A state interest is prohibited from providing equal protection of negative liberties for any which has not met a birth requirement that is required of citizens .

A theory on principles of individualism includes self ownership and self determination : where self ownership expects free roam , free association and progeny ; and , where self determination expects private property , willful intents by contract made valid with informed consent .

Without constitutional protections , any of either a zygote , an embryo , or a fetus is are private property of the mother .

Allegory of us republic credo , e pluribus unum , expects individualism and independence through equal protection of negative liberties .

Allegory of us republic credo , e pluribus unum , expects individualism and independence through equal protection of negative liberties , among those entitled to equal protection of negative liberty through equitable doctrine of live birth requirement to become a citizen .

* Disparaging Pragmatic Resolution While Devising Expletive Excelsior Generalizations *
But the leftist Democrat party couldn't stand it, so they had to break into the outer boundaries of their screwed up thinking, and started taking something that was a medical procedure that was justified by the medical community when using it in a proper and ethical way as was needed, and they deformed it into something that became a sick and abused thing.
Partisan politics is very much like an adversarial debate so devised that each pundit presents only extremes of contrasting opinion .
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NFBW: That is not a rational argument. That is a very flawed irrational opinion which means nothing in the rational and moral world. Based upon all facts of the matter and the reality you are the one in favor of forcing physical and mental harm and the potential of needless death of viable women you know nothing about because of your sick perversion of the teachings of Jesus and for the politics of irrational fear and hate that has infiltrated the Republican Party. END2209241759
I just love it when I bring out the crazy in you all... ROTFLMBO... Got some other stupid bull crap you want to add ? Please do.. lol
His obsession with viability is unreal.

It’s just so much stupid garbage from this guy. He is a never ending font of it.
He's shilling for the Democrat's, so failure to him is not an option. We are the one's that are wasting our time putting up with him, but someone has to do it.. ROTFLMBO 😂
I just love it when I bring out the crazy in you all...
Define what you consider to be crazy.
His obsession with viability is unreal.
There is no facts based argument or significant thought from either of you. Viability is significant because a fetus that is not developed sufficient enough to join the society in which we viable humans live, cannot be murdered by its mother. END2209242242
Define what you consider to be crazy.

There is no facts based argument or significant thought from either of you. Viability is significant because a fetus that is not developed sufficient enough to join the society in which we viable humans live, cannot be murdered by its mother. END2209242242
You just defined it.

Your attempt to focus us on one aspect of the issue while denying the part where we challenge you to a debate regarding ethics, moral's, and uncivilized verse's civilized on the issue is noted... You won't debate that aspect of it, but why ? Because if you did it would counter your own bull crap, and then make you agree that giving it back to the state's to decide was the right thing for the government to do.

The government is to represent all citizen's, and not just the left and it's whining perpetual petulant bull crap.
Your attempt to focus us on one aspect of the issue while denying the part where we challenge you to a debate regarding ethics, moral's, and uncivilized verse's civilized on the issue is noted...
What is uncivilized about a woman who in private terminates a pregnancy? You don’t know anything about it. No person you know is harmed. There is no uncivilized or effect on civilization one way or the other. That is my answer. We are talking about a pregnant woman making decisions about her own health and well being here. It really has nothing to do with the civilization of mankind in general. No viable person is harmed. END2209240410
You just defined it.

Your attempt to focus us on one aspect of the issue while denying the part where we challenge you to a debate regarding ethics, moral's, and uncivilized verse's civilized on the issue is noted... You won't debate that aspect of it, but why ? Because if you did it would counter your own bull crap, and then make you agree that giving it back to the state's to decide was the right thing for the government to do.

The government is to represent all citizen's, and not just the left and it's whining perpetual petulant bull crap.
Viability is again completely irrelevant.

Your current ability to breathe doesn’t make you alive, it doesn’t make you a human being, and it doesn’t make you a person, either.

Current legal personhood occurs at birth, but current legal personhood is discriminatory bullshit and we can change the fucking law. This stark raving fucktard is basically arguing that the law is correct because it is the law, which doesn’t remotely account for the times and locations where many born humans weren’t given legal personhood.

Moreover, anyone who reads back through the history of this thread - and I would pity any such suffering soul having to read his drivel - can easily notice that this fucktard only started blathering about “viability” once he was backed into a corner over his stupid fucktard lies.
Define what you consider to be crazy.

There is no facts based argument or significant thought from either of you. Viability is significant because a fetus that is not developed sufficient enough to join the society in which we viable humans live, cannot be murdered by its mother. END2209242242
You just defined it.

