Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

RFC221113-#5,591 How is it a violation of the right to privacy? Any woman can get an abortion and not tell a soul about it.

NFBW: That is nonsense Ray From Cleveland :

  • 46 states and the District of Columbia require hospitals, facilities and physicians providing abortions to submit regular and confidential reports to the state.
  • 8 states require providers to indicate the method of payment, such as insurance or self-pay, for the procedure.
  • 28 states require providers to report postabortion complications.
  • 16 states require providers to give some information about the patient's reason for seeking the procedure.
    • 10 states ask whether the abortion was performed because of a threat to the patient's health or life.
    • 7 states ask whether the abortion was performed because of rape or incest.
    • 15 states ask whether the abortion was performed because of a diagnosed fetal abnormality.
    • 9 states ask whether the abortion was performed for other reasons (e.g. the patient's economic or familial circumstances).
  • 6 states require providers to report whether the fetus was viable.
  • 14 states require providers to indicate if the state mandates for abortion counseling and parental involvement were satisfied.
    • 9 states require providers to report whether state-mandated counseling was provided.
    • 14 states require providers to report whether state requirements for parental involvement were met.

Brilliant. So why don't we just outlaw all medical procedures under the right to privacy?
RFC221113-#5,592 Ray From Cleveland ”As far as I'm concerned government should not be involved with abortion decisions, but that's contingent on how people of a state decide to vote. It should not be constitutionally protected because what that does is force the people of a state to not have a say-so on the matter. People of a state should be able to write their own laws.”

People of a state are able to write their own laws unless the law infringes upon the natural and inferred rights that individuals are given in the Constitution.

It is actually egregious to see the supreme court decide the states can ban a medical procedure that can prevent pregnant women from harm. No state government is allowed according to the constitution to do harm to an individual unless they are breaking a law.

You are right the government should not be involved in deciding that a woman cannot prevent harm to her body by Forcing her to carry a pregnancy to full-term against her will.


Really? Show me anywhere in the Constitution where it says that.
Because your political party wants the government to put its nose up into every menstruating female uterus to dictate to them what they are to use it for.
Abortion is not a hot issue for me.
However, it does show us that there are heatless inhuman soulless people in our world who should not be breeding.
It is probably good for the human gene pool for soulless people to voluntarily be removing themselves from the gene pool.
Can you imagine how much better humanity would be if Hilter was aborted, or Pelosi, Biden, Obama, Hillary, Bill, Schumer, Fetterman, AOC...........
beagle9221114-#5,609 Finally you've proven here just how stupid you truly are...

NFBW: The only thing proven is you were asked a question that you have refused to answer because the only answer proves you to be a liar and you are wrong. You cannot guarantee in any case that every woman who gets pregnant will suffer zero harm.

Jesus is not fond of liars as he is the embodiment for truth for those who seeketh it. You and TroglocratsRdumb are avoiding truth and therefore pissing Jesus off. Good thing for you two chohorts in lies, there is no hell.

So why did you avoid answering my question in response to your answer that there is absolutely no harm to come to a healthy woman in a healthy pregnancy. What about a woman who has health risks?

Beagle9-#5,595 What exactly does a pregnancy pose as a risk to a woman's health? Absolutely none if both the woman and her developing child are healthy and growing together in Harmony.​
NFBW221113-#5,596 : “Can you guarantee that every woman or girl who gets pregnant and is forced by the government and white Trump worshipping Christians to carry an unwanted pregnancy full term, is at zero risk of harm including risk of death?”

NFBW: We all know you cannot guarantee any such thing so you wallow in the Trump hate slop swamp with your fellow hate-monger TroglocratsRdumb who decides who are Christians and who are not even though he himself said he is opposed to abortion bans.

TGLRD190721-#71 TroglocratsRdumb “Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party.”​
NFBW221114-#5,598 : FYI Pro-Choice Christians, both Catholics Protestants of all colors and sexual orientations are not only welcome in the Democratic Party, they make up the majority of its members which includes all the Presidents since the first Catholic was elected President in 1960.​
TGLRD220920-#26 @TroglocratsRdumb “I am against Abortion Bans.”​
NFBW: Do you see the way Ray From Cleveland how the white Christian dictate that the state ban the medical procedure of abortion produces undesired physical emotional and financial harm to every woman who chooses not to accept the risk of carrying an unwanted pregnancy to full term?

