Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Your beef is with SCOTUS and state legislators, bro.
NFBW: No my beef is against religious fakirs who support states passing laws that restrict the fundament individual right of women who want them preserved and not taken away - and that be you .

Thats one of several boilerplates you bring out while lacing up your sneakers getting resdy to run away because you can’t tell us where you and @beagle and @CarsoHeyNorm get the authority to speak for the unborn individuals who are using a pregnant woman’s body for nine months to survive? Where hotshot where?

NFBW: No my beef is against religious fakirs who support states passing laws that restrict the fundament individual right of women who want them preserved and not taken away - and that be you .

Thats one of several boilerplates you bring out while lacing up your sneakers getting resdy to run away because you can’t tell us where you and @beagle and @CarsoHeyNorm get the authority to speak for the unborn individuals who are using a pregnant woman’s body for nine months to survive? Where hotshot where?

That’s up to each state to decide. That is reality.
no my beef is with you. SCOTUS IS NIT HERE You are.
But you are arguing that abortion is a constitutional right. SCOTUS ruled that it’s not. So your beef is with them. I on the other hand don’t need to argue that abortion isn’t a right because that is reality.
But you are arguing that abortion is a constitutional right. SCOTUS ruled that it’s not. So your beef is with them. I on the other hand don’t need to argue that abortion isn’t a right because that is reality.
Indeed. They are arguing from a paradigm that is dead and buried.

Roe was insupportable, unsustainable nonsense and now it's gone and good riddance. The feds have no jurisdiction to set the criminal code for the states, only for federal territory.

The feds should immediately ban abortion on all military bases and in Washington DC, etc, but they have no say over what Texas or Florida etc does. The 10th Amendment was never repealed... as much as these lefttards like to pretend it was.
But you are arguing that abortion is a constitutional right.

NFBW: No I’m not Pay attention It’s not a states rights issue based on something not addressed in the Constitution that should be settled by majority rule.

NFBW: No I’m not Pay attention It’s not a states rights issue based on something not addressed in the Constitution that should be settled by majority rule.

So you are arguing abortion isn’t a constitutional right?
I’m stating reality. You are having a fit.
NFBE: Then tell me the reality of the authority that you have been given to speak for the unborn full well knowing that the unborn who are using another persons body in the present moment have no way to communicate with you in the reality of the physical universe.

And then you can tell me about the reality of the harm that comes to you or society if a woman in private aborts the other person who is using her body to survive long enough to complete its gestation or fetal stage of being human and alive .. you too HeyNorm

NFBE: Then tell me the reality of the authority that you have been given to speak for the unborn full well knowing that the unborn who are using another persons body in the present moment have no way to communicate with you in the reality of the physical universe.

And then you can tell me about the reality of the harm that comes to you or society if a woman in private aborts the other person who is using her body to survive long enough to complete its gestation or fetal stage of being human and alive .. you too HeyNorm

The authority rests with the states.
The authority rests with the states.
Yup, 10th Amendment.

The Constitution is silent on this topic, Congress has no authority to set the criminal code for non-federal jurisdictions.

And again this fucking **** is talking about the harm done to "society" when an innocent human being is killed... it's like... you dipshit - who gives a fuck about "society?" Especially any concept of "society" he wants - such monstrous "societies" should be burned to the ground.

Criminal law isn't based on the harm violence does to "society" at large it is about the aggressive violation of individual human rights, as occurs in every needless and intentional homicide. The individual human being is killed in violation of his or her human right to life and their murderer should go to prison until their death - that is about justice for the victim's sake, and prevention of harm to future victims.
So you are arguing abortion isn’t a constitutional right?
NFBW: It’s a natural human right and an inferred Constitutional right to privacy and equal protection because of the situation that exists between two competing individuals and their fundamental rights.

As in Jewish religion the granted human right defers to the most viable person in this case to the pregnant woman. It’s her body it’s her decision not the state of Mississippi? END2211301054
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NFBW Are you using a pregnant woman’s body, right now as you rant and rage, in order to be alive?

If not where do you and @beagle and ding and HeyNorm get the authority to speak for the unborn individuals who are using a pregnant woman’s body fur nine months to survive? Where hotshot where?


The defense of the defenseless is noble, each and every time.

The attack on the defenseless is evil, each and every time.

A society that embraces the above is called civilized
"On what authority do you speak for the unborn?" this fucking insane dumpster fire asks...

Do I have (or need) special "authority to speak for" all the other humans I assume don't want to be murdered, who I would also like protected against needless violence? And who, if they were murdered, I would likewise want their murderer prosecuted and put in a prison cell until they die? Because I want laws against murder - I do, I know, I'm weird that way. But I didn't ask every random human if they wanted to get shot in the face before just assuming we needed laws against shooting them in their faces... maybe I need to get special "authority" first.

Unless this retarded **** says all murder laws are inappropriate, he hasn't a leg to stand on, and if he did, he would at least be consistent, if vile and insane.
The authority rests with the states.
On what authority does the government speak for the unborn while they are using another person body to exist at all? It’s not granted in the Constitution right?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

The unborn are not born the last heard.

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