Your attempt to focus us on one aspect of the issue while denying the part where we challenge you to a debate regarding ethics, moral's, and uncivilized verse's civilized on the issue, and you won't debate that aspect of it. Why ? Because if you did it would counter your own bull crap, and then make you agree that giving it back to the state's to decide was the right thing for the government to do.

The government is to represent all citizen's, and not just the left and it's whining perpetual petulant bull crap
What is uncivilized about a woman who in private terminates a pregnancy? You don’t know anything about it. No person you know is harmed. There is no uncivilized or effect on civilization one way or the other. That is my answer. We are talking about a pregnant woman making decisions about her own health and well being here. It really has nothing to do with the civilization of mankind in general. No viable person is harmed. END2209240410
You just keep making a fool of yourself. Get help.
Viability is again completely irrelevant.

Your current ability to breathe doesn’t make you alive, it doesn’t make you a human being, and it doesn’t make you a person, either.

Current legal personhood occurs at birth, but current legal personhood is discriminatory bullshit and we can change the fucking law. This stark raving fucktard is basically arguing that the law is correct because it is the law, which doesn’t remotely account for the times and locations where many born humans weren’t given legal personhood.

Moreover, anyone who reads back through the history of this thread - and I would pity any such suffering soul having to read his drivel - can easily notice that this fucktard only started blathering about “viability” once he was backed into a corner over his stupid fucktard lies.
Yep, moving the goal post when caught is a favorite leftist tactic for sure. Done seen it thousands's upon thousands's of times here. He's definitely not unique in doing it, so it's an easily followed pattern.
Science tells us humans are not fully developed until somewhere around age 25-28. Does that somehow justify killing anyone up to age 28 without any need for justification.

What is creepy right down to it's core are the arguments you are making to dehumanize the unborn to justify killing them at will.

Still avoiding the biological concept of viability outside the womb I see.

Viability outside the womb is irrelevant, that is not a requirement for being human.

Yep, moving the goal post when caught is a favorite leftist tactic for sure.

NFBW: One thing to count on always is when viability is referenced the anti-abortion fanatics demand it cannot be used against them. They have no argument without being irrational and lost against it. Why shouid I open with viability when it causes absurdists to flee every time. END2209250852
NFBW: One thing to count on always is when viability is referenced the anti-abortion fanatics demand it cannot be used against them. They have no argument without being irrational and lost against it. Why shouid I open with viability when it causes absurdists to flee every time. END2209250852
Uh try again... ROTFLMBO..... No stop because it's not working.
Uh try again... ROTFLMBO..... No stop because it's not working.
There is no rational reason to care about having lungs with adequate surfactant.

First of all, it is arbitrary - as technology improves, adequacy changes - younger and younger premature infants can survive. Technology is theoretically possible that could make viability before lungs even exist or for the entire duration of the pregnancy.

Second of all, “all men are created equal” and natural human rights do not have any selective, arbitrary standard - just creation. We are created at fertilization, the beginning of our lifespan.

Personhood should not therefore be set at some arbitrary point thereafter. We always have our human rights from creation until death. If we’re just going to set arbitrary standards, then personhood should begin at fertilization and end at death or whenever the former person expresses pro-abortion beliefs. I like that one best if we’re going to be arbitrary and petty as it least it targets a more deserving group - hatemongers instead of the innocent - and not for something outside of their control like their demographics.

Rejecting someone’s bullshit goalpost moving isn’t running away, it’s running at them head on, sword in hand, screaming. And then when they for the thousandth time cannot defend their logical fallacies and won’t stand by them and will just deflect to another, you rhetorically bisect their torso and leave them to bleed out, whilst ignoring their mewling.

They can act like Monty Python’s black knight all they want and claim it’s merely a flesh wound, but it just looks pathetic.
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We are created at fertilization, the beginning of our lifespan.
NFBW: We are not created ‘viable, at fertilization, and from that point forward, in pure biological terms, in order to acquire a lifespan we must spend the first 24 weeks of our lifespan dividing and multiplying cells after the first division by becoming a part of our mother’s biological system.

The interpretation of civil laws regarding rights and lawful status of the developing organism is not provided in nature or answered by science.

I believe it boils down to our ability as viable human beings to rationally decide the legal status of the ‘unviable stage of our lifespan’ to be primarily and steadfastly in favor of rights to the viable woman who is impregnated whether she has become pregnant intentionally or not. END2209250950
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