And that government harm to women is pushed by authoritarian do-gooders immersed in Trumpism who control the destiny of the Republican Party. Tulsi Gabbard cannot save your Republican Party from the 30 million beagle9 ’s that will decide it’s fate. The Beagle9’s are old white and dying off with no GenX Y or Z multicultural accepting voting population to replace them.

And he moves the goal post again... LOL

I'm tired of making touch downs, and running up the score on you.
" Us Political Clown Show Stupor In Basic Understanding For Civics And Political Science "

* No Pity For Pathetic Incompetence Of Arrogant Justices Exercising Mental Retardation *

The problem in our country is we allowed leftist judges to insert things in the Constitution that were never there. You can't make something protected by the Constitution simply because by not being protected you believe it will lead to all kinds of terrible things. There are people that believe abortion is the most terrible thing we can do. But unless you write a constitutional amendment, the Constitution does not prohibit abortions either.
The dobbs decision is sedition against us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments .

The only thing inserted into the constitution a failed understanding that a state interest is prohibited in protecting a wright to life of a zygote , or embryo , or fetus which has not met a birth requirement to receive it .

The roe v wade decision and majority opinion of blackmun was related by the statement , " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest ... not ... prior to live birth . " , where in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen natural viability was substitute , based on an ability to survive an imminent birth that was referred to as a " potential life " .

On behalf or anti-choice traitors , all eat toe dealt the sedition of a dumbfounded dobbs decision to the pro-choice leadership , its administrators , its political advocates , its fee press and jurisprudence at large , as a severe scolding for its ridiculous incompetence .

Below are the words of a constitutional degenerate and traitor to us republic credo of e pluribus unum !

Why would any need to explain a " Logically , of course " statement to a supreme court justice ?

Under this scheme, each trimester of pregnancy was regulated differently, but the most critical line was drawn at roughly the end oft he second trimester, which, at the time, corresponded to the point at which a fetus was thought to achieve “viability,” ic., the ability to survive outside the womb. Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on previability abortions. The Court did not explain the basis for this line, and even abortion supporters have found it hard to defend Roe's reasoning. One prominent constitutional scholar wrote that he “would vote for a statute very much like the one the Court endfed) up drafting”if he were “a legislator,” but his assessment of Roe was memorable and brutal: Roe was “not constitutional law” at all and gave almost no sense of an obligation to try to be.”
" What Useful Experience Is "

* Standard Mantra For Political Adversaries Add Resonance For Volume *

The _____ Party is based on hate .
That is why the _____ Party is full of hate groups .
The ______ Party lies about everything all of the time .
The _____ Party is a dangerous totalitarian cult .
You are one of their obedient delusional members .

* Entropy Rates Bemoaning Life Duration Travails *

Why would anyone on a left or a right have reason to exemplify crass inhumanity ?

In the opinion of a republican for a republic with a credo of e pluribus unum , whom espouses independence as individualism , through an equal protection of negative liberties , pro choice includes public choice for capital punishment as well as public choice for abortion .

A state interest is not concerned with when biological life begins , or whether biological life exists at all in the case of a death sentence as capital punishment , rather a state interest is concerned with whether a wright to life exists .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protections with a citizen and " Logically , of course , ... " a state interest is prohibited in protecting a wright to life of a zef which has not met a birth requirement to receive it .

Any sentenced to death as capital punishment has had its wright to life removed , albeit by due process , albeit with a contingency of double meaning from equitable doctrine that by removing a wright to life of another one removes their own wright to life .
Back in the day people had enough sense to know that if a person murdered a pregnant woman, the that person is charged with two deaths not one. What you all are trying to say is that in a case where a woman doesn't want her baby, then the above reasoning changes. So a murderer can't kill the mother and her unborn baby without being charged also for the killing of her baby, but the mother can kill the baby by way of her given reasoning, and this regardless of what that reasoning is yet this is somehow correct ????

Something is very twisted in the logic found in this stuff, otherwise it doesn't make sense, because the unborn baby is being killed in both cases.

You all can't get beyond that no matter how hard you try.

Ok, for all women that were brainwashed to believe that it was ok to abort their babies based on whatever reasoning given, I say that they are immune to prosecution because it was sanctioned by the state as being a legal thing to get an abortion, but if laws are changed then it would be best that abortion's aren't to be something that is used for birth control or abortion's aren't taking place because a woman wants to get pregnant, and then she has a thought come over her that if she has that baby, then her selfish lifestyle just might be ruined.

No self respecting doctor or nurse should ever seek employment at a place that violates their oath that tells them to help sustain life not kill it.
Really? Show me anywhere in the Constitution where it says that.

NFBW: The entire Constitution says that. It says the law abiding citizen is sovereign over his or her own personal liberty. That applies to pregnant women as well.

The constitution is intentionally flexible in general. It offers a concrete set of core values to help guide any proposed changes or interpretations. The goal is to offer citizens of the United States safety, to protect their rights, and to ensure any one entity doesn’t control the government at any time.​
RFC221114-#5,619 “The problem in our country is we allowed leftist judges to insert things in the Constitution that were never there.

NFBW: That is blatantly false.

The reality is that in 1973, Roe vs. Wade was decided by a Court that was comprised of a majority of justices who were nominated by Republican presidents.
The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:​
  • Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)
  • Warren Burger (Nixon, R)
  • William Douglas (FDR, D)
  • William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)
  • Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)
  • Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)
  • Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)
Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:​
  • Byron White (Kennedy, D)
  • William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)
Nixon nominated four justices. Three concurred on Roe vs. Wade— arguably a decisive factor in the outcome of the case.​
The bottom line is that Democratic presidents did not nominate the Supreme Court that produced the Roe vs. Wadeoutcome that many evangelical Christians believe a Trump/Republican presidency will reverse.​
Reality: A Supreme Court dominated by Republican-nominated justices produced Roe vs. Wade.​
NFBW: You can quit your lie anytime Ray From Cleveland

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APM220703-#15 airplanemechanic "Being for the security of a whores womb, the right of a woman to conceive and abort babies shall not be infringed." When you see that amendment, call me. Then you'll have a right to kill your baby.

APM220502-#2 airplanemechanic “Thank God. Nowhere in the constitution does it make abortion legal. This should be up to the states.”

NFBW: Why did you thank God airplanemechanic for the Dobbs decision If every woman is a whore who conceives and aborts her baby in Mississippi, why is she not a whore if she had a legal abortion in Michigan where the voters decided 2 to 1 that a woman’s right to be a whore, conceive a baby and then kill it, is a constitutional right?

RFC221114-#97 Ray From Cleveland it's a states right issue as it should be.

NFBW: IF Alito and Thomas and Ray From Cleveland are correct that legal abortion is up to the voters to be decided in each state then there is no baby being killed by whores when they get an abortion as airplanemechanic insists. That means Dobbs did nothing to protect every whore’s baby?

Dobbs has fucked up the Republican Party by exposing that white male Republicans favor taking away the reproductive rights of women and backlash against a white male dominated political party by women two to one in favor of freedom does not bode well for a Party that Trump has decided to continue driving it into the ground.

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Flash said: That is great news if true.

Dragonlady229502-#11 “For whom. Not for women who depend on these rights. “

This will be the end of Republicans. Women will NOT stand for this and there are 8 million more women voters than men.

Remember how pissed off women were when Trump was elected? This will be puppy shit in comparison. Kiss all chance of a win at the mid-terms goodbye.

Nostra220502-#3 Nostra Can't wait to watch heads explode (and not babies) if this comes to fruition.

Nostra220502-#12 For some unknown reason you think all women support killing babies. They don't , Dumbass.

NFBW: The Catholic Church Dobbs decision will be regarded as the moment that the white male anti-abortion Christian dominated Republican Party began to suffocate and die under the weight of being vehemently opposed to all the ‘viable’ humans who want to keep their fundamental and basic individual human rights and not be subjected to white male authoritarian lawless rule as exemplified during the reign of the cult master Donald J Trump.

It’s great to be a real person and a true law and Constitution abiding American of any religion culture sex and race these days.

Trump and Alito and Thomas have killed 240 years of white Christian dominance in America since Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison liberated the minds and consciences of all people created equal were given freedom of and from religion. The new order was designed and granted to all who followed those great partially woke founding fathers.

White Republican males will have no cudgel like the word “abortion” and “baby killer” that can be used politically to achieve other corrupt abusive and terrible fiscal policy ends through a major political party that really only had power through its alleged White American Christian moral and patriotic superiority by demonizing women being free to control their own bodies.

Huge mistake here from pro choice white male Republican Ray I From Cleveland has been made for decades

RFC2212-#5,573 It is none of my business what a person does because personal decisions are just that--personal.

RFC2212-#5,573 However I support the Roe ruling because abortion is not constitutionally protected.

END2211160557 Carmel
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beagle9221115-#5,628 .. the unborn baby is being killed in both cases. You all can't get beyond that no matter how hard you try.

NFBW: The unborn baby has a right to life only through its mother’s individual natural right to life when the fetus by natural biological necessity is part of its mother.

A complete stranger or estranged partner or a person in a relationship with a pregnant woman has no right to terminate or cause harm to the woman or to the fetus/potential human being inside her.

The potential mother however has a different relationship and concern with regard to the fetus than does the stranger.

It is part of her body which as an individual in a free society she is sovereign over what is to be done with a potential new life. A pregnant women according to the Constitution has sovereignty over her body at all times. It is not lost in any way shape or form when woman, for any reason, becomes impregnated by a man.

You all can't get beyond that no matter how hard you try to push your peculiar Jesus beliefs on everyone else.

END2211160759 Carmel by the Sea
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RFC221115-#102 Ray From Cleveland If you want abortion constitutionally protected then you need to petition your representatives to create a constitutional amendment and see if they can get it passed.

A women’s right to control her body is originally constitutionally protected. What is not constitutionally protected is the rights of the unborn. You have its assbackwards Ray From Cleveland - if you want to ban the medical procedure of abortion that protects the not viable life of a new person from the moment of conception - you need to petition your representatives to create a constitutional amendment and see if they can get it passed.

B. Kidd221115-#33 B. Kidd It's regional Slavic vs. Slavic bloodletting. The U.S. has no reason to be involved.

B. Kidd221019-#7 B. Kidd “Dimm's have paid for over $100+ million in campaign abortion ads. Yet, abortion does not even fall in the top 3 issues of independent women voters!! How stupid is this??

NFBW: Have you assessed the TrumpRepub political shellacking in the mid-terms that you got for rallying behind the Republican white Christian male ‘domination of women anti-abortion policy’ that 2 out of 3 voting women were pissed off about?

And when you combine that political suicide against freedom of choice with pro-Putin foreign policy on Ukraine against the defense of democratic nations in favor of an authoritarian dictator flailing about in an attempt to seize EUROPEAN land by ethnic cleansing an entire nation of white Christian’s, it’s no wonder your only explanation can be is that the mid-term elections were stolen from you as well.

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B. Kidd221115-#33 B. Kidd It's regional Slavic vs. Slavic bloodletting. The U.S. has no reason to be involved.

B. Kidd221019-#7 B. Kidd “Dimm's have paid for over $100+ million in campaign abortion ads. Yet, abortion does not even fall in the top 3 issues of independent women voters!! How stupid is this??

NFBW: Have you assessed the TrumpRepub political shellacking in the mid-terms that you got for rallying behind the Republican white Christian male ‘domination of women anti-abortion policy’ that 2 out of 3 voting women were pissed off about?

And when you combine that political suicide against freedom of choice with pro-Putin foreign policy on Ukraine against the defense of democratic nations in favor of an authoritarian dictator flailing about in an attempt to seize EUROPEAN land by ethnic cleansing an entire nation of white Christian’s, it’s no wonder your only explanation can be is that the mid-term elections were stolen from you as well.


I underestimated that when it comes to the typical American woman voter, 'that hell hath no fury like a pussy scorned!'.

So what?
B. Kidd221115-#33 B. Kidd It's regional Slavic vs. Slavic bloodletting. The U.S. has no reason to be involved.

B. Kidd221019-#7 B. Kidd “Dimm's have paid for over $100+ million in campaign abortion ads. Yet, abortion does not even fall in the top 3 issues of independent women voters!! How stupid is this??

NFBW: Have you assessed the TrumpRepub political shellacking in the mid-terms that you got for rallying behind the Republican white Christian male ‘domination of women anti-abortion policy’ that 2 out of 3 voting women were pissed off about?

And when you combine that political suicide against freedom of choice with pro-Putin foreign policy on Ukraine against the defense of democratic nations in favor of an authoritarian dictator flailing about in an attempt to seize EUROPEAN land by ethnic cleansing an entire nation of white Christian’s, it’s no wonder your only explanation can be is that the mid-term elections were stolen from you as well.

Hell is going to be hot boy, so be ready when you find yourself begging and pleading to God to spare you from the hell fire. Your wicked wisdom won't work when you finally meet the maker/creator, so keep practicing your bull crap if you want, and this no matter how fruitless a task it will be. Oh and listen closely, NO ONE IS LISTENING TO YOUR RAMBLINGS, SO SAVE YOURSELF THE THOUGHTS THAT YOU ARE SOMEHOW INFORMING THE PUBLIC AND SAVING THEM, BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE LOST SOUL YOURSELF THAT NEEDS HELP.
B. Kidd221116-#5,635 “I underestimated that when it comes to the typical American woman voter, 'that hell hath no fury like a pussy scorned!'. So what?”

NFBW: So what are you going to do B. Kidd when the Republican Party continues on it’s death spiral that DJT put it on by alienating 2 out of 3 women of all age groups as well as young voters at the same ratio which includes young white males who actually respect women, as Rightwing pundit here Ray From Cleveland confirmed?

RFC221112-#50 “Sure. The Democrats got 63% of the vote of young voters over the 35% Republicans got. Almost a two-to-one ratio. Young voters considered to be 30 and under, the prime age for people repaying college loans.​

B. Kidd221116-#5,635 “I underestimated that when it comes to the typical American woman voter, 'that hell hath no fury like a pussy scorned!'. So what?”

NFBW: So what are you going to do B. Kidd when the Republican Party continues on it’s death spiral that DJT put it on by alienating 2 out of 3 women of all age groups as well as young voters at the same ratio which includes young white males who actually respect women, as Rightwing pundit here Ray From Cleveland confirmed?

RFC221112-#50 “Sure. The Democrats got 63% of the vote of young voters over the 35% Republicans got. Almost a two-to-one ratio. Young voters considered to be 30 and under, the prime age for people repaying college loans.​

The young voter's of today (not all, but the one's you aspire too), are undoubtedly some of the most uneducated brainwashed minion's on this planet. The good Lord might have mercy upon them because they surely no not what they do. But for you it will be a whole different story come time for the judgement, so be ready boy to own up to your choices made in life. Best to just repent and change your ways, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
The young voter's of today (not all, but the one's you aspire too), are undoubtedly some of the most uneducated brainwashed minion's on this planet. The good Lord might have mercy upon them because they surely no not what they do. But for you it will be a whole different story come time for the judgement, so be ready boy to own up to your choices made in life. Best to just repent and change your ways, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

The young'un's are still waiting for their student debt payoff.
Meantime, come Jan. 1st, they'll all be in default as Covid Grace period falls by the wayside!

Merry XMAS college urchins, and have a very happy NEW YEAR!! :smoke::icon_rolleyes::laughing0301::love_ya4:
" Us Political Clown Show Stupor In Basic Understanding For Civics And Political Science "

* No Pity For Pathetic Incompetence Of Arrogant Justices Exercising Mental Retardation *

The dobbs decision is sedition against us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments .

The only thing inserted into the constitution a failed understanding that a state interest is prohibited in protecting a wright to life of a zygote , or embryo , or fetus which has not met a birth requirement to receive it .

The roe v wade decision and majority opinion of blackmun was related by the statement , " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest ... not ... prior to live birth . " , where in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen natural viability was substitute , based on an ability to survive an imminent birth that was referred to as a " potential life " .

On behalf or anti-choice traitors , all eat toe dealt the sedition of a dumbfounded dobbs decision to the pro-choice leadership , its administrators , its political advocates , its fee press and jurisprudence at large , as a severe scolding for its ridiculous incompetence .

Below are the words of a constitutional degenerate and traitor to us republic credo of e pluribus unum !

Why would any need to explain a " Logically , of course " statement to a supreme court justice ?

Under this scheme, each trimester of pregnancy was regulated differently, but the most critical line was drawn at roughly the end oft he second trimester, which, at the time, corresponded to the point at which a fetus was thought to achieve “viability,” ic., the ability to survive outside the womb. Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on previability abortions. The Court did not explain the basis for this line, and even abortion supporters have found it hard to defend Roe's reasoning. One prominent constitutional scholar wrote that he “would vote for a statute very much like the one the Court endfed) up drafting”if he were “a legislator,” but his assessment of Roe was memorable and brutal: Roe was “not constitutional law” at all and gave almost no sense of an obligation to try to be.”
I don't recall seeing the words "fetus which has not met a birth requirement" in the Constitution. What article of the Constitution did you see those words in?

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